Dealmaster: Amazon Prime Day deals you can snag for under $50

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This year's Amazon Prime Day event is slowing down, but there are still dozens of deals available that are worth checking out. Though Amazon is still pushing lots of nonsense, Prime Day offers some genuinely good deals on luxury and expensive items—think laptops, monitors, headsets, gaming consoles, and so on. Our Prime Day deals list highlights the better ones—but even as curated as it is, it's still huge.
If you don't have time to comb through all of that, or if you're on a strict budget, we've outlined a few Prime Day deals we particularly like that are still live and available for $50 or less. Keep in mind that most offers are attached to the sales event, which means you must be a Prime subscriber to get them and that they'll probably expire by tomorrow. Nevertheless, as we wind down our Prime Day coverage, you can see the full list of budget-friendly deals below.
Note: Ars Technica may earn compensation for sales from links on this post through affiliate programs.

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