Fighter maker

User submitted Playstation 1 instruction manuals.

final kaoss

Staff member
One BLANK Memory Card (15 Memory Card blocks) per character.
The Memory Card can be inserted into either Memory Card slot 1 or 2
of the PlayStation game console.

Important: FIGHTER MAKER requires all 15 blocks to save edited
character moves, profiles, and logic data. Before you start using the
Character Edit feature, it's recommended that you have a blank Memory
Card for each character that you will edit.

Gameplay Controls ------(Default)
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START Button - Display Main Menu at Title Screen.
Pause/resume game action.
In VS mode, press once for slow motion.
Press again to pause.

SELECT Button - Display in-game menu to check attacks, change
settings and camera angles, or end game.

Directional Buttons - (U) -Move character to background (away from
(D) -Move character to foreground (toward you)
(L) -Move character to the left
(R) -Move character to the right
Activate a variety of attack sequences by
combining the Directional Buttons with Attack
buttons ((X), (S), (T)).

(X) Button - Confirm menu selections.
Low-level (leg) attacks.

(S) Button - Mid-level (body) attacks.

(T) Button - Upper-level (head) attacks.

(C) Button - Cancel menu selections.

R1 Button - Guard.

R1 + (D) - Defend against low-level attacks.

R1 + (S) - Throw.

Note: You can reconfigure the gameplay controls in Option Mode. See
page 11.

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Character Edit Controls

START Button - Display the Controller bar while creating movements.
See page 23 for information about the Controller Bar.

SELECT Button - Switch between the throwing character and the thrown
character when creating throwing movements.

Directional Buttons - Move cursor.

(X) Button - Confirm menu selections.

(T) Button - Display menu for adjusting camera perspective when
viewing a character.

(S) Button - Hide menus for unobstructed view of character.

(C) Button - Cancel menu selections.

L1 Button (hold) + (L)/(R) - Cycle through a pose frame by frame in
Pose Editor.

L2 Button - Redo last action in Pose Editor.

R1 Button (hold) - Display a ring around the selected portion of the
body in Pose Editor, indicating the direction in
which it will be moved.

R2 Button - Undo last action in Pose Editor.

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Playing Fighting Games----------------------

Game Screen -----------
- Player 1 on the left.
- Player 2 on the right.
- Stamina Gauges at top for each player.
- Time left in round between the Stamina Gauges.
- Rounds Won counter under the players Stamina Gauges.

Game Rules ----------
- When a character takes damage, his/her stamina gauge falls.

- The first character to deplete his/her stamina gauge loses, and the
other character wins the round.

- You must win two rounds against the CPU, or three rounds against a
human opponent, to win the match.

- If you're playing with a time limit and time expires before either
opponent wins, the opponent with more stamina remain
Fighter Maker

(X) = X Button
(C) = Circle Button
(S) = Square Button
(T) = Triangle Button

(U) = Direction Button Up
(D) = Direction Button Down
(L) = Direction Button Left
(R) = Direction Button Right

(H?) = HOLD the button. ? indicates the normal
qualifier. e.g. (HD) means HOLD the DOWN
Directional Button; (HR) HOLD the (R) Button

(R)(R) = When you see two in a row, that means to TAP
the buttons in the direction indicated.

This manual is by request from all of you who hounded Dave for it. I
suppose that is one reason I don't include my email addy in the
manuals. I get enough email each day as it is, and don't want to deal
with hundreds of requests, so I'll let Dave handle them. :) It's Much
easier getting one email from him.

Also, bare with me in this manual; there are a lot of odd symbols and
stuff through out. Please keep in mind that there is only so much a
person can do with ASCII text files.

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Table Of Contents

Create and Fight! ..............2 Hit .........................43
Throws ......................44
CHAPTER 1: BASICS Win/Lose Poses ..............44
Setting Up .....................2 Basic .......................44
Controller .....................3 Using Logic ...................47
Playing Fighting Games .........6 The Idea Behind LOGIC .......47
Using Fighting Commands ........7 Creating LOGIC ..............47
Selecting Game Modes ...........9 Release Time ................49
Configuring Options ...........10 Applying LOGIC ................50
Testing .....................50
CHAPTER 2: EDIT MODE Test Mode .....................51
Edit Mode Menu Options ........12 Test Options ................51
Creating Motion ...............16
Patterns Make The Moves .....16 CHAPTER 3: Tutorial
The Motion Menu .............17 Introduction ..................53
Creating a Motion in Tips for Creating Characters ..55
Three Steps .................18 Basic Movements ...............56
Motion Editing Screens ........22 Hits ..........................58
Edit Screen .................22 Set Hits ......................60
Management Window ...........24 Throws ........................62
Camera Window ...............27 Use Your Imagination! .........68
Using the Pose Editor .........29
Using the Config Option .......33
Command .....................33
Hit .........................34
Assigning a Name ..............40
When Your Motion
Editing Is Complete ...........40
Creating Combos ...............41
Guidelines ....................43
When You Begin Creating .....43

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Create And Fight----------------
FIGHTER MAKER lets you create an unlimited number of custom fighters
to battle in your own 3D fighting game. Assemble dozens of sequences,
including punches, kicks, throws and blocks, to create hundreds of
unique fighting moves. Pit your ultimate warrng in the
winner of that round.

- A draw game occurs when both fighters' stamina runs out at the same
time (a double KO), or both fighters have the same amount of
stamina when time runs out.

Note: You can adjust the time and number of rounds per match in
Option Mode. See page 10.

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Using Fighting Commands-----------------------
These commands are used for characters facing right. Reverse the
left/right Directional buttons when your character is facing left.

(U) -Move character to background (away from you)
(D) -Move character to foreground (toward you)
(L) -Move character to the left
(R) -Move character to the right

(HD) = HOLD the DOWN Directional Button, etc.
(R)(R) = When you see two in a row, that means to TAP the buttons in
the direction indicated.

Attacks -------
(T) - Upper-level attack
Attack an opponent's head.

(S) - Mid-level attack
Attack an opponent's body in mid-section.

(X) - Low-level attack
Attack an opponent's legs and knees.

Guards and Blocks -----------------
R1 - Upper and mid-level guard
Block an opponent's upper- or mid-level attack. Cannot be used
to block low-level attacks or a throwing sequence.

R1 + (HD) - Low-level guard
Block an opponent's low-level attack. Also, use this
combination to evade upper-level attacks and normal

Throws ------
R1 + (S) - Throw
Toss an opponent. Throws are successful only when your
character is close to an opponent.

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Dashes ------
(R)(R) - Forward dash

(L)(L) - Backward dash
Tap the left or right Directional Button twice quickly. Use this
tactic to dive into your opponent's chest, or to run toward an
opponent or retreat rapidly.

(U)(U) - Background dash

(D)(D) - Foreground dash
Tap the up or down Directional Button twice quickly. Use this tactic
to avoid an opponent's attack, or to circle around behind an

Defense -------
If your character is attacked and knocked to the ground, go on the
defensive by pressing the R1, (T), (S), or (X) button before landing.

Note: See page 66 for information about downward attacks on fallen

Resetting During Gameplay -------------------------
To reset the game to the Title Screen during gameplay, press the
SELECT, START, L1, L2, R1, and R2 buttons simultaneously.

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Selecting Game Modes--------------------
Press the START button at the Title screen to display the Main Menu.
Use the Directional buttons to select a game mode and its following
options, and press the (X) button to confirm.

Normal Mode -----------
Battle against the computer. Select your character and a fighting
style: NORMAL uses the data originally programmed for that character;
CUSTOM uses another character's data or edited data. If you are using
an edited character, insert a Memory Card with that character's data.
Select CONTROLLER to control the character yourself, or CPU to
instruct the computer to play both characters in CPU Random or CPU

VS Mode -------
Battle a friend for fighter supremacy. Select your characters and the
data for their movements (as in Normal Mode). If the battle is
between two edited characters, insert a Memory Card for each

Option ------
Adjust various game settings. See the following page for details.

Edit Mode ---------
Create new character profiles and edit your character's movements.
See Chapter 2 for instructions.

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Configuring Options-------------------
Use the Main Menu's OPTION feature to adjust various game settings.
On the Option Menu, use the Directional buttons to select items and
press the (X) button to confirm.

DIFFICULTY - Set your CPU opponent's skill level for Normal Mode
battles. Choices range from easy to hard.

TIME - Set the time limit for each round. Choices range from 15
seconds to infinite (no time limit).

NORMAL/VS ROUNDS - Set the number of rounds per match for Normal Mode
battles and VS Mode battles.

1P/2P LIFE - Set the value of each fighter's Stamina Gauge. If you
choose [infinite], the character will not suffer any

CHARACTER SELECT - Set to ON for the option of selecting a different
character between matches.

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HYPER MODE - Set to ON to minimize character movements made after an
attack sequence. This makes it easier to launch
continuous, rapid attacks.

BUTTON CONFIGURATION - Change the controller button assignments for
gameplay. On the Configuration menu, choose
from four pre-set configurations. Or, choose
CUSTOM, highlight a button, and then select a
move to map to that button. Moves include:

U (upper-level attack)
M (mid-level attack)
L (low-level attack)
G (guard)

BGM/SE VOLUME - Set the volume for background music and/or sound

BGM/SE TEST - Test background music and/or sound effects.

EXIT - Return to the Main Menu.

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Edit Mode Menu Options----------------------
Select EDIT MODE from the Main Menu when you want to create unique
characters. You can choose from 20 character models, supply the model
you select with various types of movements, create action sequences
for it, and write the character's profile (vital statistics).

You also use EDIT MODE to create CPU logic.

Select options with the Directional buttons, and press the (X) button
to confirm.

Important: The NEW, LOAD and SAVE options from the Edit Mode Menu
affect all data for the current character.

New ---
Create a brand-new character from scratch, without using any
previously selected data. When you select YES, all current character
data (if any) is erased from the screen. After selecting NEW,
continue by making PROFILE and BODY selections (as described on page

Note: You can restore default data by loading it from the FIGHTER
MAKER CD-ROM, and restore original data (if previously saved) by
loading it from a Memory Card.

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Load ----
Upload all existing data from a Memory Card for a character previously
saved to that card. When the data loads, the model will change to the
one saved on the card. You can use a Memory Card in either slot 1 or
slot 2 to load saved data. You can also load existing data from the
FIGHTER MAKER CD-ROM to use with creating a new character.

Hint: If you're new to the process, try loading sample fighting
styles from your FIGHTER MAKER CD-ROM, and then editing the existing

Save ----
Save the character data you've assembled onto a Memory Card. You can
save movements, profiles, and CPU logic. If you're saving a new
character, use a blank Memory Card. If you're saving additional data
for a previously created character, you can save to the same card you
loaded the data from. The Memory Card can be inserted into either
slot 1 or 2.

Note: One blank Memory Card will hold complete data for one
character. The amount of blocks used depends on the data saved, but
will never exceed 15 blocks, the maximum capacity of a Memory Card.

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Profile -------
To give your character an identity, create information in nine
categories. Select NEW to erase any current data and give yourself a
blank slate; LOAD to upload existing data; SAVE to save the displayed
data; and EDIT to change existing data or input original information.

On the Profile list, use the Directional Buttons to select, the (X)
button to confirm, and the (C) button to cancel. On the Edit letter
grid, use the Directional buttons to select characters, and use the
buttons shown at the bottom to operate the screen.

Note: You can input Profile Data for your character at the beginning,
end or anytime during the creation process.

Body ----
Select a body for your character. Press the Directional button
(L)/(R) to see all 20 model selections. The models differ in physique
and height, and these characteristics will affect the beauty of a
sequence and the hit points gained. Think about the sequences you
want to create, and choose the best body to effectively use and show
off those moves.

Important: You must select a body before you can create motions.

Motion ------
Create the movements and sequences to make up the character's fighting
style. This feature is explained in its own section, "Creating
Motion," beginning on page 16.

Logic -----
Use LOGIC to program the movements the CPU will use when controlling
your character. For instructions, see the section "Using Logic,"
beginning on page 47.

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Test ----
Test your characters by operating them in real time. The "Testing"
section begins on page 50.

Adjust the settings for Test Mode. This feature is explained in the
"Test Options" section on page 51.

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Creating Motion---------------
A character's performance depends on how effective his or her motions

Motion is the heart of FIGHTER MAKER. Movements are "drawn" by a 3-D
polygon engine, allowing you to create any sequences you like -
ranging from idling to furious attacks to the pose assumed by a
character at the moment of victory or defeat. Use FIGHTER MAKER to
bring to life the moves that exist in your imagination.

Patterns Make The Moves -----------------------
For the simplest movement, create at least two patterns: a beginning
pose and an end pose. FIGHTER MAKER will automatically compute the
transitional movements between the two.

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The Motion Menu ---------------
Motion Types - The four main motion types you can create and edit.

Motion Settings - The settings you apply to the motion you're editing.

Patterns - This dual figure shows the number of patterns for your
model. To the left of the slash: number of patterns used;
to the right of the slash: number of patterns available.

Directional Coordinates - These coordinates represent the parts of
your model will move: X is horizontal (right
or left on screen); Y is vertical (up and
down). Z is forward/backward (toward or away
from you). When you change the perspective
(see page 27), you can verify the model's
direction with these coordinates.

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Creating A Motion In Three Steps --------------------------------
1. Select a Motion Type.
There are four main types of motions, listed in the Motion Menu and
described in the table below. It's best to start with a BASIC motion.
Press the Directional button (U)/(D) to scroll through the

- You must select BODY before you can create motions.
- You must create a motion before you can use TEST.
- You must create a HIT or THROW motion in order to use LOGIC.

Basic Type Description

Hit Edit punch and kick attacks that are activated by the
Attack buttons ((X), (S), (T)). You can create a
maximum of 457 Hit patterns and 40 Hit sequences for
each character.

Throw Edit basic throws and command throws, and create the
movements of the character under attack. You can
create a maximum of 295 Throw patterns and 6 Throw

Win/Lose Edit your character's winning and losing poses at the
moment of victory or defeat. Only motions can be
created, there are no Win/Lose attacks. A total of 76
patterns are available for the creation of Win/Lose

Basic Edit character motions that are not related to
attacks. These include running, standing, guarding,
turning, rolling and so on - 21 moves in all. You can
create up to 166 patterns.

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2. Select A Setting For Your Motion Type.
Press the Directional button (R) to activate the right side of the
Motion Menu. Here you can select a setting - NEW, LOAD, SAVE,
CONVERT, or any of a number of sequences - for the motion you're
editing. Press the Directional buttons (D)/(U) to scroll through the
selections (they do not all appear on the screen at the same time).

Remember: Use the sample data on the CD-ROM as a reference.

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Setting Description

New Clears all previous data for the type of motion you are
editing, so you can start with a blank slate. For
example, when you select NEW from the Throw menu, only
Throw data is cleared. None of the other data is
affected for the character you are editing.

Load Upload data from the CD-ROM or a Memory Card for the
type of motion you are editing. Example, then you select
LOAD from the Throw menu, only Throw data will be
loaded. None of the other data is affected for the
character you are editing.

Save Saves data to a Memory Card for the type of motion you
are editing. Example, when you select SAVE from the
Throw menu, only Throw data will be saved.

Covert Make automatic adjustments to use the movements of a
different character model. When you load the moves
designed for one body type onto a different body type,
the movements are automatically adjusted to fit the new
body type. Keep in mind that you may need to make
further adjustments if the bodies differ greatly in size
or height. For example, to stop a shorter character
from floating above the ground you may need to tweak the
hit area.

Sequence Use a pre-set motion sequence already supplied with the
model you're using. These are identified by names and
numbers. Once you select a sequence, you can edit it for
your current character.

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3. Use A Sequence
When you select a pre-set motion sequence, you can custom edit it for
your character, or apply it intact as one of your character's
movements. A small Sequence Menu appears with EDIT, COPY and PASTE

Option Description

Edit Customize the sequence for your current character.

Copy Copy sequence data to a temporary buffer, preparing for
Paste action.

Paste Paste copied sequence data as one of the character
movements. This option will use the last sequence copied
to the temporary buffer (see above).

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Motion Editing Screens

Edit Screen

Sequence Number - Top left on the screen.
Edit Buttons - Top of the screen.
Name & Command - Located under the Edit Buttons bar.
Time - Is seen in the bottom right corner.

Sequence Number - Each sequence is numbered. When you create combos
(see page 41), you'll also see the number of the
sequence the combo is linked to.

Edit Buttons - Select these buttons to customize the movement: use
MOTION to create the movement; use CONFIG to set the
command to launch the movement, and amount of damage
inflicted; use NAME to create a label for the
movement. (For more on MOTION, see the sections
starting on page 16; for CONFIG, see page 33; for
NAME, see page 40.)

Name - Displays the motion's name.

Command - Displays the motion's command, set with the CONFIG edit
button (above).

Time - How long (in seconds) the motion runs.

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Controller Bar - Press the START button to display (or hide) the
Controller bar, which you can use to control the
flow of the motion. Select [)] to play, [|)] to
play in slow motion, [||] to pause, and [||)] and
[(||] to scroll. Select [|(] or [)|] to return to
the beginning or end position. Use COPY to
duplicate a pattern.

Note: Once a pattern is copied, you can paste it
into the Management window (see page 24), and edit
it in the Pose screen (see page 24).

{*Hope you folks can make out the VCR style buttons in there - iflab}

Shadows - The blue and red shadows that appear behind the model as it
plays through a motion, indicate the movements of the
previous pattern.

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Management Window - This window appears when you select MOTION on the
Edit screen. Use it to handle the patterns and
poses that make up a movement.

P (Pose) - The numbers and figures in the far left columns represent
movement patterns. Select a pattern and press the (X)
button to edit its Position and Pose settings from the
windows that appear.

Position Settings - Use the Position window options to set the
posture of the model at the beginning and end of
a motion.

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Option Description

Stand The character will stand at the beginning of the motion.

Crouch The character will crouch at the beginning of the motion.

Faceup The character will lie face-up at the beginning of the

Facedown The character will lie face-down at the beginning of the

Combo Set a combo (see page 41 for information).

Insert Insert a new pattern. Use this to increase the number of
patterns in the motion.

Copy Duplicate a selected pattern. You can use a PASTE option
from another window or menu to add the copied pattern to
the same or another movement.

Pose Settings - Use the Pose window options to set the models pose
for each pattern.

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Option Description

Edit Switch to the Pose Editor (see the section Using The
Editor, starting on page 29).

Insert Insert a new pattern. Use this to increase the number of
patterns in the motion.

Cut Delete a selected pattern.

Copy Duplicate a selected pattern. You can use the PASTE option
to add the pattern to the same movement or to another

Paste Paste the last pattern copied into the current movement.
In addition to entire poses, you can paste separate body
parts, such as heads, hands, arms and so on.

Reverse Flip the pose of the selected pattern 180 degrees to the
left or right.

F (Frame) - Use the F column in the Management window to set the
number of frames (and the amount of time) that will run
until the model switches to the next pattern. One frame
lasts for 1/60 second, so a 30-frame pose will run for
0.5 seconds. When you increase the number of frames, the
model moves more slowly; when you decrease it, the model
moves more rapidly.

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W (Wave) - Set the wave curve to adjust the speed of the selected
body part: 01 is normal speed; 02 speeds up the body
part during the second half of the motion; 03 slows it

Z, X and R - Use these coordinates to set the model's range from its
initial position during the motion. Z is forward and
back (toward or away from you when viewed head-on); X is
horizontally to the left and right; R is the turning
angle from 0 (straight forward), and rotates the model
around a central axis.

Note: The 'shadow" left behind as you adjust the
coordinates shows the original position of your

Camera Window - Press the (T) button anytime while creating a motion
to display the Camera window. Select from its
options to display your model in the following
perspectives: FRONT, BACK, RIGHT, LEFT, ABOVE,
CUSTOM 1, 2 or 3, and AUTO 1, 2 or 3.

Custom (1,2,3) - Make your own adjustments to the camera perspective,
using the settings in the Custom Window.

Auto (1,2,3) - Automatically rotate the model in 3-D

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Custom Settings Description

R (Rotation) Rotate the camera perspective in 5-degree
increments. The purple cursor in the window is the
camera position.

D (Distance) Adjust the camera's distance from the model,
ranging from 500cm (closest) to 1500cm (farthest

H (Height) Adjust the camera's height, ranging from 75cm
(lowest) to 1500cm (highest).

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Using The Pose Editor---------------------
Select the EDIT option in the Pose window (see page 25) to access the
Pose Editor. By using its options you can move body parts such as
hands and feet, choose the shape of the model's wrists, and create the
model's pose. By combining poses you create the motions, which become
sequences when activated.

Body ----
Move the model's body parts. When you adjust certain body parts,
nearby connected parts may also move. Try different selections to see
what happens.

Use BODY, HAND, ANKLE and TOES to move several body parts as a unit.
The cursor coordinates will change as you adjust the body part group.

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Check the position of the coordinates as a clue to how your
adjustments will affect the model's movements.

Move individual body parts (BASE, HIP, CHEST, HEAD, SHOULDER, ELBOW,
HAND THIGH, KNEE, FOOT) to fine-tune poses and make corrections. Keep
adjusting the body part until you're happy with the result.

Be sure to check the angles of the X, Y, and Z axes.

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Fix Point ---------
Select the body parts that will remain fixed when you move the model.
You can immobilize the hands, ankles and toes, but you cannot
immobilize the ankle and toes of the same leg at the same time.
Immobilization takes effect only when you move the entire body, the
hips or the chest.

Adjust ------
Adjust the position of the model's hips, hands, ankles and toes to
match body parts in a previous pattern. When you select HIP, the hip
position of the model you are currently editing will be matched to the
hip position in the previous pattern.

Wrist -----
Choose the model's left and right wrist positions.

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Pattern Numbers ---------------
While creating a model's pose, you can check the movements one pattern
at a time by holding down the L1 button and pressing the Directional
buttons (R)/(L). The number in the top right corner indicates the
pattern you are creating. Edit the pose of the current pattern while
comparing it with poses in previous and subsequent patterns.

Body Part Rotations -------------------
Hold the R1 button while moving body parts in the Pose Editor to
display a ring around the model. The ring indicates the direction in
which body parts are facing and can be rotated. The flashing portion
of the ring is displayed on the character's position.

Undo And Redo -------------
When working in the Pose Editor you'll see the UNDO and REDO gauges at
the bottom left of the screen. The gauges increase or decrease as you
work, to a maximum of 5 (steps). UNDO returns you to the previous
step; REDO enables you to move one step past the last UNDO. These
features are useful when you want to do something over. To use UNDO,
press the R2 button; for REDO, press the L2 button.

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Using The Config Option-----------------------
After creating and saving a sequence, you can use the CONFIG option
from the Edit screen (see page 22) to configure the button command for
launching the sequence, and set the amount of damage the sequence will
cause to an unwary opponent.

Command -------
Set the button commands that will activate a sequence during a game.
Use any of the Command strings shown in the table below. The minimum
setting is an Attack button; the maximum is two Directional buttons +
an Attack button. Any Attack button + R1 (G) can be used only for
throwing sequences.

Command String Description

(R) Tap the right Directional button once.

(R) (R) Tap the right Directional button twice quickly.

(HR) Hold down the right Directional button.

(R) (HR) Tap the right Directional button once, release,
then press it again and hold it down.

(R) (T) Tap the right Directional button, then press the
(T) button.

(R) (R) (T) Tap the right Directional button twice, then
press the (T) button.

(S) Press the (S) button.

(S) R1(G) Press the (S) and R1 buttons simultaneously.

(D) (HR) (X) R1(G) Press and release the down Directional button.
Immediately press the (X) and R1 buttons
simultaneously, while holding down the right
Directional button.

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Hit ---
This mode allows you to fine tune the previously created hit sequence.
You must complete the movements for a sequence before you set the HIT
option. If you correct a movement after setting HIT, you must also
correct HIT.

Frame -----
Set the time (frame number) when the damage will occur. Increase or
decrease the number of frames by pressing the Directional buttons
(L)/(R). Make sure the values match the first moment of impact, since
the movements of a sequence will be displayed according to the frame
numbers. If you select NONE, no damage will be inflicted.

Hit Length ----------
Set the number of frames during which the hit point will be displayed,
starting with the moment when damage is inflicted (set with FRAMES,
above). The longer the setting, the easier it is for your sequence to
contain a hit.

Hint: Activate Camera and check your movements carefully to find the
frame number best suited for the moment of impact.

Open ----
Set the freeze time (elapsed time from the end of the period in which
damage was inflicted to the moment you can input the next command).
If you set OPEN to AUTO, freeze time will be calculated automatically.

Damage ------
Set a value for the damage inflicted on your opponent when a sequence
contains a hit. The maximum value is 100. The higher the value is,
the more powerful your sequence will be.

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Size ----
Set the hit point for your sequence. The higher the value (cubic
volume of the ball), the more likely your sequence is to contain a
hit. The ball colors are explained in the table below.

Ball Color Yellow Red Blue
(Prior to Damage) (Damage in Progress) (After Damage)

Hit Point No Yes No

Throw Point No No Yes
Position (X, Y, Z)

Fine-tune the position of the hit point (ball) that you set in BODY.
X is the horizontal position; Y is vertical; Z is screen depth (close
or farther away from you).

Hint: Use POSITION in conjunction with CAMERA (see page 27).

Delay -----
After you set COMBO (see page 41), use DELAY to set the number of
frames during which command input for the next sequence will be

Note: You cannot make changes to a sequence if COMBO has not been set.

Homing ------
Set the homing capability (zeroing in on the opponent's position) for
a sequence. The settings range from REAL TIME to SLOW, becoming
progressively slower. If you select NONE, no homing will take place.

- Page - 36

Hit Action ----------
Set your opponent's reaction (staggering or falling) when your
sequence contains a hit. Choose from 21 patterns (see the table

Opponent Pattern Description

Upper Reaction to a frontal, upper-level attack. Upper
body bends backward.

Upper-left Reaction to an upper-level attack from the left.
Upper body bends to the right.

Upper-right Reaction to an upper-level attack from the right.
Victim's body bends to the left.

Mid-center Reaction to a frontal, mid-level attack. The
victim holds head and collapses temporarily.

Mid-upper Reaction to a mid-level attack from above. Victim
falls to knees.

Mid-lower Reaction to a mid-level attack from below, to the
chin area. Victim's body bends backward deeply.

Mid-left Reaction to a mid-level attack from the left.
Victim's body bends to the right.

Mid-right Reaction to a mid-level attack from the right.
Victim's body bends to the left.

Lower-center Reaction to a frontal lower-level attack. Victim
loses balance and pitches forward slightly.

Lower-back Reaction to a lower-level attack from the rear.
Victim loses balance and falls backward.

- Page - 37

Lower-left Reaction to a lower-level attack from the left.
Victim's right leg leaves the ground and victim
staggers slightly.

Lower-right Reaction to a lower-level attack from the right.
Victim's left leg leaves the ground and victim
staggers slightly.

Fall down Victim clutches stomach, staggers violently, and
falls down hard on face.

Slam Victim is knocked down to the ground, then
bounces and falls on back.

Blow Away A Victim is thrown a distance to the rear, then
falls on back.

Blow Away B Victim is thrown farther than in Blow Away A,
then falls on face after spinning one turn.

Trip left Victim is knocked off feet by an attack from the
lower left, hangs in air and then falls on back.

Trip left Victim is knocked off feet by an attack from the
lower right, hangs in air and then falls on back.

Float Victim falls on back after hanging in air. You
can set the height and descent coordinates.

- Page - 38

Stagger-A Victim staggers while falling backward, then
freezes while staggering.

Stagger-B Victim staggers while falling forward, then
freezes while staggering.

Behind ------
The reaction to a hit in the back. Use this to set your opponent's
reaction when a hit in the back occurs during a sequence, in addition
to his/her reaction when the sequence contains a hit.

Counter -------
Set your opponent's reaction when your sequence counters his/her
attack, in addition to the opponent's reaction when the sequence
contains a hit.

B-Counter ---------
Set your opponent's reaction when your sequence counter his/her attack
and the opponent's back is to you, in addition to his/her reaction
when the sequence contains a hit.

Guard -----
Determine whether opponent can block a particular sequence.

ABLE - Block possible; ABLE is sufficient for standard sequences.

UNABLE - Character can be hit and sustain damage, even while GUARD is

UPPER - GUARD possible, but subsequently opponent's UPPER GUARD is
forcibly disabled.

- Page - 39

MID - Move can be blocked, but subsequently opponent's MID GUARD is
forcibly disabled.

UPPER-MID - Move can be blocked, but subsequently all opponent's
GUARDS are forcibly disabled.

SE Hit ------
Set the Sound Effect that will play when a sequence contains a hit.

Counter SE ----------
Set the sound effect that will play when a sequence contains a

SE Frame 1 ----------
Set the frame number in which sound effects play when a sequence is
used, regardless of whether or not a hit is made.

SE 1 ----
Set the type of sound effect that will play in SE FRAME 1.

SE Frame 2 ----------
Set the frame number that will generate the second sound effect, when
you need two types of sound effects.

SE 2 ----
Set the type of sound effect that will play in SE FRAME 2.

The following settings apply to throws only.

Frame 1 -------
Set the frame number in which damage occurs.

Frame 2 -------
It is possible for one sequence to inflict damage twice. You can set a
frame number for the second occurence of damage.

- Page - 40

Body ----
Set the target for HIT EFFECTS.

Position (X, Y, Z) ------------------
Fine-tune the target for HIT EFFECTS.

Smoke Start -----------
Set the location from which smoke will emanate when a sequence
contains a hit.

Smoke Frame -----------
Set the frame number in which the smoke effect will be produced.

Assigning A Name----------------
Use the Name button on the Edit screen to devise a name for a motion
you've created. On the Name Input window, enter the name you want.
Use the (C) button to edit any mistakes or erase the current name.

When Your Motion Editing Is Complete

Store Changes -------------
Save the data for your created movement, including settings and names.

Hint: It's a good idea to SAVE continuously while editing so you
don't lose valuable work.

Discard Changes ---------------
End without saving your data for created movements, settings, or

Cancel ------
Return to editing.

- Page - 41

Creating Combos---------------
You create combos by linking two or more sequences together in a
sequence "string." You can also link one sequence separately to three
different sequences (COMBO 1, COMBO 2, COMBO 3).

When creating combos, remember:
- All sequences that are linkable will be highlighted when selected.
- Any sequence that is not highlighted cannot be linked.
- Important Note! The sequence you link will occur after the
sequence you link it to. Linking sequence B to sequence A creates
a combo. It also means that sequence B occurs after sequence A.

The following is a step-by-step walk-through on how to create combos.

1. First, create a sequence.
Creating a combo involves linking two or three sequences. In order to
create a combo, you must already have at least one sequence.

2. Make the sequence a combo.
Next, create a new sequence. Open the Management window (see page
24). Move the cursor to the pose for the first pattern and press the
(X) button to bring up the menu. Select COMBO from the menu. You are
now ready to create a combo.

- Page - 42

3. Select the sequence and frame.
You must indicate a sequence that you want the current sequence to
link to. The first number under the COMBO heading indicates the
sequence number you are linking to. The second number indicates the
frame number within the selected sequence.

Using the picture to the right as an example, you'll see that we've
linked our current sequence to sequence #1. Also notice we've set the
frame number for sequence #1 to the last frame in that sequence. Once
you've input the numbers for your selected sequence and frame, your
combo is finished.

4. Create A Motion For The Sequence
Now all you need to do is create a motion for your new sequence, the
same way you would for any sequence. Create a motion that blends
smoothly with the other sequence(s) it is linked to.

- Repeat steps 1 through 3 when linking more than two sequences. For
example, let's say you have sequences A and B, and you want to link
them into a three-hit combo ending with sequence C. Edit sequence B
and link it to sequence A using steps 1 through 3. Then create
sequence C and link it to sequence B by repeating the same steps.
The end result is a three-hit combo starting with sequence A and
ending with C.

- You can also use one sequence to create three completely separate
combos. Say you've created a sequence we will call D, and you now
want to create three different two-hit combos using it. Assume
sequences A, B, and C already exist. To link sequence D to each of
these separately, do the following: Under COMBO 1 select sequence
A, under COMBO 2 select sequence B, and under COMBO 3 select
sequence C. You now have three different two-hit combos ending with
sequence D.

- Page - 43

Combos of Combos ----------------
In order to chain-link combos for a maximum of seven continuous
sequences, you must link the first sequence in one combo to the last
sequence in another combo. As before, use steps 1 through 3 to
accomplish this.

FIGHTER MAKER has four main types of motions: Hit, Throw, Win/Lose,
and Basic. The basic operations you perform when editing are the same
for all motions. And, depending on the type of motion, you may be
able to add several features.

This section offers guidelines to follow when editing motions.

When You Begin Creating
- For Hit, Throw, Win/Lose and Basic with the registration number P1,
position the model with its feet on the ground. It must not be
floating in the air or buried.

- The height (vertical coordinates) of a model with the registration
number P1 becomes the basis of all movements, and affects CONVERT as

Hit ---
- When you edit punching sequences, use all the features. For one
sequence you will need to make settings for all BODY options and
edit all items (such as names and so on).

- You can also make settings for combos.

- It is possible to create up to 40 punching sequences, if pattern
memory allows.

- Page - 44

Throws ------
- You need to make settings for commands and hits, and edit all items
(names, etc.), just as you did for punches.

- You must edit the motions of the character being thrown, in addition
to those of the thrower. Use the SELECT button to toggle between

- You cannot set COMBO for throwing sequences.

- You can create up to six throwing sequences.

Win/Lose Poses --------------
- Edit the movements of poses at the moment of victory and defeat.
Defeat poses are movements used in arbitrated defeats when time is
up and in losses in Normal Mode.

- There is one winning pose and one losing pose.

- You don't need to edit settings or names.

Basic -----
- Here you edit motions that are not related to attacks. You don't
need to edit settings or names.

- If you do not edit basic motions, your character will not move
properly or at all.

- Page - 45

. Basic Motion Description

Standing The most basic and important posture; standing

Standing Guard Stance assumed when you press the GUARD button.

Crouching Guard Squatting; stance assumed during lower-level

High Guard Impact Movement of the victim of an upper-level attack
during standing guard.

Mid Guard Impact Movement of the victim of a mid-level attack
during standing guard.

Low Guard Impact Movement of the victim of a lower-level attack
during crouching guard.

Throw Miss Movement occurring when a throw fails.

Turn Around Movement of a character who whirls around because
an enemy is behind.

(Move) Forward One step forward.

(Move) Backward One step backward.

(Move) Background One step to the left.

(Move) Foreground One step to the right.

(Dash) Forward Fast move forward.

(Dash) Backward Fast move backward.

(Dash) Background Fast movement to the left.

- Page - 46

(Dash) Foreground Fast movement to the right.

Down (Face Up) Movement of a character falling on back.

Down (Face Down) Movement of a character falling on face.

Running Running forward.

Drop Roll (Background) Evasion to the left when a character has
fallen or is on the defensive.

Drop Roll (Foreground) Evasion to the right when a character has
fallen or is on the defensive.

- Page - 47
Using Logic

The Idea Behind Logic ---------------------
LOGIC is an operation during which you establish (in TEST mode, for
instance), through a logical process, the movements that will be used
in a battle between CPU-controlled opponents. Set these movements in
order to program the actions that would take place under a variety of

Opponent's Distance From Your Action Odds
Posture Character To Opponent

Standing Close range Punch 30%

Normal range Retreat

Far range Guard
Creating Logic --------------
New - Create new Logic data. Selecting this option clears all current
Logic data (if any) that you've selected up to this point.

Load - Load in Logic data from a Memory Card or the CD-ROM. Selecting
this option replaces all current Logic data (if any) that
you've selected up to this point.

Save - Save the LOGIC data you have created onto a Memory card.
Selecting this option saves all current Logic data.

Edit - Edit LOGIC data.

Test - Test LOGIC. This is the same feature as TEST mode for MOTION.

- Page - 48

1. Select The Opponent's Posture
Decide which action to take in response to 32 types of posture. For
instance, if an enemy executes a move below 22 frames, then CPU Logic
will counter in accordance to its assigned response(s) for that

2. Select The Distance Between Your Character And the Opponent.
"Close" means that the distance is 120cm or less; "Normal," 120cm to
220cm; and "Far," 220cm or more.

3. Set The Action.
For each of the 32 enemy postures, you can assign three different
patterns. The percentage you assign to a particular response pattern
determines the frequency at which that pattern will be initiated. The
three percentages should amount to 100%. Actions that may be selected

4. Determine The Frame In Which An Action Will Be Initiated.
Set the frame number in which the action will be initiated in response
to an opponent's posture. For example, if you set the action to PUNCH
and FRAME to 001, your character will throw a punch in response to the
opponent's action after one frame. If you set it to 010, the punch
will be thrown in response to the opponent's action after 10 frames.

- Page - 49

5. Set Multiple Sequences
New set the next action. After setting the first action, you can
select the second action by pressing the Directional button (D). Do
the second setting in the same way you did the first one. keep in
mind that the instant the first frame count has ended (first action
has begun), the second frame count will begin.

6. Set The Next Action
In some instances there may be one or more sequence names listed along
with the five basic actions (BASIC, HIT, THROW, RANDOM, NONE). This
occurs when the prior action is the first sequence in a combo. See
"Applying LOGIC" on page 50 for information about combo generation.

Release Time ------------
Release time is the frame number in which the previous action ends.
When release time reads 040, and you set it to 040, the next attack
will be launched immediately after the previous action ends. If
release time reads 040 and you set the frame for the next action to
001, that action will not take place. You should set FRAME to a number
larger than release time, unless you have set a combo sequence. The
setting of a frame number for a combo sequence is done differently to
allow for delay.

- Page - 50

Applying Logic--------------
Set LOGIC for the time when a combo will occur:

- When a combo is generated.

- When you select the second action (and all subsequent actions), you
may see the name of a sequence displayed along with the action
(BASIC, HIT, THROW, RANDOM, NONE). This happens when the first
action-sequence is the start/beginning of a combo. The sequence
name that appears is the next sequence in that combo.

Determine the frame in which a combo will be generated, allowing for

- When you select a combo sequence, you will see DELAY displayed in
the FRAME window (see page 35 for information about DELAY). To
insert a delay into a combo, enter a value consistent with the value
of DELAY. For example, if the numbers shown are 018 and 030, enter
a value between 018 and 030.

Testing -------
As you go through these steps, you are creating LOGIC data for your
character. Verify the movements using TEST MODE.

Note: Set the movements of the player's character and the opponent's
character to CPU LOGIC.

- Page - 51

Test Mode---------
In this mode, you test the character you're editing by operating it in
real time. You don't need to save your data to the Memory Card.

- Opponent (Player 2) Select a character.

- Set the movement control for Player 1's character. Under CONTROLLER,
Controller 1 moves the character. Under RANDOM, it moves randomly.
Under LOGIC, it moves in accordance with CPU LOGIC.

- Set the movement environment for Player 2's character. If you select
LOGIC for both Player 1 and Player 2, you cannot select CPU LOGIC.

- Select a stage. If you choose "Ocean Floor," movements slow down
because this is an underwater arena. You cannot select CPU LOGIC.

- Once these settings have been made, you can run TEST mode, or return
to the EDIT screen.

Test Options ------------
Using the test options, you can add several displays to the screen.
Press the SELECT Button while in Test Mode to access test options.
Once they appear on screen, select SETTINGS to access the following

- Page - 52

Hit Area - Displays the ball that represents the hit point (see page
35 for details). When this ball hits your opponent,
he/she suffers damage. The location where opponent's
sequence contains a hit lights up. The yellow, red and
blue bars on the image of a body represent body parts
affected by the sequence (upper, middle, and lower,

Command - Displays the player's button input from the controller.

Height - Displays the height of a character (in centimeters) when an
opponent's sequence has knocked that character into the air.

Logic - Displays the current conditions under which CPU LOGIC is

Direction - An arrow on the ground shows the direction in which a
character is facing.

Note: You can also access these settings in Normal and VS Modes by
pressing the SELECT button and then selecting SETTINGS, or by
selecting the SETTINGS option from the Edit Mode screen.

- Page - 53


In this chapter you will find out how to create character motions,
basic operations, hit sequences, and throwing sequences in the proper
order. If you'd like to create sequences but don't know what to do,
this is the chapter to read.

Basic -----
Basic movements form the basis for all movements. Take the time to
construct them carefully. This chapter will show you how to create
natural, life like basic movements.

Hit ---
The hit sequence is an indispensable aspect of fighting games. This
is the most versatile sequence, so feel free to create your own
variations. Try your hand at creating different types of punches -
punches that disable or crush your opponent.

- Page - 54

Throw -----
The creation of throwing sequences, these can be very easy to perform,
but also complicated to create. You need to calculate the movements
of the character being thrown as well as those of the character
performing the throw.

Other Sequences ---------------
With a little ingenuity, you'll be able to create downward attacks and
crouching dashes, which you normally wouldn't be able to do using the
features of FIGHTER MAKER. We'll show you how.

- Page - 55

Tips For Creating Characters----------------------------
What will probably give you the most trouble in the beginning is
creating movements. Once you gain some experience, the process will
be easier, but here are a few tips.

- Use The Beginning And The Ending Of A Movement To Create The
Transitional Phases.
You don't need to create movements one at a time. Create the key
poses, and then create the transitional poses so that the movements
flow smoothly.

- Page - 56

- Parts Cause Partial Damage To Movements.
The movements you create may flow smoothly, but they won't seem life
like if all body parts are moving in the same way. Make a point of
creating life like movements by, for instance, ensuring that the arms
don't move until a little while after the mid-section does.

- Check Samples!
Refer to the sample data; it will help you create movements. Check
the sample movements carefully, and "borrow" the sequences.
Remodelling a sample will help you get used to the process of
creating movements.

- It's Easy To Create A Powerful Character.
It's easy to make a character more powerful by increasing the amount
of damage inflicted, or setting an easy input command for a sequence
that is extremely damaging. The hard part is creating a balanced

Basic Movements---------------
- Give Yourself Enough Time To Do These Properly.
You must create basic movements properly, or you'll have a lot of
trouble when you proceed to the creation of punching or throwing
sequences. Immediately before any sequence is activated, a character
is engaged in basic movement - standing, squatting, etc. Remember
that when you're correcting a basic movement after you've created a
sequence, you'll need to adjust every movement in that sequence.

- Don't Use To Many Patterns.
Don't try to make too many increases in the number of patterns in a
basic movement. There are only 166 patterns that can be used for
basic movements (as opposed to three times that for punching
attacks). If you create movements that are overly elaborate, you'll
run out of patterns.

- Page - 57

- Decide On The Basic Poses.
First, decide on the basic poses. Create your poses by manipulating
the model with BODY in the Pose Editor. When you've completed a pose,
go back to the Management Window, copy your pattern, and paste the
entire pattern into the next pattern.

- Create The Next Pose.
Now, create the next pattern. Using BODY in the Pose Editor, move
the entire body slightly upward. Since, in this posture, the feet are
off the ground, move the left and right legs downward. Once you've
fine-tuned the movements of the arms and legs, you'll be finished.

- Reuse The Poses.
Once you've created the basic STANDING movement, you can reuse it any
number of times. Capitalize on the movements you have created. For
instance, if you're working on a squatting movement, copy the upper
body movement from the standing character, paste, and then work on
the lower body.

- Page - 58

Hits ----

- Create A Basic Mid-level Attack.
After you have created the basic movements, edit a punching attack.
To create a punching attack, you must first complete the basic
STANDING movements. If you make major changes to the STANDING
movement, you will need to readjust all the movements in the punching
attack. Before you start creating a punching attack, edit the basic
STANDING movement.

- Create The Onset, Impact, And Return from A Sequence.
Generally,#ÿÿÿ,rting out.
If you set it to SLOW, you should be able to use the sequence

Note: If you set HOMING to REAL TIME for a basic sequence, it won't
look natural.

Hit Action, B-Counter ---------------------
Basic sequences are difficult to use if your opponent falls down each
time he's hit. We suggest MID-CENTER, UPPER. When coming in with a
counter, try setting this to STAGGER or similar.

Note: You're overdoing it if your opponent gets knocked off his feet
every time he's hit with a basic sequence.

- Page - 62

Guard -----
This is a basic sequence, so by all means, use the ABLE setting. Most
characters need only one type of guard-disabling sequence. In that
case, the level of difficulty is normally raised by, for instance,
increasing the number of frames.

SE --
Choose the sound effect settings that you prefer. Normally, SE HIT is
set so that the sound of a hit is heard, and SE 1, so that the sound
of something flying through the air is heard. If you use these
settings, arrange for the sound effects to play several frames before
damage occurs.

- It's Important To Fix The Images Of A Throwing Sequence.
You need to fix the images in a throwing sequence more than you would
those of a punching sequence, when you create the movements. Unless
you fix the images of the movements of the thrower and the reaction
of the character being thrown, you'll have a hard time crating

- Create The Movements Of The Thrower And The Character Being Thrown.
As mentioned above, for throws, you need to create movements both for
the character making the throw and the character being thrown. It
takes twice as much work to create one of these sequences as it does
for other types of movements. Also, you must synchronize the
movements of both characters.

- Page - 63

Movements Of The Thrower ------------------------
When you create the motions for a throw, create the key pose, as you
would for a basic movement or a punching sequence. Then fill in the
transitional phases so that the movement flows smoothly.

Movements Of The Character Being Thrown --------
You need to match the movements of the character being thrown with
those of the thrower. Jot down the coordinates for the throwers body
parts before you begin.

- Page - 64
Jot down the coordinates of the thrower's movements, and then
decide on the movements of the character being thrown.

- Fine-Tune The Movements.
Once you've created a pose, fine-tune the positions of the thrower
and the character being thrown in the MANAGEMENT window. To switch
between the thrower and the character being thrown, press the SELECT
Button. Then move the X, Z, and R coordinates. Make your adjustments
while verifying the coordinates, checking all perspectives.

- Momentum Is Crucial For Throws.
Inconsistencies between the positions of the thrower and those of the
character being thrown shouldn't be overly distracting during a game.
If you create a movement with momentum, slight inconsistencies should
not be noticeable. There is no need to obsess over a 1cm

- Page - 65

- Adjust Frame Coordinates.
When you've finished creating poses for the thrower and the character
being thrown, do the final fine-tuning of the two models' movements.
Make corrections by increasing the number of patterns to make the
movements faster or slower, or by adding WAVE to sharpen them. If you
correct patterns on either the thrower or the character being thrown,
make sure that you apply the same corrections to the other model to
maintain synchronization.

- Set Commands.
Determine the commands used to activate the throw. Please not that
combinations of the Directional buttons, mid-level attacks, and GUARD
can only activate commands for throws. You cannot set diagonals or
input more than three Directional buttons.

- Set Hits.
You can set up to two frames in which one throw inflicts damage. Set
the amount of damage you wish to inflict in the frame in which damage
will be activated.

- Page - 66

The Difference Between Frame 1 And Frame 2

In the preceding section we said that you could inflict damage with
a throw in two stages. Input your settings, keeping in mind that
Frame 1 is the first stage, and Frame 2 the second stage.

Smoke Generation

You can produce smoke only on the ground or at the hip coordinates.
Use the SMOKE FRAME option to set the frame in which you would like
the smoke activated. Use the SMOKE START to set it to THROW (you)
or ENEMY (person being thrown).

- Establish Settings For Hits
Finally, establish other settings, one by one. Set the frame number
in which damage will be inflicted (also sets the amount of damage),
the position of the thrower or the character thrown that will be
effected, and the timing for the smoke effect. You can achieve a good
balance by setting the amount of damage at slightly more than twice
that of a punching sequence.

- Set Hits.
Create A Downward Attack.
In FIGHTER MAKER, there is no downward attack (an attack on an
opponent who's on the ground) common to all characters. But you can
edit downward attacks yourself. We'll give you some tips here. There
are two types of downward attacks. You can jump and land on top of
your opponent, or you can use a downward thrust.

- Page - 67

If You Make Contact, You Will Inflict Damage.
In FIGHTER MAKER, the normal hit point is applied to fallen
opponents. Therefore, there is no attack specifically termed
"downward attack." If you make a downward hit on an opponent, you can
call it a downward attack, no matter what kind of sequence is being

Downward Attacks (Downward Thrusts, Trampling, Etc.)
When an attacker launches a direct downward attack, the sequence will
be activated even if the opponent has not fallen. To avoid launching
such an attack in error, set commands that are somewhat complex.

The attack will take place whether or not
your opponent is down, so be careful.

- Page - 68

Downward Trampling Attack.
Due to the nature of the game, it is difficult to adjust the settings
so that your character lands directly on top of an opponent after
making a jump. You can set HOMING to REAL TIME, which will
automatically synchronize the X coordinates of the location where you
land to the opponent's position, to a certain extent. Preset an
appropriate flight distance, since you cannot set the Z coordinates
(flight distance) to an automatic homing setting. The hit point
setting should be on the generous side.

This will take effect even if your opponent is standing.
The balance will be better if you set a longer DELAY time.

Use Your Imagination

Provocative Pose ----------------
The key to a pose that provokes an opponent is to set a small amount
of damage (equivalent to a standing punch).

Crouching Dash --------------
All you need to do is set damage for a punching sequence to NONE, set
POSTURE to LOW, and edit a sequence that shifts the Z coordinates.

Just For Fun ------------
For throwing sequences, you can also set your opponent's movements.
Using this capability, gain experience by creating irrelevant
movements like scratching you backside.
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