Devil's Crush Cheat Codes (for Turbografx)

final kaoss

Staff member
  • 100,000,000 points
Get the face to the last stage with your bonus tip points between 60 and 69, and have the bonus multiplier at 9. | [Sent by Neto]
  • 2,000,000 points
Send the ball into the crown without touching the slime roulette when putting it into play. | [Sent by Neto]
  • Blue ball
Complete any bonus stage. | [Sent by Neto]
  • Extra balls
Enter NAXATSOFT1 as a password. | [Sent by Neto]

  • Pink ball
Send ball through a tower after destroying all except one of the tower guards | [Sent by Neto]
  • Sound mode
Pause game play, then press Up, Right, Down. | [Sent by Neto]
  • Sound test
Press Run, Select during game play to display the high score screen, then press Up, Down, Left, Right, I. Use I and II to play and stop the sound selections. | [Sent by Neto]
  • Two player mode
Enter AAAAAAAAAAAAAAABCE as a password to give player one an unlimited number of balls and player two 32 balls. | [Sent by Neto]
  • Unlimited balls
Enter AAAAAAHAAA or PPPPPPPPPA as a password. | [Sent by Neto]
  • View ending sequence
Enter DAVIDWHITE, FFFFFFFEEE, or THECRUSHEL as a password. | [Sent by Neto]
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