Google News to be revamped, incorporate YouTube videos and magazines

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A report from AdAge claims that Google News will soon be going through some more changes. According to the report, Google News is getting a "new design" and will "incorporate elements of the [Google Play] Newsstand app and YouTube." The new Google News will reportedly be powered by Google's stripped-down, quick-loading AMP technology and is expected to launch at Google I/O 2018.
Google has apparently been talking to publishers about the design, and AdAge quotes one anonymous publishing executive as saying, "It's a consolidation of all the ways you can interact with news on Google...There are a lot of Google services where you find news, and what they're trying to do is bring it all under one brand."
A Google News redesign is surprising considering that the current design is less than a year old. It's unclear if the current design is just being tweaked to incorporate YouTube and Play Newsstand or if the whole thing is being scrapped and rebuilt. The report also mentions that Google News will get a new app.

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