Nintendo World Cup Soccer Cheat Codes (for NES)

Cheat codes, tips guides & hints for games on the Nintendo Entertainment System or NES.

final kaoss

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11507 U.S.A Beaten
12810 Final game as Germany
10300 Camroon Beaten
30700 Japan Beaten
01510 France beaten
22011 Russia beaten
72110 Spain Beaten
11510 England Beaten

10311 2nd match
30711 3rd match
01511 4th match
22011 5th match
72111 6th match
11511 7th match
42411 8th match
62611 9th match
60211 10th match
22311 Semi-Final
12811 Final

12806 or 12808 Final with Germany

West Germany is the final match

42400 Mexico beaten
62600 Holland beaten
60200 Brazil beaten
22300 Italy beaten
12800 Argentina beaten
RE: Nintendo World Cup Soccer

Shoot from anywhere and usually make it

If you are Argentina or Italy you can shoot from anywhere on the field and usually make it. What you do is say the goalie gets the ball and he kicks it. Get right under the ball and hit a and b at the same time. This should do a bicycle kick (Or a flip}. If you did it right the ball should curve straight towards the goal and then take off like a rocket towards the goal. Do not do it anywhere else than close to mid-field or it is very likely not to go in. But remember you have a limit of these kicks per half.
RE: Nintendo World Cup Soccer

Unlimited number of high power kicks

After you use up your super kicks, you can do an unlimited number of high power kicks by taking a certain number of steps and shooting. You can also do super kicks by taking this number of steps (not just headers and bicycle kicks). For USA, they are:

Tony: 5 steps (same kick as Japan)
Davy: 5 steps
Brian: 5 steps
Terry: 11 steps (same kick as England)
Mark: 11 steps (same kick as Brazil)
Don: 5-5-1/2 steps (same kick as Italy)
Phil: 10 steps (same kick as W. Germany)
Fred: 11 steps (same kick as Spain)

Fred is the fastest

Russia, Mexico, Brazil, Italy, Argentina, and W. Germany have unstoppable super kicks if done as a bicycle.
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