
  1. F

    Cybernoid: The Fighting Machine game genie codes (for NES)

    Cybernoid: The Fighting Machine SZVZGOVK Start with infinite lives NYEATXNY Start with 1 life UYEATXNN Start with 5 lives AAEATXNN Start with 18 lives GOOZZPZA 20 'genocides' on new life SZNPVOVK Infinite bombs...
  2. F

    Cybernoid Instruction Manual (for NES)

    Cybernoid NES-YN-USA Cybernoid Game Pak Instructions Acclaim(tm) Entertainment Inc. - Masters of the Game(tm) --- Zoggians invade asteroids It figures. If anyone could've found the riches we'd stored on those remote asteroids, it'd be the Zoggians. They were three anonymous...
  3. F

    Cybernoid: The Fighting Machine cheat codes (for NES)

    Transform into human Find any Lift, use up all Bouncers, and fire the guns at the panel on the left side of the Lift repeatedly to transform into human.
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