Rampart Cheat Codes (for NES)

Cheat codes, tips guides & hints for games on the Nintendo Entertainment System or NES.

final kaoss

Staff member
Destroy yourself to win

When you beat enough rounds and levels, you begin to face orange-sailed ships that can leave craters in the ground (you have to build around these). There is a way to avoid these craters:

When the battle begins, destroy your castle walls before the orange-sailed ships can get a shot off. If your castle walls and cannons are destroyed, the ships will stop firing. Thus, no craters! This makes rebuilding MUCH easier. 'Survive' the levels, and you'll beat the game in no time...all in self-infliction!
RE: Rampart

Castle tips

When you are choosing your castle for 1 or 2 players, choose the one in the middle. Example:

*= castle
#= castle to pick
8= river

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***** 8 8
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***** 8 8
8 8

When you pick this castle and the enemy has made it impossible to rebuild, start building around the northernmost castle. This way in a 3 battle game you can never lose for not surrounding a castle.
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