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final kaoss

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TopLevel 0helder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante3300131D 0000
TopLevel 1helder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante3300131D 0001
TopLevel 2helder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante3300131D 0002
TopLevel 3helder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante3300131D 0003
TopLevel 4helder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante3300131D 0004
TopGravity Suithelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante2300131C 0020
TopHigh Jumphelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante2300131C 0001
TopMorph Ballhelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante2300131C 0040
TopScrew Attackhelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante2300131C 0008
TopSpace Jumphelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante2300131C 0004
TopSpeed Boosterhelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante2300131C 0002
TopTurn Off Allhelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante8300131C 0000
TopVaria Suithelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante2300131C 0010
TopChargehelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante2300131A 0001
TopIcehelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante2300131A 0010
TopPlasmahelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante2300131A 0004
TopTurn Off Allhelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante3300131A 0000
TopWavehelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante2300131A 0008
TopWidehelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante2300131A 0002
TopDrop From Ceiling (Press L+R)helder74000130 00FF
8300125C 0150
TopJump Thru Ceilings (Press Select+A)helder74000130 03FA
E300125C FFC6
TopWalk Thru Walls On Left Side (Press Select+L)helder74000130 01FB
E300125A FFE5
TopWalk Thru Walls On Right Side (Press Select+R)helder74000130 02FB
E300125A 0015
You might have to jump to make these WTW codes work.
Top!Note for following codes!Deuce X. MachinaIMPORTANT NOTE! Before you enter any boss room, you *must* disable the equipment you're about to receive; otherwise the boss will not appear and you'll be stuck, unable to complete the objective. Once you set foot inside the door, feel free to enable everything again. The easiest way to do this is make two sets of codes, one for zero equipment, one for all equipment, and trade out accordingly every time you see a boss door. SPECIAL CASES: Against Nightmare, his room is one room *after* the boss door, the one you drop down into. The second fight with the security robot (before entering the Metroid lab) isn't marked at all, so you have to think ahead.
Top100% Completiondlong6B018D87 ABBE8A89
Top100% Item Finding Ratehelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante3300151E 0064
TopAcceleration boostDeuce X. Machina3300124A 00??Set to 3B. Setting this field will vastly decrease the time it takes for your running speed to accelerate to boost level, regardless of whether you actually have the Speed Booster or not. 3B is the highest recommended value since anything above that makes really annoying noises.
TopAccess Debug RoomCadohacan3203821D 0007This is a area/room modifer though so it can be used for accessing other unused rooms. Use these room/debug codes at the file selection screen, while using the first save slot.
TopAccess Debug RoomCadohacan3203821F 0000
TopAll Doors Unlockeddlong83176536 B3D9F569
TopAlways Run At Super Speedhelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante83001252 A001
TopArea ModifierCadohacan3203821D 00XX
TopBeam BitfieldDeuce X. Machina3300131A 00??01 - Charge 02 - Wide 04 - Plasma 08 - Wave 10 - Ice 1F - all Enabling the Ice Beam will turn your suit orange, as it does at the end of the game.
TopDiffuse Missles always chargedlemmayoshiE488B8DF 1B41ED80
TopDrop From Cieling (L+R)helder74000130 00FF
8300125C 0150
the wtw codes u might have to jump to make it work at times,and i made the fall from cielings code in case u go too hi and get stuck in the cielings,well enjoy!
TopEnable Code (Must Be On)helder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante00000F6D 000A
100008B4 0007
TopEquip Weapons+Suits [Press Select+L]MadCatz44832C72B096
TopEquipment Bitfield 1Deuce X. Machina3300131B 00??01 - Missile 02 - Super Missile 04 - Ice Missile 08 - Diffusion Missile 10 - Bomb 20 - Power Bomb 3F - all
TopEquipment Bitfield 2Deuce X. Machina3300131C 00??01 - Hi-Jump/Jumpball 02 - Speed Booster 04 - Space Jump 08 - Screw Attack 10 - Varia Suit 20 - Gravity Suit 40 - Morph Ball 7F - all
TopFast Shot (No Pause)lemmayoshiE1139F21 A0F47594Original code by: likk, radical dreamer, TheWhyzeman, Helder, DarkKnightDante & StalkerX.
TopFast Shot/No Pause Between Shotshelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante3300124E 0000
TopHave All Upgradesdlong2B703E4E A7DE680A
08FD6F1E 162A997A
TopHave All Upgrades (Read Note)LightDemonCodeH4641F009 B4BBD92D
76855A67 0064B3DF
The bosses aren't loaded, so the computer gets stuck on the same objective. You will get stuck because you can't progress as normal, even if you do use all doors are unlocked code.
TopHave All Weapons/Suits/Abilitieshelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante4300131A FFFF
00000003 0002
TopHave Some UpgradesLightDemonCodeH2B703E4E A7DE680A
86997866 53304A14
Have the last suit, Ice Beam, the Super/Ice/Diffusion Missile Upgrades, and Power Bomb availability when you get Morph Ball. On the bad side, the Ice Beam doesn't do extra damage or freeze enemies. Despite this, it still loads all the bosses and you can progress as normal.
TopHave The Final Suit With No Side Effectshelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante83004D2C 02FF
83004D2E 01BE
83004D30 00D3
83004D36 020F
83004D40 0108
83004D44 31E8
83004D46 28A6
TopHoursDeuce X. Machina33000138 00??In order to affect the ending, this must be set (at a minimum) just before the credits start rolling. After that, the game will not recognize any alterations to your time.
TopHP CurrentDeuce X. Machina83001310 ????
TopInfinite EnergyMadCatzE3D406B4FF5D
TopInfinite MissilesMadCatzEB9446D4FF5D
TopInfinite Missileshelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante83001314 03E7
TopInfinite P-BombsMadCatzC9BC64D23FBC
TopInfinite Super Bombshelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante33001318 0063
TopInfinite/Maximum HealthdlongB99F5C68 287E7B55
TopInfinite/Maximum MissilesdlongDCD5A90F 6F8F63F2
TopInfinite/Maximum Super Bombsdlong2041F997 AE2AA05B
TopIninite Healthhelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante83001310 0833
TopInstant Boostlemmayoshi2D95A4A2 DCCCB5AA
TopInvinciblehelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante33001249 0001
TopInvisibilityDeuce X. Machina33001249 00??Fix at !0, 7F is fine. After-hit effect. All abilities can be used, you will not get knocked back or take damage.
TopInvulnerablexirtamehtsitahw9922F0AC 5E5E9DFE
TopItems CollectedDeuce X. Machina3300151E 00??Percentage, 64 for 100% Unlike time, this field can be changed at any time before the credits finish in order for it to affect the game ending.
TopJump in Midairnolberto82A63A7F6C 96863F87
7B527134 A3B133F8
78834A3A 69B41AC6
F03C47FC 7238B34C
956C2260 C86D26D0
TopJump in Midairnolberto8273001245 0017
330011EC 0000
730011EC 0001
83001260 00B0
73001245 000B
33001245 0004
TopJump Thru Cielings (Sel+A)helder74000130 03FA
E300125C FFC6
the wtw codes u might have to jump to make it work at times,and i made the fall from cielings code in case u go too hi and get stuck in the cielings,well enjoy!
TopLast Samus Clone Energy Modifierlemmayoshi3300018C 00XX
TopLow Completion Timehelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante83000138 0100
TopLow Timer (Removes Hours From Timer)GalaKnight79991A20 CA815E13
TopMax Healthhelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante83001312 0833
TopMax Missileshelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante83001316 03E7
TopMax Super Bombshelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante33001319 0063
TopMinutesDeuce X. Machina33000139 00??In order to affect the ending, this must be set (at a minimum) just before the credits start rolling. After that, the game will not recognize any alterations to your time.
TopMissiles CurrentDeuce X. Machina33001314 00??
TopMoon JumplemmayoshiC963A98F BB7EFD4A
TopMoon Jumphelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante74000130 03FE
83001260 0040
TopMoon Jumpdlong86C1A619 E48FFEE4
C9DD1018 36B40DF8
TopMorph Ball Bombs Explode Instantlylemmayoshi74B0E471 20E88725
TopMulti JumpMadCatzFD28FA5E77C9
TopOmega Metroid Dies instantlylemmayoshi0187F4C6 3B9E24FB
TopPower Bombs CurrentDeuce X. Machina33001318 00??
TopPowerbombs Explode InstantlylemmayoshiBAD602F9 EB1838C3
TopRemove Weapons+Suits [Press Select+R]MadCatz44832CF2B296
TopRoom ModifierCadohacan3203821F 00YY
TopRun Fastlemmayoshi9E63A5C957ED0F2FOriginal code by: likk, radical dreamer, TheWhyzeman, Helder, DarkKnightDante & StalkerX.
TopSamus mutation energy modifierlemmayoshi83007D44 XXXX
83007D46 XXXX
TopShine Spark Always Charged On/Off (Select/L+Select)lemmayoshi2383107C C390F007
87C14B1F 5F246A33
97687214 32EF24DE
9FD85698 18CE096D
E453B49A 8A3CB91F
9F22D015 83D3E373
54E4E272 A5D6A901
TopShineSpark Always Charged (Press Select For On; L+Select For Off)lemmayoshi2383107C C390F007
87C14B1F 5F246A33
97687214 32EF24DE
9FD85698 18CE096D
E453B49A 8A3CB91F
9F22D015 83D3E373
54E4E272 A5D6A901
TopShineSpark Always Charged (Short Code)lemmayoshi54E4E272 A5D6A901This code makes jumping very difficult, so I suggest using the code below.
TopShinespark timerDeuce X. Machina330012DC 00??Fix at !0, 7F is fine. Allows Shinespark to be used at any time; also note this does not require the Speed Booster.
TopStop Event Timerhelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante830008D8 00DA
TopStop Event Timerdlong6B23BA4E 839CBDD7
TopSuper Dash Always Chargedhelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante330012DC 005F
TopSuper Dash Much Soonerhelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante33001253 009D
TopTime Always 00:00helder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante820382E4 0000
TopTurn Off All Missiles/Bombshelder, likk, Radical Dreamer, StalkerX, TheWhyzeman, DarkKnightDante3300131B 0000
TopWalk Thru Walls on Left Side (Sel+L)helder74000130 01FB
E300125A FFE5
the wtw codes u might have to jump to make it work at times,and i made the fall from cielings code in case u go too hi and get stuck in the cielings,well enjoy!
TopWalk Thru Walls on Right Side(Sel+R)helder74000130 02FB
E300125A 0015
the wtw codes u might have to jump to make it work at times,and i made the fall from cielings code in case u go too hi and get stuck in the cielings,well enjoy!
Top[M] Must Be OnMadCatz93C80FA3DF77
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