Final Fantasy 11

final kaoss

Staff member


You are able to expand the use of character emotion command by using /emote command.

Example :: If the character name is Taru-kun
In the text input window type in /emote is very sleepy.
It will show in the log window Taru-kun is very sleepy

Emotions commands, known to online communities as "emotes," are simple commands that have in-game effects. Typing them in will make your character "emote" the emotion, usually with a simple accompanying animation. The following is a list of the currently confirmed emotes in Final Fantasy XI.

/bow: Bow politely to another player.
/point: Point at another player -- "I choose you!"
/salute: Salute a superior or other figure of respect.
/kneel: Kneel before Zod!
/laugh: If someone cracks a good joke, reply appropriately.
/cry: Weep over some tragic occurrence.
/no: Shake your head negatively.
/nod, /yes: Nod your head positively.
/wave: Wave in acknowledgement.
/farewell, /goodbye: Wave goodbye.
/welcome: Greet an acquaintance.
/joy: Jump for joy, or otherwise express happiness.
/cheer: Root for the home team.
/clap: Put your hands together.
/praise: Give someone some positive reinforcement.
/smile: Hey, there's facial animation.
/poke: Get someone's attention, or maybe pick a fight.
/slap: Definitely pick a fight.
/stagger: "He will stagger and babble when questioned!"
/sigh: Sadness, regret, disappointment, u-pick-'em.
/comfort: Comfort someone in need.
/surprised: Express, well, surprise.
/amaze: See above, except it's amazement.
/stare: Give someone the evil eye.
/blush: Hey, no flirting in public!
/angry: Spread a little negativity around.
/disgusted, /upset: Spread some more.
/muted: Purse your lips in silence.
/doze: Stretch and catch some winks.
/panic: Run around like a headless chicken.
/grin: And the Lord did grin...
/dance: Boogie down!
/think: Put on your thinking cap.
/fume: Exude exasperation.
/doubt: "No, I don't think so."
/sulk: Sit in the corner and be petulant.

Grass Cloth​

Synthesis Yagudo Necklace with a Wind Crystal. This will get you three spools of Grass Thread. Synthesis them with Earth Crystal to get Grass Cloth.
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