Most Console Gamers Still Prefer Physical Media

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Posted By wraggster at

Despite the advent of online game stores on all three major consoles, most console gamers apparently still prefer hoarding collections of gaming discs to downloading games. A recent survey conducted by Ipsos in the UK revealed that 64 per cent of the 1,000 users polled would rather have games on physical discs, while only 25 per cent would prefer digital copies. In the survey, 55 per cent of those polled said price was the key factor in determining their interest in downloading games, while 27 per cent said they wanted games available online before they were in the shops. Ipsos' director Ian Bramley explained, 'Interest absolutely drops away when you get to the types of pricing that you might charge for a new physical disc. People's perceptions are that they're not prepared to pay as much for digital content - they make the connection that it's not a physical disc and therefore it should be cheaper.'"

Most Console Gamers Still Prefer Physical Media - Slashdot

Dobbs note: I see the majority of people are looking at this DLC vs. DVD/physical media as I do...@#%! DLC.

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