Google Chrome’s major redesign shows a lighter, rounder UI

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Google is planning a massive redesign of its major products this year. We've already seen some major changes land in the first Android P Developer Preview, and we've seen leaks of a new Gmail design. Next up on the docket is Google Chrome.
We've been unofficially calling Google's new design effort "Material Design 2," which is how it was first referenced in a Chrome commit from February. "Material Design" is Google's current company-wide design language, which first debuted in 2014 with Android 5.0 Lollipop. We're expecting to hear a lot about Material Design 2 at Google I/O 2018, but so far we've seen work-in-progress MD2 changes bring a lighter, rounder design to Google's products. Round buttons, boxes with rounded corners, and white background are usually among the changes. We also see an increasing use of the "Product Sans" font in the redesigns, which makes everything look more Googly given that it's the same font used in Google's logo.

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