Top Gun Combat Zones Cheat Codes (for Gameboy Advance)

The ultimate Gameboy Advance cheats resource. We have the latest Nintendo Gameboy Advance cheats, Gameboy Advance cheat codes & tips for Gameboy Advance games.

final kaoss

Staff member
  • Easy Level Passwords

Code - Level
9799 - 02 Pacific Ocean
8457 - 03 Northern Siberia
6767 - 04 Bering Strait-Arctic
6891 - 05 North Sea
2468 - 06 Eastern Europe
4479 - 07 Arabian Peninsular
3232 - 08 South East Asia
1295 - 09 Mongolian Desert
7783 - 10 Arctic Circle
8226 - 11 South America
7543 - 12 Gulf Of Mexico
Re: Top Gun Combat Zones

  • Hard Level Passwords

Code - Result

3468 - 02 Pacific Ocean
2345 - 03 Northern Siberia
8791 - 04 Bering Strait-Arctic
6642 - 05 North Sea
2918 - 06 Eastern Europe
5748 - 07 Arabian Peninsular
5367 - 08 South East Asia
3783 - 09 Mongolian Desert
9818 - 10 Arctic Circle
9319 - 11 South America
6161 - 12 Gulf Of Mexico
Re: Top Gun Combat Zones

  • Medium Level Passwords

Code - Result

7294 - 02 Pacific Ocean
4947 - 03 Northern Siberia
1599 - 04 Bering Strait-Arctic
9145 - 05 North Sea
8813 - 06 Eastern Europe
9115 - 07 Arabian Peninsular
8212 - 08 South East Asia
9215 - 09 Mongolian Desert
4518 - 10 Arctic Circle
2121 - 11 South America
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PSA: we do not support cheating for online/mobile/multiplayer games, which may include trainers,
mod menu's, Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros, Bots and so on. (we do allow the posting of such for offline/single player games hoewever, online and multiplayer games is where we draw the line. Phone apps/games for example typically offer a storefront to purchase ingame currency for example; whether it's singleplayer or not, in such games, the aforementioned is not allowed.)
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