Desperate appeal for help!

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Vgcheat Member
Hey guys, I'll try to keep this short. I can't figure out for the world of me what I'm doing wrong.

I have a version "1" NTSC Dreamcast built in June of 2000. It plays PSO and all my other games perfectly. It also plays burned CDR audio CDs. However, I am trying to play the "DC Talk" version of PAL PSO v2 and I can't get it to work.

Here's what I've done:
I downloaded the .cdi image from the site here. Following all the instructions, I burned it at 1x with DiscJuggler, and it won't read in my Dreamcast. I tried converting it to a .nrg file and burning it again with Nero, same thing. I tried downloading the Utopia boot disc .cdi and burning that, hoping the boot disc would get the game to boot, but the boot disc won't boot in my Dreamcast either.

I've been reading guides and FAQs all day and trying different things, but I can't get my Dreamcast to recognize any of the discs I make. I've tried 2 different brands of CD-Rs as well.

Do you guys have any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

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