You can add “harder to fix” to the list of OnePlus 6 downgrades

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The OnePlus 6 is starting to trickle out to consumers, and the phone brings you flagship-class specs in a package that only costs $529. OnePlus made a number of changes to the 6 over last year's OnePlus 5T, and in our full review, we found most of the changes to be, well, bad. The two big ones were the back—which swapped out the 5T's durable metal for a fragile glass slab—and the fingerprint reader, which is smaller and more finicky than last year. All this for $29 more than the 5T certainly doesn't paint a clear picture of progress.
iFixit has torn down the OnePlus 6, and it seems that you can add "harder to repair" to the list of downgrades brought on by this year's update. The screwed-on metal back of the OnePlus 5T has been replaced with glass and glue, and iFixit has dinged it two points from last year's design, down to a "5" repairability score.

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