Mega Man 1 Cheat Codes (for NES)

Cheat codes, tips guides & hints for games on the Nintendo Entertainment System or NES.

final kaoss

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Boss order

Here's the best order:

GUTSMAN - weakness pellet (Mega Man's standard ability).
CUTSMAN - weakness rock toss
ELECTRICMAN - weakness cutters
ICEMAN - weakness electric blast
FIREMAN - weakness ice blast
BOMBMAN - weakness fireball
RE: Mega Man

Boss tips

First, take on the bomb man stage. Then, you can use bombs against gut man. It will take three hits to kill him. No use your guts against cut man. Two hits will kill him. Go on over to the elec man stage. Three cuts will render him helpless. Head toward ice man. Learn to jump in between his blasts and use your elec powers against him for a three hit KO. Use ice against fire man.
RE: Mega Man

Get infinite lives

In the Bomb Man stage, you can get infinite lives by getting the one-up, jumping out of the tunnel, and back into it before you hit the ground, and the one-up will come back.
RE: Mega Man

Level tips

Here is a kind of order you can use for making this game more easier:

1-Bomb Man (use your normal arm, anyway you don't have the choice!!)
2-Guts Man (use the Boat Man arm to kill him)
3-Cut Man (use the Guts Man arm and throw the block athim, the two block and he is dead)
4-Elec Man (use the Cut Man arm to kill him. Don't forget to take the special arm on this level with the Guts Man arm)
5-Ice Man (use the Elec Man arm to kill him)
6-Fire Man (use the Ice Man arm to kill him, I think he is the most difficult character to kill)

When you are in the Dr. Wily stage, first you will have to beat a very tough monster who is compose by block who keep moving all the time. Use the Elec Man arm to kill him, that's the best arm to kill him.

After, in the second stage of Dr. Wily you will have to beat again, against Cut Man, here you can't use the Guts Man arm cause no block's are there, so kill him with your normal ball. After Elec Man is coming back, kill him with the Cut Man Arm. After that you will have to beat a character just like Mega Man, use the Elec Man arm and after finish him with your normal ball!!

In the third stage, the boss is not that tough just use the Guts Man arm and throw the four block at him and after finished your job with your normal ball.

And the last stage you have to beat the four characters again, so kill Boat Man with the Fireman arm, after kill Fire Man with the iceman arm, after kill Iceman with the Elec Man arm, and after kill Guts Man with the Boat Man arm. Next you will finally have Dr. Wily in your face, so first of all use the Fire Man arm to kill the plane, after when the plane is open just use the Cut Man arm to finish Dr. Wily and after that, its over!!!! You have finished Mega Man!! Use this trick and you will be happy to see the game ending of Mega Man!!!
RE: Mega Man

Do extra damage with the Cutman Blade or the Elecman Beam

To do extra damage with the Cutman Blade or the Elecman Beam, pause the game as soon as a hit registers, then immediately unpause. This will result in multiple hits. By pressing Start rapidly, you can do a huge amount of damage with a single shot. This can work against you if you've been hit by Cutman or Elecman.
RE: Mega Man


A2, B1, C2-5, D1-2-4, E1-4 Metal Man
A2, B1-3-5, C2, D1-2-4, E4 Heat Man
A1, C4, D1-2-3-5, E1-2-4 Bubble Man
A1, C3-4, D2-3-5, E1-2-4 Wood Man
A2, C2-5, D1-2-3-4, E1-2 Flash Man
A2,B1-5, C2, D1-2-4, E1-4 Quick Man
A5, B2-4, C1-3-5, D4-5, E2 Dr. Wily

You have all weapons.

     1   2   3   4   5   6   7
B                B
C    R
D                R       B
F    B                       R
R= red   B= blue
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