Google I/O 2018 preview—What we’re expecting from Google’s big show

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Google's biggest show of the year, I/O 2018, will start up in just a few days. In addition to tons of developer talks, the show typically serves as a coming out party for a bevy of Google announcements.
I/O hasn't necessarily been your typical tech announcement event where months of pre-leaks reveal 90 percent of what will happen. But while we can't know what's coming for certain—everyone remembers those skydivers wearing augmented reality glasses, right?—we can go into this year's show with a few informed predictions. Based on our analysis of evidence, past news, and Google's usual release schedules, here's what we're expecting at Google I/O 2018.

Android P Developer Preview 2​

This first one is easy. Every year Google releases a new developer preview of Android at I/O, and Google's own schedule says we'll get a new developer preview in "May," the same month as Google I/O. A new preview of Android P is pretty much a lock. The real question is "What do we expect in the second Android P Preview?"

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