CWcheat for Avatar: last airbender [ULES-00633]

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final kaoss

Staff member
_S ULES-00633
_G Avatar: The Legend of Aang
_C0 Aang HP/MP
_N Inf HP
_L 0x00580704 0x000000FF
_N Inf MP
_L 0x00580708 0x000000FF
_C0 Sokka HP/MP
_N Inf HP
_L 0x00580B84 0x000000FF
_N Inf MP
_L 0x00580B88 0x000000FF
_C0 Katara HP/MP
_N Inf HP
_L 0x00580944 0x000000FF
_N Inf MP
_L 0x00580948 0x000000FF
_C0 Haru HP/MP
_N Inf HP
_L 0x00580DC4 0x000000FF
_N Inf MP
_L 0x00580DC8 0x000000FF
_C0 Aang Stats
_N Power
_L 0x1058076C 0x0000FFFF
_N Mind
_L 0x10580770 0x0000FFFF
_N Vitality
_L 0x10580774 0x0000FFFF
_N StatPoint
_L 0x005808C8 0x000000FF
_C0 Sokka Stats
_N Power
_L 0x10580BEC 0x0000FFFF
_N Mind
_L 0x10580BF0 0x0000FFFF
_N Vitality
_L 0x10580BF4 0x0000FFFF
_N StatPoint
_L 0x00580D48 0x000000FF
_C0 Katara Stats
_N StatPoint
_L 0x00580B08 0x000000FF
_N Power
_L 0x005809AC 0x00000063
_N Mind
_L 0x005809B0 0x00000063
_N Vitality
_L 0x005809B4 0x00000063
_C0 Haru Stats
_N Power
_L 0x00580E2C 0x00000063
_N Mind
_L 0x00580E30 0x00000063
_N Vitality
_L 0x00580E34 0x00000063
_N StatPoint
_L 0x00580F88 0x000000FF
_C0 Skill Bar
_N Skill Bar
_L 0x2057D348 0x42C80000
_C0 Misc Codes
_N SkillPoint
_L 0x2057D344 0x000FFFFF
_N Inf Gold
_L 0x2057D340 0x00FFFFFF
_N Buy 99 (Whenever u wanna buy an item, this code will change the number of items u wan to 99 for easy buying)
_L 0x007B8404 0x00000063
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