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    Nerd Outbidding me on Ebay For Broadband Adapter

    This guy keeps outbidding me The thing is worth about 130 dollars. Its all the way up to 180 dollars. I'm now at my limits. He's either gonna pay way more than its worth or im gonna win, lol.
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    Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures

    All characters and levelsPress Down, Left, Left, Up, Right, Right, Up, Down, Left, Left, Up, Down, Up, Up, Up, Up.
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    THE POWER GLOVE - by the Angry Video Game Nerd

    THE POWER GLOVE - by the Angry Video Game Nerd the Angry Video Game Nerd shows just how hard the nes power glove sucks
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    NIGHTMARE ON ELM ST - By the Angry Nintendo Nerd -

    NIGHTMARE ON ELM ST - By the Angry Nintendo Nerd -
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    Angry Video Game Nerd reviews Friday the 13th

    FRIDAY THE 13th - NES - Angry Nintendo Nerd -
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    Double Dragon III review by the Angry Video Game Nerd

    Episode #11 Yeah, Double Dragon was the shit, but see why the Angry Nintendo Nerd HATES the third one.
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    MASTER CHU AND THE DRUNKARD HU - The Angry Nintendo Nerd with Shit Pickle

    Episode #9 This episode featured a guest appearance by Shit Pickle This episode was also part of a string of 6 episodes, each released on the Friday of each week on Therefore, the ScrewAttack/YouTube release dates got jumbled together and kind of confusing.
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    TOP GUN - by the Angry Nintendo Nerd -

    Episode #10 This is another one of my most popular episodes and has been referenced in many future episodes. Relive the anger and frustration of trying to land that damn plane. Watch the Angry Video Game Nerd tear this game a new asshole!
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    McKids - The Angry Nintendo Nerd

    Episode # 7 First episode to use the theme song by Kyle Justin. I have to say, McKids wasn't that bad of a game, but I was exploring my boundaries with this one. I chose this game mostly because of the novetly of McDonald's. But anyway, watch the Angry Nintendo Nerd tear it up.
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    BACK TO THE FUTURE by the Angry Nintendo Nerd -

    BACK TO THE FUTURE by the Angry Nintendo Nerd - This looks like a really shitty game, thankfully I haven't tried it yet :biggrin:
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    TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES - NES by the Angry Nintendo Nerd -

    TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES - NES by the Angry Nintendo Nerd -
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    DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE from Angry Video Game Nerd

    DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE from Angry Video Game Nerd Watch as the Angry Video Game Nerd get's pissed off while he reviews Dr. Jekyll & Mr Hyde :D
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    CASTLEVANIA 2: SIMON's QUEST by the Angry Nintendo Nerd -

    CASTLEVANIA 2: SIMON's QUEST by the Angry Nintendo Nerd - Watch the angry video game nerd review Castlevania 2: Simons Quest for the NES
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    Silver Surfer - Angry Video Game Nerd AVGN

    Silver Surfer - Angry Video Game Nerd AVGN The angry video game nerd reviews Silver Surfer on the NES
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    Indiana Jones Trilogy - Angry Video Game Nerd

    Indiana Jones Trilogy - Angry Video Game Nerd He reviews several indiana jones games. Enjoy!:D
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    Angry Video Game Nerd reviews Bible Games 2

    Angry Video Game Nerd reviews Bible Games 2, enjoy!
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    Angry Video Game Nerd reviews superman

    The angry video game nerd reviews the superman games on several platforms including atari and the nes.
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