Batman: Return of the Joker Instruction Manual (for NES)

Instruction Manuals for the NES

final kaoss

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Batman: Return of the Joker

Sunsoft(r) for the Nintendo Entertaiment System(r)

Batman(tm) - Return of the Joker(tm)

Instruction manual


Game overview

Batman(tm) Return of The Joker(tm) is a one-player game with multi-directional
scrolling capability. It consists of seven stages - each containing sublevels.
The main objective of the game is to eliminate the henchmen or obstacles that
block the pathway forward which leads to The Joker's hideaway. During your
course you must pick up weapons and energy capsules which will help boost your
offensive and defensive power. At the end of each stage (with the exception of
stages two and five) the player must confront one of the many bosses. Each
boss must be defeated before the player can move on to the next stage of game


Game Story

Precious metals are mysteriously missing from Gotham City(tm) mines. One of
these metals has a highly toxic composition which is used to build explosives
for missiles. Gotham City police have exhausted their resources and
frantically call to Batman for help. He knows this scheme can only be the
insane workings of one criminal mastermind... The Joker(tm) has returned!

Batman must follow the trail leading to the location of The Joker's secret
hideaway before it's too late. It won't be easy though. The Caped Crusader(tm)
must use his new arsenal of weapons to foil The Joker's evil henchmen and
rely on his acrobatic strength and wit to overcome the obstacles that block
his way.

Gotham City is relying on you to stop the Return of The Joker!


Play Control Operation

A-Button: Press to jump
D-Button Down + A-Button: Press to slide
B-Button: Press to use wrist projector
Down: Duck
Up: Aim weapon upwards
Left: Move Batman left
Right: Move Batman right
Start Button: Press to start game play
Press to pause game play
Password will appear on the pause screen.


Attack Methods

1) Slide Attack
Pressing both the D-Button downwards and the A-Button simultaneously will
cause Batman to slide in the direction he is facing. Only certain enemies
can be destroyed by this attack.

2) Basic Attack
Batman is equipped with a wrist projector which will fire different
ammunition at the enemy when the B-Button is pressed. Each ammunition can
be powered up by holding the B-Button down for a short period of time. Then
let go of the button to fire. This weapon power-up produces a more powerful

Note: Batman's starting weapon cannot be powered up.
Power-up does not work with turbo joystick on turbo.


Wrist Projector Ammunition

C - Cross Bow
Blasts out a powerful arrow. When this hits the enemy it will explode.

B - Batarang(tm)
Standard boomerang-style weapon which automatically chases the enemy.

N - Sonic Neutralizer
Shoots two sets of Batarangs in a criss-cross pattern.

S - Shield Star
Throws a star-shaped dart in three directions.

Backpack Energy Capsule
Collect eight of these for invincible energy. By collecting eight of the
energy capsules Batman will become invincible to any enemy. This is indicated
when Batman's costume becomes a bright gold color. However, his invincibility
only lasts a few moments.

Backpack Super Power Up
Once you have collected the eight energy capsules, hold down the B-Button for
a period of time. Batman will turn white and laser lights will explode and
destroy all the enemies on the screen. This "Super Power Up" only lasts a
second and will use up all of the eight energy capsules.

Backpack Energy Capsules
Each power capsule collected equals one increment on your screen. When eight
capsules are collected Batman will turn invincible for a few moments. When he
returns to normal the guage will be empty and you must collect more power
capsules to fill it up again.


Boss Stages

After successfully completing a level, Batman will be challenged by one of
The Joker's many bosses or evil inventions. During the boss stage you can
determine how much power Batman or the boss has remaining by reading the life
meter of each character indicated at the bottom of the screen. The life gauge
is measured by numbers. The bosses become increasingly difficult as you
progress through the levels. The more difficult a boss is to destroy the
higher the number in his life gauge. When the life gauge reaches zero, the
character is defeated.


Password Screen

1) View the password
Each level has a corresponding password. Before you stop playing, check the
password by pressing the Start Button. You must check the password during game
play because it will not be shown once the game is over. The password for the
level in which you are playing will appear on the screen. Write it down so
that you can insert it the next time you want to resume game play. You will
begin at the level you left off.

2) Insert the password
At the beginning of your next game, select the password screen by hitting the
Start Button. Insert the password by using the D-Button up or down to select
letters and left or right to move the cursor. Once the password is inserted,
you can start game play by pressing either the A, B, or Start Buttons.

Note: You will resume play at the very beginning of the level where you left
off. You cannot resume play at a boss level. You must play through the entire


Continue Screen

Batman has three power lives. When all three power lives are lost the game is
over. At the end of each game, you will have nine seconds to choose to
continue your game. If you choose to continue game play, press the start
button and you will resume at the very beginning of the level where you left
off. If you do not want to continue playing, you can start where you left off
by inserting the password the next time you play. You can continue as many
times as you want.

Life Increments

Batman has three power lives. When Batman is injured, increments are lost.
When all increments are gone, one power life is lost. When all three power
lives are lost, the game is over.

To view the number of lives remaining, hit the Pause button. The screen will
tell you how many are left in the game.


Stages of Game Play

Stage 1 - Gotham City Cathedral
1-1 Cathedral
1-2 City Rooftops
BOSS: Ace Ranger

Stage 2 - The Joker's warehouse
2-1 Assembly Line
2-2 Weapons Plant

Stage 3 - Snow mountain
3-1 Ice Valley
3-2 Excavation Mine
BOSS: Minedroid

Stage 4 - Refinery
4-1 Weapons Express
4-2 Assembly Plant
BOSS: Master C.P.U.

Stage 5 - Underground conduit
5-1 Sewer System
5-2 Deserted Tunnel

Stage 6 - Ammunition base
6-1 Missile Silo
6-2 Tank #329
BOSS: The Joker

Stage 7 - Island of Ha-hacienda(tm)
7-1 Tiki Jungle
BOSS: Final Battle?
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