
  1. F

    Coaster Works (PAL)

    [h=3]Coaster Works (PAL)[/HEADING] Blackout Riders 6F4329A8 00000063 Memory Loss 74C591EB 00000063 Throw Up People AD1B1378 00000063 Queasy People CCABA511 00000063 Speed FDD1D46F 000000C8 Thrill 323966AE 000000C8 Safety 5BF735BE 000000C8 G’s FDE9D46F 00000064
  2. F

    Coaster Works (USA)

    [h=3]Coaster Works (USA)[/HEADING] [M] Must Be First 9C5D88F8 [M] Must Be Last 245EECA9 99 Memory Loss Riders CACAFCC300000063 99 Blacked Out Riders CABAFCC300000063 99 Thrown Up Riders F684B2EC00000063 99 Queasy Riders 20BDEC5400000063 99 MPH Score 5465EED60000009F 10 G Score...
  3. C

    The Sequel To Coaster Works

    I played Coaster Works to death when it first came out and have played it a few times in the intervening years. It's good fun and it's one of those games I'd find myself playing for days despite only intending to play for half an hour or so. It's so easy to pick up and yet you can create some...
  4. F

    Coaster Works Cheat Codes (for Sega Dreamcast)

    Bonus park Successfully complete the first five parks to unlock Dream Coaster Land. This park has no G-Force limits.
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