OnePlus 6 Review—A series of downgrades is saved by the low price

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Ron Amadeo
OnePlus might not be a perfect Android device maker, with fairly regular controversies involving its security mistakes, bad advertising decisions, and lack of a concrete support policy. But OnePlus is really good at making high-end hardware at a low price, though, and for some people that's enough to forgive the company's other flaws.
For 2018, the company is introducing the OnePlus 6. While OnePlus' flagship pricing is once again jumping up $29 to $529, the OnePlus 6 is still one of the cheapest Snapdragon 845-powered devices you can buy. With a switch to a glass back and a notched display design, OnePlus' flagship seems more generic than ever. But for that price, it's still hard to beat.

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