Guardian War Cheat Codes (for 3DO)

final kaoss

Staff member
  • Debug Menu
While playing, hold Left Shift + Right Shift + C and let go. Then press Up, Down, Left, Right while the screen is paused. A japanese debug menu will appear from which you can become invincible, increase your strength, warp to a store that sells everything, etc. Here's an english translation courtesy of Chris Warren.

Load Game - load a saved game or start a new one.
Equip: examine and equip characters, similar to the Equipment option on the regular menu.
Gems = 10000: increases your gem total by 10000. Can be used repeatedly to give yourself loads of dough.
No Battles: prevents enimies from attacking you, although you can't attack them either. Can be toggled on and off.
Coordinates: shows you X and Y coordinates of your location when in a location, and also your "coordinates on the main map. Can be toggled on and off.
Free Movement: You can walk to (almost) any location on the map without clearing previous locations of enimies. Can be toggled on and off.
All Attacks: You can use all weapon and magic attacks during battle by choosing from a massive menu. Can be toggled on and off.
God Mode: You don't lose any HP or MP during battle. Can be toggled on or off.
Map Detail: Gives you a mind-numbing amount of detail when examining the map of a location.
No enemies or treasure boxes.
???: Unknown
Basic+1: Increases the basic level of the currently selected Golem by 1.
Class+1: Increases the class level of the currently selected body or sub-body by 1. | [Sent by Syndish]
  • Kill All Enemies In A Level At Once
a) First go to the Japanese debug menu as submitted by Chris Warren.

b) Select items 5-10 and highlight them all at once by scrolling down and clicking the A button.

c) Then press B. You will then have no enemies left in that level and can proceed to the next level. | [Sent by Syndish]
  • More Weapons
a)First go to the Japanese debug menu as submitted by Chris Warren.

b)Select item 3 that says SHOP and click on the A button. This will take you to the shop where you can get as many weapons as you want.

Hint: Using a Bell of Love on a Skeleton, Worm or a Kobold will convert them to your side. | [Sent by Syndish]
  • Use A Weapon You Don't Have
a)First go to the Japanese debug menu as submitted by Chris Warren.

b)Select items 5-9 and highlight them all at once by scrolling down and clicking the A button.

c)Then press B. A new window will open showing you all the weapons in the game. Select the weapon you want to use by pressing A and then Press A again. As long as you are in range, you can use this new weapon. | [Sent by Syndish]
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