A Virus Named TOM

Cheats & Cheat Codes for pc games. This includes games on PC, Linux & Mac.

final kaoss

Staff member

Easy "Air Raid" Achievement​

This can be done solo in four player VS mode. Select the largest map, and set "Shrapnel Speed", "Glitch Bombs" and time to the maximum. Begin the game and move quickly. Press [Glitch] as fast as possible to reach 1,000 uses. Note: Because Glitch Bombs can hurt you, this requires a high evasion skill. If you die, your can quickly start again with your progress intact.

Easy "Beryllium" Achievement​

Play a two player co-op multi-player game on level 3-6 of the "Sidewalk of Tomorrow". Move one Tom from the starting point at the top of the level across the top to exact center. Note: Wait for the first spider at column 2. The correct location will be column 5 down one block. Two spiders will converge at the same instant. Move back up after getting the energy from both of them and then go directly back down to the same position to collect the energy from the back of the spiders as they cross over and create a small gap. Repeat the process as many times as needed.

Easy "Game Of Thrones" Achievement​

In VS mode on a maximum size map, only 220 tiles are available. After your TOM dies, all of your tiles will be available for other players. When they take them, they are "stolen". Play as a TOM and colonize 90% of the map. Intentionally die then have a second player take all those tiles. Have player two intentionally die, then have player one steal them. Repeat the process as many times as needed.

Easy "Six Armed Monster" Achievement​

Reach level 3-1 in two player co-op mode. You can now enter a three player co-op story at the same point from the menu. Use 3 on the keyboard and do not use your game controller if one is active. Then only use two of the Toms to finish puzzle 3-1, one on each side of the barrier. Once you have completed this, keep pressing [Enter] until the level selection screen for level 3 appears again. You can then exit the three player keyboard and resume the co-op story.

Easy "Unobtainium Chain" Achievement​

Play a two player co-op multi-player game on level 3-6 of the "Sidewalk of Tomorrow". Move one Tom from the starting point at the top of the level across the top to exact center. Note: Wait for the first spider at column two. The correct location will be column five down one block. Two spiders will converge at the same instant. Move back up after getting the energy from both of them and then go directly back down to the same position to collect the energy from the back of the spiders as they cross over and create a small gap. Repeat the process as many times as needed.

Various Steam Achievements​

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Virus Named NinjaBeat Stage 6.10 Without Dying (Single or Co-Op Story)
Adamantium ChainGet a Energy Chain of 20 Energy Pellets
Air RaidIn VERSUS, Drop a COMBINED Total of 1,000 Glitch Bombs (2+ Players)
Beam Me Up (MP)Finalize Teleporter (Co-Op Story)
Beam Me Up (SP)Finalize Teleporter (Single Player Story)
BerylliumGet FOUR Energy Pellets Orbiting TOM at the Same Time
Coup d'etat (MP)Score higher than the Devs on any Co-Op stage 3.01 or higher ("Misfits Attic" BAKED IN Scores)
Coup d'etat (SP)Score higher than the Devs on any Single Player stage 3.01 or higher ("Tim" and "Jeremy" BAKED IN Scores)
DominatrixWin a VERSUS BATTLE by Infection Domination
Energy ExtremistBeat Stage 6.05 WITHOUT Stealing Energy (Single Player Story)
Energy FundamentalistBeat Stage 4.05 WITHOUT Stealing Energy (Single or Co-Op Story)
Energy PuristBeat Stage 3.04 WITHOUT Stealing Energy (Single or Co-Op Story)
Et Tu Brute?Get your teammate killed by blocking their escape route (Co-Op Story)
Flipping BitsGet ALL players to the opposite side of a Blue Barrier (Co-op Story)
Game Of ThronesIn VERSUS, Steal a COMBINED Total of 500 Tiles (4 Players)
GenocideRuin ALL Drones on Stage 3.06, Board must be completely drone free (Co-op Story)
Glitch AbstinenceBeat Stage 2.05 WITHOUT Dropping Any Glitches (Single or Co-Op Story)
Gold Boat (MP)Earn GOLD for every Levels (Co-Op Story)
Gold Boat (SP)Earn GOLD for every Levels (Single Player Story)
HeliumGet TWO Energy Pellets Orbiting TOM at the Same Time
hotGirl365 (MP)Finalize Holo-Suit (Co-Op Story)
hotGirl365 (SP)Finalize Holo-Suit (Single Player Story)
Leap Before You LookDie BEFORE Reaching the Board (Moving from a Spawn Point to the Game)
LithiumGet THREE Energy Pellets Orbiting TOM at the Same Time
Macaroni ChainGet an Energy Chain of 5 Energy Pellets
One Small Step For Man (MP)Finalize Sidewalk of Tomorrow (Co-Op Story)
One Small Step For Man (SP)Finalize Sidewalk of Tomorrow (Single Player Story)
Pandemic (MP)Infect every levels, leaving none skipped (Co-Op Story)
Pandemic (SP)Infect every levels, leaving none skipped (Single Player Story)
Peeping TOMRotate a Tile on the other side of a Barrier (Co-op Story)
Six Armed MonsterWIN a Co-Op Game with THREE Keyboard Players, stage 3.01 or higher
Slaughter HouseIn VERSUS, Ruin a COMBINED Total of 80 TOMs (4 Players)
Stack OverflowCollect more energy than the HUD capsules can contain (Single or Co-Op Story)
Steak n Eggs (MP)Finalize Hydrator (Co-Op Story)
Steak n Eggs (SP)Finalize Hydrator (Single Player Story)
Survivor's GuiltIn VERSUS, NO Deaths for 1 Player and a COMBINED Total of 25 Deaths for the Others (3+ Players)
The Dog Days Are Over (MP)Finalize Pet of Tomorrow (Co-Op Story)
The Dog Days Are Over (SP)Finalize Pet of Tomorrow (Single Player Story)
The Grass Is Always GreenerGet a player to the opposite side of a Blue Barrier (Co-op Story)
TOM BurglarSteal Energy off the BACK of a Chasing Drone (BLUE Drone)
TOMicideIn VERSUS, Every Players Die at the Same Time (4 Players)
Tomorrow Is History (MP)Finalize City of Tomorrow (Co-Op Story)
Tomorrow Is History (SP)Finalize City of Tomorrow (Single Player Story)
Unobtainium ChainGet an Energy Chain of 10 Energy Pellets
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