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    Mega Man Battle Network 3 - White Version (USA)

    Category Title Hacker Code Notes Top Dark License Shimer, Mort 32005790 0001 Top Block Shimer, Mort 3200577F 0002 Top Custom 2 Shimer, Mort 32005783 0008...
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    Mega Man Battle Network 2 (Europe)

    Category Title Hacker Code Notes Top AquaCust likk, Shimer, DerkSerge 32000F0D 0001 Top AquaCust V2 likk, Shimer, DerkSerge 32000F0D 0002 Top AquaCust V3 likk...
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    Mega Man Battle Network 2 (USA)

    Category Title Hacker Code Notes Top Equip Styles: AquaCust v3 MadCatz EE1A1099322A Top Equip Styles: AquaGuts v3 MadCatz 831F0011322A Top Equip Styles: AquaShld v3...
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    MegaMan Battle Network 2 Area Modifier (Codebreaker)

    This is a FULL list of the areas in MegaMan Battle Network 2. Megaman Battle Network 2 Area Modifier 82000dc4 XXXX ------------- 0:ACDC Metroline 1:Marine Harbor Metroline 2:Okuden Camp Entry 3:Den Airport 4:Net Airport 5:Netopia Park 6:Crew Room 7:Kotobuki 8:Penthouse...
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    MegaMan Battle Network 6 Cybeast Gregar [Codebreaker]

    By Dybbles Town Modifier 32001b83 000X ------------- 0:ACDC Town 1:Central Town 3:Seaside Town 4:Green Town 5:Sky Town 6:The Expo -------------- Color Modifier 8203ce10 00XX ------------- 00:Normal 01:Heat Style 02:Aqua Style 03:Elec Style 04:Wood Style 2A:Shadow MegaMan 30:Normal Yellow...
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    Mega Man Battle Network 2 [Codebreaker]

    Shakey Screen 3200637C 0001 ---------------- Mega Man/Lan Glow Red 32008856 0059 ---------------- Shadow MegaMan and Lan 82008857 FFFF ---------------- Mega Man/Lan Real World Sprite Color Mod 82008857 XXXX ------------- 0000=Normal 0707=Green 1515=Pinkish 1714=Purple 1F17=Yellow 2020=Blue...
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    Around the network - late June edition

    All the best gaming and tech headlines from around the web. It's late June, Euro 2012 madness rules the nation as England go from perennial under-achievers to plucky quarter-final underdogs and the nation curses our double edged group-topping success which means the Italy game falls on a Sunday...
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    Around the network - mid June edition

    All the best gaming and tech headlines from around the web. It's mid-June, a June that's been wetter than an otter's pocket and now the madness which is E3 has gone away, we can settle down to a festival of sport, kicking off with the Euros and then sprinting onto the Olympics. Traditionally...
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    Around the Network - mid May meandering

    All the best gaming and tech headlines from this week... It's a bit of a quiet week this week (apart from Max Payne 3's shooty antics), but with E3 just around the corner, looks like everyone's keeping their powder dry for the annual assault on the senses and wallets which is the LA convention...
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    Around the network

    The best from games and tech this week. Want to know at a glance what's happenning in the world of games and tech this week? Well you could could plug your frontal lobe directly into the internet, scan thousands of sites and blogs and process this in your omnibrain until you come up with the...
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    Around the network - mid April melancholy edition

    The cruellest month? Not a bit of it... Ah 'tis the cruellest month as a great poet once observed, but we'll have none of that defeatist talk around here for it brings E3, sunshine and an unbridled summer of sport that one step closer, so a big hoorah for April we say and roll on May. Naturally...
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    Around the network - April showers edition

    All the best gaming and tech headlines from this week... It's mid-April, we're not sure how we feel about that. The Easter banks hols seems like a distant memory (It was Monday you slacker - Ed) but we suppose, at least, May day is not too far away. In between there's the prospect of 45 plus...
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    Around the network - spring tail ender

    All the best in gaming from our friends and colleagues. Ah Fridays, we love Fridays especially when they're resplendent with bright spring sunshine and pub o'clock is a mere three hours away. There's been some splendid things on CVG this week, but of course our esteemed friends and colleagues...
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    Around the network - early March madness

    The month has turned, spring has sprunged. Still the march of games and tech is relentless and brings no respite and a good thing too we say, with first major hitter and possible game of the year Mass Effect 3 debuting next week - you can already colour us excited. Click here to read the full...
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    Around the network: late Feb edition

    Here's what's been going on this week in gaming and tech!. Ah, February, you're nearly done and as you recede you bring promises of a pay day cheque, winter finally pissing off warmer weather and 2012 kicking off in earnest. Gaming's really looking up too with a raft of decent releases out...
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    Around the network: leaving the nest edition

    Essential articles from the world of gaming this week, you may just have missed. Welcome to our weekly round-up of all that's good in gaming, lots of our chums from the official mags have been writing top stuff about their particular platforms and you should read it - they are experts after all...
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    Around the network - mid Februrary finagaling

    A fine selection of the best from gaming this week. We're approaching the mid-point of the shortest of months, but with Valentine's day to negotiate next week it's probably not a good time to take your eye off the ball if you want to stay in your sig other's good books. Still, Vita will be with...
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    Around the network: mid to late January blues edition

    Here's the very best in gaming from our erstwhile colleagues and friends. It's coming to the end of January now and 2012 hasn't so much kicked off with a bang as a whimper. Still we trust in better times ahead, hoping that that ancient Mayan bloke simply mislaid his chisel rather than actually...
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    Nintendo Network announced

    Online service for Wii U and 3DS to support DLC and a personal account system. Nintendo has announced Nintendo Network, a new online service for Wii U and 3DS. Click here to read the full article More...
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    Playstation network pass on the psp

    is it possible to retieve a playstation network pass from my psp? It stills remember the pass but I want to change my playstation account to my new email account. Due to the joys of trojans I can't access my old hotmail account(customer service refuses to give it back to me)
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