Microsoft is teasing Windows 1.0 and other 1980s software

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Enlarge / Windows got the '80s treatment, but we're not sure what's actually being promoted. (credit: Aurich Lawson)

Either Microsoft is gearing up for a very odd promotional effort or somebody on the Windows team has hijacked a functioning time machine.
Yesterday, the company posted a video boasting an "all-new Windows 1.0" to its social channels. It even went so far as to completely wipe all its previous posts from the Windows Instagram account, so all you'll find is the clip of its logos over the years. The video scrolls from the simplicity of Windows 10 through the pixellated rainbow flag of Windows XP and Windows 95.

  • Possibly the most tubular exchange of compliments on Twitter. [credit: @ghostsarespooky ]

Whatever the situation is, the stunt is giving Windows' social media managers a chance to load their replies to confused tweets with throwbacks, from Back to the Future gifs to all the jargon that was once the epitome of cool.

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