Cliffhanger game genie codes (for NES)

the place for the Nintendo Entertainment System or NES Game Genie and Pro Action Replay codes! (some codes are official and others are unofficial)

final kaoss

Staff member

PASGVGLA Start with 2 lives
IASGVGLA Start with 6 lives
YASGVGLA Start with 8 lives
PASGVGLE Start with 10 lives
SXEKKSVK Infinite lives
SZVPOKVK Protection from most hits
PAKGUGLA Start with 1 continue
IAKGUGLA Start with 5 continues
YAKGUGLA Start with 7 continues
PAKGUGLE Start with 9 continues
ULOTSYTN Infinite continues
SUNPXXSO Don't burn money at campfire
AXOKNGAP Start with 2x life (does not show on meter)
AEOKNGAO Start with 1/2 life
VTVKVKSE Start with $100
VTVKUKSE Start with $10,000
VGVKUKSE Start with $650,000 (display shows $xx0000 until you pick up
first money bag)
YONKKXAP Some bags contain mega-money, some contain no money
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