
Patterns/CMP Auto Tools Format
No Hit (Player)
SET OGP=4182001C810800402C0800004082FFF030A50004308400014BFFFFBC637700004BFFFFF02C1700004182015038600000
SET COP=4082001C810800402C0800004082FFF030A50004308400014BFFFFBC637700004BFFFFF02C1700004182015038600000

Game Speed
SET OGP=3F80000060000000F821FF617C0802A6F80100B03CA00075FBE1009839600093FBC10090609F0000FBA10088607E00003BA511A044000002
SET COP=XXXX000060000000F821FF617C0802A6F80100B03CA00075FBE1009839600093FBC10090609F0000FBA10088607E00003BA511A044000002
Usercheats/Codefreak Format
M) Enabler code
0100 424C5553 30565018

No Hit (Player)
2000 00AD6330 4082001c

Game Speed
2000 007511A8 XXXX0000
XXXX = A mod
3F80 - Normal
447A - Stuped Fast
hacked by XTATU
Usercheats/Codefreak Format
Code: VER1.00
00002000 00AD91D0 4082001C
Infinite Ammo
00002000 0087E190 33430000
<001> Infinite Health & 2 Hit Kill
00002000 009E1CBC 4B842D55
00002000 00232998 3C8001CA
00002000 0023299C 8084578C
00002000 002329A0 80840460
00002000 002329A4 80840000
00002000 002329A8 80840040
00002000 002329AC 808401DC
00002000 002329B0 7F84F800
00002000 002329B4 409E000C
00002000 002329B8 3860270F
00002000 002329BC 48000008
00002000 002329C0 38600000
00002000 002329C4 4E800020


hacked by XTATU
Usercheats/Codefreak Format
Code: VER1.01
00002000 00AD9640 4082001C
Infinite Ammo
00002000 0087E0E0 33430000
<001> Infinite Health & 2 Hit Kill
00002000 009E4784 4B842D55
00002000 00233128 3C8001CA
00002000 0023312C 8084578C
00002000 00233130 80840460
00002000 00233134 80840000
00002000 00233138 80840040
00002000 0023313C 808401DC
00002000 00233140 7F84F800
00002000 00233144 409E000C
00002000 00233148 3860270F
00002000 0023314C 48000008
00002000 00233150 38600000
00002000 00233154 4E800020
Mine is the version on the disk. BLUS30565

Don't Hold R1 To Walk Through Things
00747190 490C8A74
0180FC04 3C800207
0180FC08 93E41880
0180FC0C 889C0080
0180FC10 4AF37584
013CECB4 48440F7C
0180FC30 F821FFE9
0180FC34 F8610000
0180FC38 F8810008
0180FC3C 48000020
0180FC5C 3C600207
0180FC60 80831880
0180FC64 8884008B
0180FC68 48000020
0180FC88 2F840001
0180FC8C 419E0054
0180FC90 3C804200
0180FC94 48000020
0180FCB4 90831884
0180FCB8 C0231884
0180FCBC 48000028
0180FCE0 C02B0014
0180FCE4 E8610000
0180FCE8 E8810008
0180FCEC 48000020
0180FD0C 38210018
0180FD10 4BBBEFA8
SET OGP=2C830000889C0080
SET COP=2C830000[COLOR="red"]490C8A74[/COLOR]
SET OGP=FCE00890C02B0014
SET COP=FCE00890[COLOR="red"]48440F7C[/COLOR]
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
SET COP=[COLOR="red"]3C80020793E41880889C00804AF37584[/COLOR]2C0000010009000700000000000000000181F5F80181F78401C1A348[COLOR="red"]F821FFE9F8610000F881000848000020[/COLOR]2C0000010009001000000000000000000181F6080181F7A001C1A69C[COLOR="red"]3C600207808318808884008B48000020[/COLOR]2C0000010009001300000000000000000181F6140181F7E001C1A650[COLOR="red"]2F840001419E00543C80420048000020[/COLOR]2C0000010009002300000000000000000181F6200181F82C01C1A4F0[COLOR="red"]90831884C023188448000028[/COLOR]000000002C0000010009000100000000000000000181F6300181F8B801C1A57C[COLOR="red"]C02B0014E8610000E881000848000020[/COLOR]2C0000010009002700000000000000000181F64C0181F8BC01C1A444[COLOR="red"]382100184BBBEFA8[/COLOR]
Hold R1 while loading a game or going from place to place. I fall through the ground while in buildings if I don't hold R1. You can't go through everything, but you can go through most things.

Rapid Fire
00ADD178 60000000
SET OGP=909E0004408100487C8307B47CA407B438A0001C
SET COP=60000000408100487C8307B47CA407B438A0001C

Weapons Never Break
0088A018 60000000
SET OGP=EC211028D03F0068
SET COP=EC21102860000000

Flashlights Always Have UV Light Option
00891E48 38600002
00892658 38800002
SET OGP=4800010C887E00AC
SET COP=4800010C38600002
SET OGP=63A30000889E00AC
SET COP=63A3000038800002

Flashlight Beam Brightness Modifier
00891FA0 3C80???? (default 4020)
00891FA4 90830100
SET OGP=C03E00B0D0230100
SET COP=3C80????90830100
Give it a float value. It's not too useful, and a negative value makes the light beam black.

Flashlight Light Radius Modifier
00891FC4 3C80???? (default 41C8)
00891FC8 90830228
SET OGP=C03E00C0D0230228
SET COP=3C80????90830228
I had no problems with 447A.

Flashlight Beam Distance Modifier
00891FD0 3C80???? (default 4496)
00891FD4 908301AC
SET OGP=C03E00C4D02301AC
SET COP=3C80????908301AC
4700 should see to the end of anything.

UV Light Brightness Modifier
00891EB0 3CA0???? (default 4020)
00891EB8 90A30100
SET OGP=C03E00E038800000D0230100
SET COP=3CA0????3880000090A30100

UV Light Radius Modifier
00891ED8 3CA0???? (default 428C) I didn't mix it up with 42C8 for 100.
00891EDC 90A30228
SET OGP=C03E00F0D0230228
SET COP=3CA0????90A30228
No problems with 447A.

UV Light Beam Distance
00891EE4 3CA0???? (default 443B8000)
00891EE8 90A301AC
SET OGP=C03E00F4D02301AC
SET COP=3CA0????90A301AC
4700 should see to the end of anything. You'll see it's nothing other than another flashlight, just purple and extra things show up on surfaces.

Items Don't Decrease (Buggy)
00866A18 60000000
00866A20 60000000
00866A34 30630000
SET OGP=418000442C1C00014182003C809D00003860000190640058807D00043063FFFF
SET COP=[COLOR="red"]60000000[/COLOR]2C1C0001[COLOR="red"]60000000[/COLOR]809D00003860000190640058807D0004[COLOR="red"]30630000[/COLOR]
This can cause the game to freeze for unknown reasons along with obvious strange bugs. For example, I picked up a chair, but instead got an invisible chair and using it froze the game. I don't really see a useful reason for this beyond the moments where the game takes your weapons and flashlight, where you'll instead still keep them. Most problems are due to the first 2 lines. If you don't include those, this should function fine as a method of having unlimited health kits. Also, I had the below for gaining health kits:
0086AA14 90850004 Gained
That probably affects more than just health kits I'd assume.
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