
  1. C

    Exclusive: A Frank chat with EA's Gibeau

    The publisher's Labels president looks to the future... Electronic Arts Labels boss Frank Gibeau has command over some of the most lucrative and popular games franchises in the world. Click here to read the full article More...
  2. F

    Rumor: EA's Origin To Be Part Of Wii U's Online Service

    We all know that Nintendo's online services have been a bit lacking. Features that are taken for granted on other consoles are completely nonexistent on Nintendo systems. EA has been aiding Nintendo with building Wii U's online components, but they may be working on more than we think...
  3. N

    Judge flags EA's football monopoly defense

    <p>Northern California court allows Madden, NCAA, Arena Football anticompete class-action suit to proceed; hearing scheduled for January 14. </p><p><img src="http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/all/boxshots2/958988_122758.jpg"></p><p> Electronic Arts' Madden NFL and NCAA Football...
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    EA's mock religious protest draws real religious protest

    <p>E3 publicity stunt featuring actors in a faux protest of its upcoming game Dante's Inferno has upset some Catholics. </p><p><img src="http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/"></p><p> Abandon all hope, all ye who thought a PR firestorm would not erupt. Catholics across the blogosphere are angry...
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