Megaman Zero (U)

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final kaoss

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TopPress L+Select On Neo Arcadia 1 To Be Placed Next To The Door To Asura Basura's RoomxMrNx74000130 01FB
8202B5EC 43FF
74000130 01FB
8202B5EE 0007
74000130 01FB
8202B5F0 5FFF
74000130 01FB
8202B5F2 001B
74000130 01FB
82022C74 477F
74000130 01FB
82022C76 0007
74000130 01FB
82022C78 47FF
74000130 01FB
82022C7A 001B
Must beat the Pantheon Aces to fight him. Combine with Pantheon Aces code.
TopPress R+Select On Neo Arcadia 1 To Be Placed Next To The Door To The Pantheon Ace's RoomxMrNx74000130 02FB
74000130 02FB
8202B5EE 0009
74000130 02FB
8202B5F0 3FFF
74000130 02FB
8202B5F2 001D
74000130 02FB
82022C74 ACFF
74000130 02FB
82022C76 0009
74000130 02FB
82022C78 27FF
74000130 02FB
82022C7A 001D
TopPress R+Select On Neo Arcadia 2 To Be Placed Next To Rainbow Devil's HallwayxMrNx74000130 02FB
8202B5EC 4A00
74000130 02FB
8202B5EE 0015
74000130 02FB
8202B5F0 CFFF
74000130 02FB
8202B5F2 000B
74000130 02FB
82022C74 1800
74000130 02FB
82022C76 0015
74000130 02FB
82022C78 B7FF
74000130 02FB
82022C7A 000B
TopPress R+Select On Neo Arcadia 3 To Be Placed Near The Hallway To The 2nd Teleporter RoomsxMrNx74000130 02FB
8202B5EC 2FFF
74000130 02FB
8202B5EE 0027
74000130 02FB
8202B5F0 9FFF
74000130 02FB
8202B5F2 000B
74000130 02FB
82022C74 E800
74000130 02FB
82022C76 0026
74000130 02FB
82022C78 9000
74000130 02FB
82022C7A 000B
you can't access the doors if you position or checkpoint mod yourself into the room.
You have to enter through the doors
TopPress R+Select On Train 2 To Be Placed In Next To Pantheon Core's HallwayxMrNx74000130 02FB
74000130 02FB
8202B5EE 004A
74000130 02FB
8202B5F0 1FFF
74000130 02FB
8202B5F2 0006
74000130 02FB
82022C74 8800
74000130 02FB
82022C76 004A
74000130 02FB
82022C78 F000
74000130 02FB
82022C7A 0005
Top(M)Link_z1C2497B68 D5B35DA8
CBEEDD47 7361F305
TopAbility BitfieldDeuce X. Machina3202B71A 00??3F for everything. 01 - Turbo (speed) 02 - Ribbid (walls) 04 -
Gibber (ladders) 08 - Buffer (shock) 10 - Shelter (defense) 20 - Jackson (inviz)
TopAccess Trans Server [Press Select+R]MadCatz1841A3E22A9B
TopAll ElvesLink_z1BD9319A1 43CFB07A
D7753F0C 4E9A8C14
5C6A475C AC3E30BB
TopAll Elves Fully GrownMadCatz59C25A7BBF43
TopAll Weapon Skills MaxedMadCatzACBD158EC538
TopAll Weapons+ElementsMadCatzA8A9150DC939
TopAlways S RankDante2090F863A95D 0B56E03D
TopBuster Rod Skill LevelDeuce X. Machina3202B736 00??Set to 4 for all abilities.
TopCan Select Any MissionUgetab4202A6AC 0100
02020009 0002
3202A6C0 0011
The first mission on the list will have a buggy name, but it will be the waste disposal area
TopCheckpoint ModifierxMrNx74000130 03FB
3202A59C 00??
Checkpoint values Underground Lab 01 - Start (so you can skip that intro) 02 - Before Golem Underground Lab 2 00 - Start 01 - Before Maha Ganeshariff 02 - Escape Disposal Center 00 - Start 01 - Before Aztec Falcon Train 00 - Start 01 - Before boarding train Train 2 00 - Start 01 - Before Harpuia Factory 00 - Start 01 - Before Guard Orotic Factory 2 00 - Start/Before Phantom 01 - Defuse the bombs Desert 00 - Start 01 - Before Anubis Necromancess III 02 - Escort the survivor Desert 2 00 - Start 01 - Fefnir Hidden Base 00 - Start 01 - Before Blizzack Stagroff Hidden Base 2 00 - Start 01 - Before Leviathan Resistance HQ 2 00 - Start 01 - Before Hanumachine Neo Arcadia 1 00 - Start 01 - Before Herculious Anchortus Neo Arcadia 2 00 - Start 01 - Before Rainbow Devil (the game messes up when you talk to Ciel though) Neo Arcadia 3 00 - Start 02 - Teleporter Rooms 1 (this is so you can access Teleporter Rooms 2) 05 - Before Copy-X Note: With the stage/checkpoint mods, hold select when starting a mission, a new game, or when at the Retry screen.
TopCLEAR TIMEDeuce X. Machina82022B28 ????
82022B2A ????
2C for 1 sec, 168 for 1 min, etc.; lower is better. Time taken to complete the mission.
TopCLEAR TIME DisplayDeuce X. Machina32022B37 00??Changing this, like any display value, does nothing.
TopCrystalsDeuce X. Machina8202B79E ????
TopCrystals Fed: JacksonDeuce X. Machina8202B788 ????Don't set any Fed values to the exact amount needed, or you won't be able to feed your elves. Better yet, just use the Growth values instead.
TopCrystals Fed: NuppieDeuce X. Machina8202B764 ????Don't set any Fed values to the exact amount needed, or you won't be able to feed your elves. Better yet, just use the Growth values instead.
TopCrystals Fed: TurboDeuce X. Machina8202B776 ????Don't set any Fed values to the exact amount needed, or you won't be able to feed your elves. Better yet, just use the Growth values instead.
TopDAMAGEDeuce X. Machina82022B2E ????Set to 0 for best score. Total damage Zero has taken during a mission.
TopDAMAGE DisplayDeuce X. Machina32022B39 00??Changing this, like any display value, does nothing.
TopDash lengthDeuce X. Machina3202B6B8 00??Countdown, fix about 1C or so. When set properly, allows infinite dashes (unless you hit a wall or drop off a ledge, etc.).
TopElementDeuce X. Machina3202B73D 000?0 - none 1 - Thunder 2 - Fire 3 - Ice The effect of equipping an elemental chip.
TopELFDeuce X. Machina32022B35 00??Set to 0 for best score. Number of Cyber Elves used during a mission.
TopELF DisplayDeuce X. Machina32022B3B 00??Changing this, like any display value, does nothing.
TopEnable Code (Must Be On)Shimer9B1DF0F0 B854
66B03AB3 F58C
5D0CCC2D 680E
TopENEMYDeuce X. Machina82022B2C ????Higher value for better score. Number of enemies killed during a mission.
TopENEMY DisplayDeuce X. Machina32022B38 00??Changing this, like any display value, does nothing.
TopEquipped Cyber Elf 1Deuce X. Machina3202B720 00??The game will autosort your elves if slots 1 or 2 are empty. Also, when you use this method and use an elf, you must also unset the approriate Depleted bitfield in order to use it again (see Bitfields page, Cyber Elves section). The following values are for use in conjunction with the Equipped Cyber Elf 1, 2, and 3 fields. 00: nothing 01: Winkie 02: Nuppie 03: Mippie 04: Reppie 05: Lippie 06: Hapitan 07: Nutan 08: Lubtan 09: Nebitan 0A: Areff 0B: Bireff 0C: Sireff 0D: Dereff 0E: Ereff 0F: Fureff 10: Greff 11: Hareff 12: Ireff 13: Gireff 14: Morick 15: Keick 16: Coswick 17: Somack 18: Motolar 19: Tielar 1A: Muelar 1B: Rohealar 1C: Shelter 1D: Turbo 1E: Gibber 1F: Ribbid 20: Buffer 21: Birsky 22: Birtack 23: Birdian 24: Birtross 25: Birfly 26: Birrair 27: Beesus 28: Beedle 29: Beenet 2A: Beehoney 2B: Beefive 2C: Beevoize 2D: Sticker 2E: Stickon 2F: Stickle 30: Sticken 31: Bomga 32: Bomgu 33: Bompa 34: Bompu 35: Totten 36: Eenite 37: Kenite 38: Hafmargo 39: Hafmarda 3A: Stoccue 3B: Stocchu 3C: Stoctto 3D: Stocpie 3E: Stocpoh 3F: Clocka 40: Clocta 41: Cloctch 42: Clocpah 43: Clocpooh 44: Itecle 45: Itemon 46: Itettle 47: Itepon 48: Iteron 49: M-Orell 4A: M-Oria 4B: M-Orque 4C: M-Orekka 4D: M-Orolli 4E: Jackson
TopEquipped Cyber Elf 2Deuce X. Machina3202B721 00??The game will autosort your elves if slots 1 or 2 are empty. Also, when you use this method and use an elf, you must also unset the approriate Depleted bitfield in order to use it again (see Bitfields page, Cyber Elves section). The following values are for use in conjunction with the Equipped Cyber Elf 1, 2, and 3 fields. 00: nothing 01: Winkie 02: Nuppie 03: Mippie 04: Reppie 05: Lippie 06: Hapitan 07: Nutan 08: Lubtan 09: Nebitan 0A: Areff 0B: Bireff 0C: Sireff 0D: Dereff 0E: Ereff 0F: Fureff 10: Greff 11: Hareff 12: Ireff 13: Gireff 14: Morick 15: Keick 16: Coswick 17: Somack 18: Motolar 19: Tielar 1A: Muelar 1B: Rohealar 1C: Shelter 1D: Turbo 1E: Gibber 1F: Ribbid 20: Buffer 21: Birsky 22: Birtack 23: Birdian 24: Birtross 25: Birfly 26: Birrair 27: Beesus 28: Beedle 29: Beenet 2A: Beehoney 2B: Beefive 2C: Beevoize 2D: Sticker 2E: Stickon 2F: Stickle 30: Sticken 31: Bomga 32: Bomgu 33: Bompa 34: Bompu 35: Totten 36: Eenite 37: Kenite 38: Hafmargo 39: Hafmarda 3A: Stoccue 3B: Stocchu 3C: Stoctto 3D: Stocpie 3E: Stocpoh 3F: Clocka 40: Clocta 41: Cloctch 42: Clocpah 43: Clocpooh 44: Itecle 45: Itemon 46: Itettle 47: Itepon 48: Iteron 49: M-Orell 4A: M-Oria 4B: M-Orque 4C: M-Orekka 4D: M-Orolli 4E: Jackson
TopFor Diagonal Movement And Attacking While Moving [Optional]xMrNx74000130 039F
8202B5F8 FD80
74000130 039F
74000130 03AF
8202B5F8 FD80
74000130 03AF
74000130 039D
8202B5F8 FD80
74000130 039D
74000130 03AD
8202B5F8 FD80
74000130 03AD
74000130 03BD
8202B5F8 FD80
74000130 03BD
74000130 035F
8202B5F8 0280
74000130 035F
8202B5FA 0000
74000130 036F
8202B5F8 0280
74000130 036F
8202B5FA 0000
74000130 035D
8202B5F8 0280
74000130 035D
8202B5FA 0000
74000130 036D
8202B5F8 0280
74000130 036D
8202B5FA 0000
74000130 037D
8202B5F8 0280
74000130 037D
8202B5FA 0000
TopFreeze EnemiesMadCatz1368CEDE9F66
TopFreeze EnemiesShimer7954AC39 CA4E
ADD82533 FD68
TopGrowth: JacksonDeuce X. Machina3202B79D 000?2 is fully-grown.
TopGrowth: NuppieDeuce X. Machina3202B78B 000?1 is fully-grown.
TopGrowth: TurboDeuce X. Machina3202B794 000?1 is fully-grown.
TopHave All Elements And Weaponsdlong71A06B11 C1987AAE
TopHave All ElvesMadCatz84D4D7600890
TopHave All ElvesShimer086D414D D5B5
TopHave All Elves Fully GrownShimerED172D38 7823
TopHave All Weapon Skills MaxedShimer02A9D2A1 A9CD
28B9E2B4 AB85
TopHave All Weapons & ElementsShimer038BD625 A1C1
TopHave Sub TanksMadCatz06B937899FBF
TopHave Sub TanksShimer524FBB2F AFC9
TopHorizontal Air VelocityDeuce X. Machina320AB5F5 000?2 - normal run 3 - normal dash Set to anything above 3 to gain an airspeed boost (7 is pretty quick). This does not change ground speed. Also note that the camera will have trouble keeping up with your speed.
TopHP CurrentDeuce X. Machina3202B62C 00??10 initially
TopInfinite CrystalMadCatz77D5716CE3AA
TopInfinite CrystalShimerDCE10AA7 3487
TopInfinite Crystalsnolberto8240370D82 9CBC532E
TopInfinite DashMadCatz1DD1DAFB9D2F
TopInfinite DashShimer68176B39 1A8B
TopInfinite DashdlongAF7F33FE 691506B7
TopInfinite ElvesMadCatz5F7F6A7AB58F
TopInfinite ElvesShimerFC34EBBA 2EA2
57A3FEA0 2985
TopInfinite Fall RecoveryMadCatz57566A5AB1C6
TopInfinite Fall RecoveryShimerFC7469BA 7666
DC6449AB 746A
D6A058A3 7E2E
EC34A959 6602
TopInfinite HealthMadCatz13ADBA9A95AF
TopInfinite HealthShimer7375FFBB 0ECB
TopInfinite HealthdlongF39E71DC 0A2176A9
F52FD97F B08C38ED
TopInfinite Retriesnolberto820D2BDA74 67D86A61
TopInfinite RetriesMadCatz1D5447EB8367
TopInfinite RetriesShimer482609A9 F20A
TopInvincibleShimerA6D37271 3AEF
TopInvincibledlong5BCCB0E2 9D1FD3E7
TopInvisibilityDeuce X. Machina3202B634 00??Fix at 80 or so. After-hit effect.
TopJackson timerDeuce X. Machina8202B6C6 ????Countdown, normally starts at 01FF or so. Timer for the Jackson Cyber Elf effect (damage immunity).
TopLevel SMadCatz2414018DD572
TopLevel SShimer42EA78A5 794C
TopMax HealthMadCatz2AEDF5EED7BE
TopMax HealthShimer59A9AEA3 8F8D
TopMax SpeedMadCatz0E7867E38FF7
TopMax SpeedShimer580E890B EF08
TopMax Weapon Statsdlong3E5BB4B4 9769C8AA
TopMaximum HealthdlongBE2B58CE 9705683B
TopMaximum Speeddlong8D50556B
TopMISSIONDeuce X. Machina32022B27 00??Set to 14 to get max points (20); direct equivalence. Mission fulfillment score.
TopMISSION DisplayDeuce X. Machina32022B36 00??Display value for points gained. Changing this, like any display value, does nothing.
TopMoon JumpMadCatzA1EA754EEFC4
TopMoon Jumpdlong86C1A619 E48FFEE4
TopOnly 1 Bomb To Deactivate In The "Protect Factory" MissionxMrNx74000130 037B
82022AD8 69FF
press select+Down when you get to the 1st bomb
TopPlay Timer At 0:00nolberto829568E52B 6DFB2BE3
TopPlay Timer At 0:00MadCatz5F526E7ABFC7
TopPlay Timer At 0:00ShimerFC14293A FE22
TopPress A For Moon JumpShimer89C98422 EE67
BC16A17A EE22
TopPress Select+R During The Rescue Survivor Mission To Position Hack Zero And The Survivor To The Front Of HqxMrNx74000130 02FB
8202B5EC F090
74000130 02FB
8202B5EE 001B
74000130 02FB
8202B5F0 FFFF
74000130 02FB
8202B5F2 0002
74000130 02FB
8300482C F090
74000130 02FB
8300482E 001B
74000130 02FB
83004830 FFFF
74000130 02FB
83004832 0002
74000130 02FB
82022C74 F090
74000130 02FB
82022C76 001B
74000130 02FB
82022C78 D000
74000130 02FB
82022C7A 0002
this works if you use the stage/checkpoint mods to get to him do this after reading Ciel's message
TopPress Select+R During The Rescue Survivor Mission To Position Hack Zero And The Survivor To The Front Of Hq 2xMrNx74000130 02FB
8202B5EC F090
74000130 02FB
8202B5EE 001B
74000130 02FB
8202B5F0 FFFF
74000130 02FB
8202B5F2 0002
74000130 02FB
83004760 F090
74000130 02FB
83004762 001B
74000130 02FB
83004764 FFFF
74000130 02FB
83004766 0002
74000130 02FB
82022C74 F090
74000130 02FB
82022C76 001B
74000130 02FB
82022C78 D000
74000130 02FB
82022C7A 0002
use this if the previous one doesn't work do this after reading Ciel's message
TopPress Select+R For Access Trans ServerShimerC9041F4B 15B8
ADB064B3 7C2E
TopQuick Weapon ChargeMadCatz08454EFA933F
TopQuick Weapon ChargeShimer693C2FB9 B388
9647D34E 04F3
TopRETRYDeuce X. Machina32022B34 00??Set to 0 for best score. Number of retries used during a mission.
TopRETRY DisplayDeuce X. Machina32022B3A 00??Changing this, like any display value, does nothing.
TopShield Boomerang Skill LevelDeuce X. Machina3202B737 00??Set to 2 for max range.
TopStage ModifierxMrNx74000130 03FB
3202A574 00??
Stage Values 00 - Resistance HQ 01 - Underground Lab 02 - Underground Lab 2 03 - Disposal Center 04 - Disposal Center 2 05 - Train 06 - Train 2 07 - Factory 08 - Factory 2 09 - Desert 0A - Desert 2 0B - Hidden Base 0C - Hidden Base 2 0D - Resistance HQ 2 0E - Neo Arcadia 1 0F - Neo Arcadia 2 10 - Neo Arcadia 3
TopStop Task TimerMadCatzFDD5FCF1F38D
TopStop Task TimerShimerACB32397 96AB
TopSub Tanks FullMadCatz60EB5C7DF01B
TopSub Tanks FullShimerEDDBEEB4 A1B1
TopTriple Rod EXPDeuce X. Machina8202B730 ????Double attack at 28, triple attack at A0, charge at 230, fast charge at 730. Must hit one enemy to get upgrade(s) after value is set.
TopWeak BossesMadCatz284564FEF78E
TopWeak BossesShimerC9B82EB3 BFAE
166790AA AE47
TopWeb ProofMadCatzF7BB310FFD8C
TopWeb ProofShimer96C3F222 2EE7
TopZ Buster Main EXPDeuce X. Machina8202B72C ????2-level charge at 190, fast charge at 4B0. Must hit one enemy to get upgrade(s) after value is set.
TopZ Buster Shot EXPDeuce X. Machina3202B738 00??C8 for +1 bullet on screen. Must hit one enemy to get upgrade after value is set.
TopZ Buster Skill LevelDeuce X. Machina3202B734 00??Set to 2 for charge abilities. Setting this to the max value of 3 will not give you the +1 bullets upgrade; for that, use the Z Buster Shot EXP field below.
TopZ Saber Air EXPDeuce X. Machina3202B73B 00??Jumping rolling slash at 64. Instant upgrade, no hit required, no notification given (if equal to or over 64).
TopZ Saber Dash EXPDeuce X. Machina3202B73A 00??Dash rolling slash at 3C. Instant upgrade, no hit required, no notification given (if equal to or over 3C).
TopZ Saber Main EXPDeuce X. Machina8202B72E ????Double slash at 28, triple-slash at A0, charge at 258, fast charge at 690. Must hit one enemy to get upgrade(s) after value is set.
TopZ Saber Skill LevelDeuce X. Machina3202B735 00??Set to 4 for slash/charge abilities. Setting this to the max value of 6 will not give you the dash or air moves; for those, use the Z Saber Dash EXP and Air EXP fields below.
TopZero Can FlyxMrNx8202B5F8 FFFF
74000130 03BF
8202B5F8 FD80
74000130 03BF
74000130 037F
8202B5F8 0280
74000130 037F
8202B5FA 0000
straight up, down, left, and right, but can't attack while moving
Top[M] Must Be OnMadCatz98DD42921177
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