
  1. F

    Wii GC usb loader DEVOLUTION released

    As many of you know I have been championing the long awaited USB loader for GC games Crediar's: DIOS MIOS, well finally, several months late, Tueidj's alternative: DEVOLUTION has arrived! Instead of being a rebuilt mIOS (gamecube loader) is actually works from IOS (wii mode) Via Tueidj @...
  2. C

    Home Brew Loader issue

    Hello, I am having some issues with the newest home brew loader. I have a PSP 3001 model running 6.35. I followed the instructions on the download page for the loader, but when I start the game and go into the menu option for load game (I'm assuming it's load game as I don't speak JP), it...
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    PSX loader and Capture Function for Signed Hen?

    I've looked around but haven't seen anything in regards to whether or not there's a PSX Loader that works with Sign HEN(6.31) as well as if there is a recording/capture type plugin compatible with it. And if there is would anyone be willing to explain how I'd get it set up (new to this all)?
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    Running BBCSII on PSP Go 6.31 HEN with prometheous ISO Loader

    I'm going to be buying a PSP Go soon with ofw 6.31, but before I do i'm just wondering if I'll have any problems playing BlazBlue Continuum Shift II with 6.31 HEN and prometheus iso loader? I know I've had problems running a few other games before with prom iso loader, so I want to make sure...
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    ISO loader

    I'm watching this guys tutorial(http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=iv&annotation_id=annotation_774495&v=2x-l6Hexn1Q) and everythings going good untill i notice he doesn't have the isoloader in the files that he haves us download. But on the video he does have it. How do i get this iso loader...
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    PSP Shuting Down After Loading Game In ISO LOADER

    sup guys i dont know much about psp but yea whenever i have a problem ineed to search the web for da right answer .... anyways i got this psp 3000 hacked with hen or whatever its called v6.35 i downloaded a few games some just shut down the psp with no message error or etc and this other game...
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    prometheus loader stopped working..

    sup i have a psp 3004 with 6.35 firmwere i hacked it and it worked fine till yesterday today when i try to load eny game that HAD BEEN WORKING FINE the screen just turrned black and doesnt change orr shut down its just black screen ive w8ed allot and nothing...
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    USB ISO Loader issues

    Hey everyone... I am having a major issue with USB ISO Loader. Everytime I try running an iso from my hard drive, the program locks up on my psp. The very same ISO is running fine on PROMETHEUS ISO Loader from my memory stick. I have booted the USB ISO Loader in Memory stick mode and tried...
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