
  1. F

    Metroid Prime: Blast Ball

    Amiibo Paint Jobs Below are the current Amiibo Paint Jobs in this game, whether or not they add more in the full game who knows. Any other Amiibo will give the "Skull" paint job. To use Amiibo to unlock these paint jobs: Select "Customize", then "Paint Jobs", then press Y and scan any of the...
  2. F

    Metroid Prime: Federation Force

    Campaign Paint Jobs Paint Job How to unlock Bird of Prey Random chance every 5-6 medals in normal Campaign. Bomber Random chance after every 5-6 medals in hard Campaign. Burner Random chance every 5-6 medals in normal Campaign. Federation Elite Random chance after every 5-6 medals in...
  3. F

    Mario Paint - Action Replay Codes [US]

    The following are known Action Replay Codes for Mario Paint on Super Nintendo (SNES). These codes are for the U.S. version of the game. Fly Swatter Game Codes Number of Hands (Lives Modifier) 7F00180? Note :0-7 greater than 7 serves no purpose and actually 1 is enough to have infinite value...
  4. C

    custom dreamcast paint job

    got kinda borred this weekend and decided to customtize my dreamcast. comes with matching controller :) i also changed the LED to yellow but in the pics i took the flash drowned out the LED :(
  5. C

    First Dreamcast Paint Job

    Here is my first dreamcast paint job! I painted it with the only plastic spray paint i could find in my house and i have to say it turned out REALLY well for my first time doing this! :D 20161022_171241[1].jpg 20161022_172019[1].jpg 20161022_172012[1].jpg 20161022_222236[1].jpg...
  6. F

    Mario Paint tips (for Super Nintendo)

    Clicking on letters On the title screen, you can click on the letters and they will each do something different. This is what they do: M - Makes Mario shrink or grow. A - Makes the letter fall. Knocks Mario off if he's under it. R - The letter opens an eye and starts walking around. I - The...
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