Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2 Cheat Codes (for Super Nintendo)

Cheat codes, tips guides & hints for games on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System or SNES.

final kaoss

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Receive spoils of war

Sent in by Jason Redwine

In the game you can receive spoils of war. They give items that help
incase you war cham intellect and trust. They all increase loyalty. I
have gotten them in a number of places but not all the time. If you win
a war on the province 10 you will always receive them. you can do this
as much as you want and it will always give you an item. Your adviser
will tell you some times what items are in the province. You should be
careful cause the more you war there the more the land is ruined and
the people well hate you and riot. Also in province three if you arrive early
in the game. search the land and you will find a general that has 98 war.
I believe that he also good in the other areas also.
Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2

Use forged letters

Sent in by Steve Fraser

A tactic I like to do is use forged letters. I managed to get Zhuge Liang as
my advisor (he is almost never wrong because he has an intel of 100). I
recruited a lot of generals with a high intel such as Pang Tong, Xu Shu,
Sima Yi and Zhang Yong. I keep them in my home province so they can write
the forged letters. With a team of generals like this it's possible to get
any general in the game in a matter of turns. I managed to get Xiahou Dun
from Cao Cao like this. Xiahou Dun's loyalty is always 100 to Cao Cao and
is his most loyal follower. Also, if you have split an enemy empire in two
and he has a lone province, try to recruit it instead of attacking it. If you
recruit the governor all the generals under his command become free
generals and cant move to any of their former rulers' provinces. You can
then recruit them at your leisure. This is defiantly better than
wasting troops.
Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2

Set fire to anything during a battle

Sent in by Steve Fraser

There's a way to set fire to anything during a battle even if it's raining.
The trick can only be used once per battle though. When you want to set
something on fire select the fire option from the attack menu. When it
asks you where you want to start the fire, select the spot with the
start button instead of the A button. A fire will start there no matter what.
If its raining though, it will probably go out next turn. The best time to
use this trick is when it's sunny and the defenders have lots of troops in
the castle. If you set fire to the castle, the General who is in it will
leave until the fire goes out. This is a good time to slaughter him
because he doesn't have the protection of the castle.
Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2


Sent in by Jeff Deas

Pay attention to your trust. If it gets low you will have a hard time making
alliances and it will become difficult to maintain you generals loyalty

If you are low on Trust here are a couple of ways to raise it quickly.
1) Successfully negotiate and accomplish a joint attack.
2) When a general of an allied province is stopped by your men and it asks
if you want to read the letter say no this will increase your trust by 3
points. If you say yes, you can still raise your trust by 1 point by letting
the general go.

There is a general with a 100 war ability named Lu Bu. He can be bribed
very easily with a horse. This works best when you are in battle.

If you manage to capture Lu Bu in battle it is best to let him go in the
early parts of the game and just bribe him when you attack. If you recruit
him and try to use him in battle your opponent will bribe him and you will
be left short handed. In the later parts of the game it is best to just
behead him.

Appoint Governors with high charms. The higher the charm the easier it is
to raise your generals loyalty.

The Black Dragon sword will increase the war ability of one of your generals.
Give it to a general with a war in the mid to upper 80's. This will raise his
war to the high 90's and sometimes to 100.

If you begin the game with an empty province you will have a new ruler.
You will be allowed to tweak his stats. It is best to raise the war and
charm abilities and not mess with the intelligence.

Province 10 is the best place to get the special items.

If you want to make general loyal quickly give him one of the special
items this will increase his loyalty to 100 instantly.

Pay attention to when the other rulers die. The loyalty of the generals
to the new ruler won't be as strong to the previous ruler.

Try to develop a team of generals whose primary function is war. In
the early parts of the game use generals with war of 80 or better. As
the game progresses and you acquire more generals and new territories
start using generals with 90 or higher war and let the other generals
develop the provinces.
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