Super Dodge Ball
Typed out by Pete Llanso
-The Story of Super Dodge Ball
-The Players of Team U.S.A.
-How to Use the Controller
-The Game Modes
-How to Play
-About the Opponents
-About the "Power" Shots
The Story of Super Dodge Ball
The newly formed U.S. Dodgeball Team must face a highly experienced
group of teams from around the world in order to gain the title of
World Cup Champions. The greatest opponent is the powerful Soviet
Team who has dominated the sport for the last decade. The U.S. Team
must pull together to meet the challenge to become the best in the world!
The Players of Team U.S.A.
Name: Sam Powers
Sam is the Team Captain and the backbone of the team. He's awesome!
Name: John Stone
John can take a lot of punishment. This man is a real rock.
Name: Mike Knopfler
Mike will catch anything. He is the best receiver on the team.
Name: Randy Sting
Randy may have the baddest breaking ball in the world.
Name: Bill Flash
Bill is quick, light-footed, and nimble. He's the quickest man on the team.
Name: Steve Sato
Steve is a wizard with the ball. He has got some awesome Power Shots.
Team U.S.A.
How to Use the Controller
Arrows = Walk, Run (push twice)
Select = Statistics
Start = Pause
A = Pass/Duck/Select Position
B = Throw/Catch/Undo Positions
A+B = Jump
Note: You may only move one player at a time. The movable player will be
marked by a "1" (Player 1), "2" (Player 2), or "C" (Computer).
*Push the Control Pad twice.
The Game Modes
After the Introductory Screen appears, press the START Button and the
Game Mode Screen will appear.
The Game Mode and Skill Selection allows you to choose between three
types of game modes and three different skill levels. Use the Control
Pad to make your choices, then press START to go on to the next screen.
World Cup Play - allows you to play against world class opponents
provided by the computer.
Versus Play - allows you to play against another friend.
Bean Ball - is a practice game between your own teammates; up to two
people can play. There are no rules. You just throw the ball at each other.
Mode Selection (Up and Down):
World Cup Play (1 Player vs. Computer)
Versus Play (1 Player vs. 2nd Player)
Bean Ball (1 or 2 Players)
Skill Selection (Left and Right):
Easy Normal Difficult
The Game Modes World Cup Play
The Pre-Game screen shows who your next opponent will be. During
this screen, you can press the SELECT Button to see your own team's
statistics, press once more to see your opponents. Press it a third
time to return to the Pre-Game screen.
The Change Position Screen allows you to select your own players. If
you choose to change the line-up, use the Control Pad and the A Button
to choose the players. The first three players selected will be on the
inner court, and the last three chosen will be on the outer court. If you
would like to change what you have selected, use the Control Pad and
the B Button to erase the choices. Press the A Button to begin the game.
Change Positions? (Up and Down):
If No: Press START to begin.
If Yes: Use Control Pad and Press A Button to Select
Use Control Pad and Press B Button to Unselect.
Press A Button to begin.
The Game Modes Versus Play
Team Selection allows two people playing against each other to select
the team of their choice. Just use the Control Pad to select one of the
nine teams and press START to go on to the next screen.
The Change Position Screen allows you to select your own players. If
you choose to change the line-up, use the Control Pad and the A Button
to choose the players. The first three players selected will be on the
inner court, and the last three chosen will be on the outer court. If you
would like to change what you have selected, use the Control Pad and
the B Button to erase the choices. Press the A Button to begin the game.
Change Position (Up or Down)?:
If No: Press START to begin.
If Yes: Use Control Pad and Press A Button to Select.
Use Control Pad and Press B Button to Unselect.
Press A Button to begin.
The Game Modes Bean Ball
The # of Players Screen allows you to choose how many players you want
to play the game with. Up to two players can play. To select, use the
Control Pad and then press START to move to the next screen.
# of Players (Up or Down):
1 Player
2 Player
Select Players Screen allows you to choose from six players, which
player to you want to play as. To select, use the Control Pad and press
START to begin the game.
Select Players (All directions):
Sam Randy
John Bill
Mike Steve
How to Play World Cup or Versus Play
The object of the game is to throw the ball at your opponents on the inner
court, and knock them out of the game. Each team has six players, three
on the inner court and three on the outer court. (Bean Ball is played on
an open court.)
How to Play Controlling the Players
Basic Movements:
Press Control Pad in direction of movement.
Press Control Pad twice in the direction of movement.
Press A and B at the same time.
Face in the direction of the throw and press B.
Running Throw
Press the Control Pad twice and Press B to throw at will.
Running Jump Throw
Press the Control Pad twice and press A and B together and then Press B.
Face the direction of the ball and press B as the ball approaches.
Jumping Catch (Interception)
Face the direction of the ball and jump up (A+B) and catch it (B).
Picking Up the Ball
Go up to the ball and press A or B.
Select and face the direction of the pass and press A.
Jumping Pass
Face the direction of the pass and press A and B together and then press B.
Evasive Movements:
Ducking (Defense Only)
Press A.
Press A and B at the same time.
About the Opponents
Pro All-Stars - Team USA's first opponent. The winner here will represent
the United States in the World Cup. The Pro All-Stars are a gung-ho team
with a lot of fancy throwing, but are a little weak on defense.
England - Team England is a high-energy team with excellent technical
ability. They are consistent in making clutch throws and will be a
definite threat to the American team.
India - Team India is extremely quick and hard to catch. They have great
defensive power and can take a great deal of punishment without losing energy.
Iceland - Team Iceland is a strong team with big players. They have a lot
of strong throwers with high offensive power.
China - Team China is very quick with consistent throwing ability.
They are also defense-oriented and are excellent receivers.
Kenya - Team Kenya is a strong and powerful team. They are powerful
throwers as well as good receivers. They are a well-balanced team.
Japan - Team Japan is a powerful all-around team. Though this team
tends to rely on their best player, they are all excellent players in all
aspects of play.
USSR - Team USSR is truly awesome. They are an all-around team
with exceptional players. This team has no weakness to speak of.
About the "Power" Shots
"Power" Shots are super throws that have a special destructive power.
There are all kinds of unique "Power" Shots, and most players have a
"Power" Shot or two hidden up their sleeve. The "Power" Shot doesn't
happen all the time, it requires a "special timing" for its occurrence.
The Blaster - Sam (Team U.S.A.)
This throw is fast, powerful, and destructive. It flies straight toward
its intended target.
The Uppercut - Jack (Pro All-Stars)
This throw flies straight at the target and as it hits the opponent, rises
straight up into the air, taking the opponent with it.
The Wave - James (Team England)
This throw moves in a wave-like motion and slams the opponent to
the ground.
The Stinger - Rajiv (Team India)
This throw buzzes around and follows the opponent until it gives him a sting.
*The Warp - Helgi (Team Iceland)
This throw disappears in mid-air and suddenly reappears in front of the opponent.
*The Breaker - Wang (Team China)
This throw appears to fly straight, only to suddenly change direction,
and slam into an unsuspecting opponent.
*The Boomerang - Yemi (Team Kenya)
This throw flies straight over and past the opponent and then suddenly
returns to slam the unsuspecting opponent.
*The Compressor - Fuji (Team Japan)
This throw is so fast that the ball becomes compressed into a small
sphere, only to expand when it hits the opponent.
*The Accelerator - Boris (Team USSR)
This throw gets faster and faster as it approaches the opponent.
*The Spear - Other Players
This throw is an extremely powerful throw that does not stop even
after it hits an opponent.
*The Psycho - Other Players
This throw has such a spin on it that the ball appears to split up
into many balls.
*The Lightning - Other Players
This throw shoots straight up into the air and suddenly strikes the
opponent from the sky.
*The Sidewinder - Other Players
This throw winds through the air, making it difficult for the opponent
to judge the ball.
ENERGY - Total physical energy. Stamina
THROW POWER - Total offensive power. It represents the level of
damage that can be inflicted on your opponents.
THROW TECHNIQUE - The ability to make good throws.
BALL BREAK - Amount of curve on the ball.
AGILITY - The quickness of movement in a player.
CATCH TECHNIQUE - The ability to make good catches.
DAMAGE CAPACITY - Total defensive power. It represents the level
of damage that can be received before there is a loss of ENERGY.
Typed out by Pete Llanso
-The Story of Super Dodge Ball
-The Players of Team U.S.A.
-How to Use the Controller
-The Game Modes
-How to Play
-About the Opponents
-About the "Power" Shots
The Story of Super Dodge Ball
The newly formed U.S. Dodgeball Team must face a highly experienced
group of teams from around the world in order to gain the title of
World Cup Champions. The greatest opponent is the powerful Soviet
Team who has dominated the sport for the last decade. The U.S. Team
must pull together to meet the challenge to become the best in the world!
The Players of Team U.S.A.
Name: Sam Powers
Sam is the Team Captain and the backbone of the team. He's awesome!
Name: John Stone
John can take a lot of punishment. This man is a real rock.
Name: Mike Knopfler
Mike will catch anything. He is the best receiver on the team.
Name: Randy Sting
Randy may have the baddest breaking ball in the world.
Name: Bill Flash
Bill is quick, light-footed, and nimble. He's the quickest man on the team.
Name: Steve Sato
Steve is a wizard with the ball. He has got some awesome Power Shots.
Team U.S.A.
Sam John Mike Randy Bill Steve
Energy 40 28 28 32 32 36
Throw Power 12 7 7 8 8 9
Throw Tech. 9 7 7 9 7 12
Ball Break 7 9 9 12 9 8
Agility 7 8 9 8 12 7
Catch Tech. 8 9 12 7 8 7
Damage Cap. 7 12 8 7 7 7
How to Use the Controller
Arrows = Walk, Run (push twice)
Select = Statistics
Start = Pause
A = Pass/Duck/Select Position
B = Throw/Catch/Undo Positions
A+B = Jump
Control Pad A button B button A+B
offense walk/run* pass throw jump
defense walk/run* duck catch jump
Note: You may only move one player at a time. The movable player will be
marked by a "1" (Player 1), "2" (Player 2), or "C" (Computer).
*Push the Control Pad twice.
The Game Modes
After the Introductory Screen appears, press the START Button and the
Game Mode Screen will appear.
The Game Mode and Skill Selection allows you to choose between three
types of game modes and three different skill levels. Use the Control
Pad to make your choices, then press START to go on to the next screen.
World Cup Play - allows you to play against world class opponents
provided by the computer.
Versus Play - allows you to play against another friend.
Bean Ball - is a practice game between your own teammates; up to two
people can play. There are no rules. You just throw the ball at each other.
Mode Selection (Up and Down):
World Cup Play (1 Player vs. Computer)
Versus Play (1 Player vs. 2nd Player)
Bean Ball (1 or 2 Players)
Skill Selection (Left and Right):
Easy Normal Difficult
The Game Modes World Cup Play
The Pre-Game screen shows who your next opponent will be. During
this screen, you can press the SELECT Button to see your own team's
statistics, press once more to see your opponents. Press it a third
time to return to the Pre-Game screen.
The Change Position Screen allows you to select your own players. If
you choose to change the line-up, use the Control Pad and the A Button
to choose the players. The first three players selected will be on the
inner court, and the last three chosen will be on the outer court. If you
would like to change what you have selected, use the Control Pad and
the B Button to erase the choices. Press the A Button to begin the game.
Change Positions? (Up and Down):
If No: Press START to begin.
If Yes: Use Control Pad and Press A Button to Select
Use Control Pad and Press B Button to Unselect.
Press A Button to begin.
The Game Modes Versus Play
Team Selection allows two people playing against each other to select
the team of their choice. Just use the Control Pad to select one of the
nine teams and press START to go on to the next screen.
The Change Position Screen allows you to select your own players. If
you choose to change the line-up, use the Control Pad and the A Button
to choose the players. The first three players selected will be on the
inner court, and the last three chosen will be on the outer court. If you
would like to change what you have selected, use the Control Pad and
the B Button to erase the choices. Press the A Button to begin the game.
Change Position (Up or Down)?:
If No: Press START to begin.
If Yes: Use Control Pad and Press A Button to Select.
Use Control Pad and Press B Button to Unselect.
Press A Button to begin.
The Game Modes Bean Ball
The # of Players Screen allows you to choose how many players you want
to play the game with. Up to two players can play. To select, use the
Control Pad and then press START to move to the next screen.
# of Players (Up or Down):
1 Player
2 Player
Select Players Screen allows you to choose from six players, which
player to you want to play as. To select, use the Control Pad and press
START to begin the game.
Select Players (All directions):
Sam Randy
John Bill
Mike Steve
How to Play World Cup or Versus Play
The object of the game is to throw the ball at your opponents on the inner
court, and knock them out of the game. Each team has six players, three
on the inner court and three on the outer court. (Bean Ball is played on
an open court.)
How to Play Controlling the Players
Basic Movements:
Press Control Pad in direction of movement.
Press Control Pad twice in the direction of movement.
Press A and B at the same time.
Face in the direction of the throw and press B.
Running Throw
Press the Control Pad twice and Press B to throw at will.
Running Jump Throw
Press the Control Pad twice and press A and B together and then Press B.
Face the direction of the ball and press B as the ball approaches.
Jumping Catch (Interception)
Face the direction of the ball and jump up (A+B) and catch it (B).
Picking Up the Ball
Go up to the ball and press A or B.
Select and face the direction of the pass and press A.
Jumping Pass
Face the direction of the pass and press A and B together and then press B.
Evasive Movements:
Ducking (Defense Only)
Press A.
Press A and B at the same time.
About the Opponents
Pro All-Stars - Team USA's first opponent. The winner here will represent
the United States in the World Cup. The Pro All-Stars are a gung-ho team
with a lot of fancy throwing, but are a little weak on defense.
England - Team England is a high-energy team with excellent technical
ability. They are consistent in making clutch throws and will be a
definite threat to the American team.
India - Team India is extremely quick and hard to catch. They have great
defensive power and can take a great deal of punishment without losing energy.
Iceland - Team Iceland is a strong team with big players. They have a lot
of strong throwers with high offensive power.
China - Team China is very quick with consistent throwing ability.
They are also defense-oriented and are excellent receivers.
Kenya - Team Kenya is a strong and powerful team. They are powerful
throwers as well as good receivers. They are a well-balanced team.
Japan - Team Japan is a powerful all-around team. Though this team
tends to rely on their best player, they are all excellent players in all
aspects of play.
USSR - Team USSR is truly awesome. They are an all-around team
with exceptional players. This team has no weakness to speak of.
About the "Power" Shots
"Power" Shots are super throws that have a special destructive power.
There are all kinds of unique "Power" Shots, and most players have a
"Power" Shot or two hidden up their sleeve. The "Power" Shot doesn't
happen all the time, it requires a "special timing" for its occurrence.
The Blaster - Sam (Team U.S.A.)
This throw is fast, powerful, and destructive. It flies straight toward
its intended target.
The Uppercut - Jack (Pro All-Stars)
This throw flies straight at the target and as it hits the opponent, rises
straight up into the air, taking the opponent with it.
The Wave - James (Team England)
This throw moves in a wave-like motion and slams the opponent to
the ground.
The Stinger - Rajiv (Team India)
This throw buzzes around and follows the opponent until it gives him a sting.
*The Warp - Helgi (Team Iceland)
This throw disappears in mid-air and suddenly reappears in front of the opponent.
*The Breaker - Wang (Team China)
This throw appears to fly straight, only to suddenly change direction,
and slam into an unsuspecting opponent.
*The Boomerang - Yemi (Team Kenya)
This throw flies straight over and past the opponent and then suddenly
returns to slam the unsuspecting opponent.
*The Compressor - Fuji (Team Japan)
This throw is so fast that the ball becomes compressed into a small
sphere, only to expand when it hits the opponent.
*The Accelerator - Boris (Team USSR)
This throw gets faster and faster as it approaches the opponent.
*The Spear - Other Players
This throw is an extremely powerful throw that does not stop even
after it hits an opponent.
*The Psycho - Other Players
This throw has such a spin on it that the ball appears to split up
into many balls.
*The Lightning - Other Players
This throw shoots straight up into the air and suddenly strikes the
opponent from the sky.
*The Sidewinder - Other Players
This throw winds through the air, making it difficult for the opponent
to judge the ball.
ENERGY - Total physical energy. Stamina
THROW POWER - Total offensive power. It represents the level of
damage that can be inflicted on your opponents.
THROW TECHNIQUE - The ability to make good throws.
BALL BREAK - Amount of curve on the ball.
AGILITY - The quickness of movement in a player.
CATCH TECHNIQUE - The ability to make good catches.
DAMAGE CAPACITY - Total defensive power. It represents the level
of damage that can be received before there is a loss of ENERGY.
Pro All-stars
Jack Tom Fred Ben Paul David
Energy 36 28 24 20 16 24
Throw Power 12 8 7 6 5 7
Throw Tech. 6 10 4 3 5 6
Ball Break 8 10 11 11 11 15
Agility 5 5 6 11 7 4
Catch Tech. 6 5 6 11 7 4
Damage Cap. 7 7 6 8 13 7
James Scott Henry Roger Peter Cliff
Energy 48 36 44 40 36 40
Throw Power 11 6 8 7 6 7
Throw Tech. 12 10 15 12 10 10
Ball Break 4 6 5 9 6 6
Agility 4 6 4 5 5 9
Catch Tech. 6 10 5 5 7 6
Damage Cap. 4 5 4 4 9 4
Rajiv Swami Bata Kumar Zail Akbar
Energy 20 16 16 16 16 16
Throw Power 9 6 6 6 6 6
Throw Tech 7 7 7 7 7 10
Ball Break 10 10 10 10 13 10
Agility 11 11 14 11 11 11
Catch Tech. 5 5 5 8 5 5
Damage Cap. 13 16 13 13 13 13
Helgi Knut Hans Bjorn Nils Gisli
Energy 64 52 56 52 44 48
Throw Power 14 9 10 9 7 8
Throw Tech. 9 9 13 7 8 6
Ball Break 3 10 5 6 6 6
Agility 3 5 3 10 5 6
Catch Tech. 7 5 6 7 8 12
Damage Cap. 8 8 8 7 14 9
Wang Hsieh Li Chou Mao Tsai
Energy 40 36 36 36 36 36
Throw Power 11 8 8 8 8 8
Throw Tech. 10 10 10 10 13 10
Ball Break 7 7 7 7 7 10
Agility 10 13 10 10 10 10
Catch Tech. 13 13 16 13 13 13
Damage Cap. 6 6 6 9 6 6
Yemi Oba Taha Eyo Bwogi Mwai
Energy 44 36 32 40 32 36
Throw Power 13 9 8 10 8 9
Throw Tech. 9 9 7 12 7 7
Ball Break 5 10 7 6 7 7
Agility 11 12 12 11 13 16
Catch Tech. 9 8 10 8 13 9
Damage Cap. 9 9 14 9 10 9
Fuji Sato Honda Aoki Oda Hino
Energy 56 36 40 44 44 48
Throw Power 16 9 10 11 11 12
Throw Tech. 8 7 5 6 8 12
Ball Break 7 10 10 10 14 9
Agility 4 6 7 11 6 4
Catch Tech. 10 11 15 10 8 9
Damage Cap. 8 14 9 7 8 8
Boris Ivan Pavel Igor Volf Yakov
Energy 60 56 56 56 56 56
Throw Power 15 12 12 12 12 12
Throw Tech. 8 8 11 8 8 8
Ball Break 8 8 8 8 11 8
Agility 7 7 7 10 7 7
Catch Tech. 11 14 11 11 11 11
Damage Cap. 10 10 10 11 10 13