Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness

The place for the Nintendo 64 Game Shark and Pro Action Replay codes! (some codes are official and others are unofficial)

final kaoss

Staff member
801C87F5 0000 Can't Use Weapons Nor Jump
801C834D 0000 Hear Sounds With No Frame Refresh
801CAB39 0001 Alternate Costume Modifier
801D3DA3 0006 Infinite Bullets (Henry)
801CAB37 0002 Wolfman Can Use Weapons
801CAB37 0004 Wolfman Cannot Use Weapons (Default)
811CAB42 2710 Infinite Gold
801CAB45 0064 Infinite Throwing Weapons
811CAB3A 2AF8 Infinite Energy
801CAB45 0068 Infinite Red Jewels
801CAE23 0002 Max Powerups
811CAB22 0001 Stop Timer Input
811CAB42 FFFF Infinite Money
801CAB47 000A Infinite Special 1
801CAB48 000A Infinite Special 2
801CAB49 000A Infinite Special 3
801CAB4A 000A Infinite Roast Chicken
801CAB4B 000A Infinite Roast Beef
801CAB4C 000A Infinite Healing Kit
801CAB4D 000A Infinite Purifying
801CAB4E 000A Infinite Cure Ampoule
801CAB4F 000A Infinite Power up
801CAB54 000A Infinite The Contract
801CAB55 000A Infinite Magical Nitro
801CAB56 000A Infinite Mandragora
801CAB57 000A Infinite Sun Card
801CAB58 000A Infinite Moon Card
801CAB59 000A Infinite Winch Lever
801CAB5A 000A Infinite Oldrey's Diary
801CAB5B 000A Infinite Crest Half A
801CAB5C 000A Infinite Crest Half B
801CAB5D 000A Infinite Rose Brooch
801CAB5E 000A Infinite Archives Key
801CAB5F 000A Infinite Left Tower Key
801CAB60 000A Infinite Store Room Key
801CAB61 000A Infinite Garden Key
801CAB62 000A Infinite Copper Key
801CAB63 000A Infinite Chamber Key
801CAB64 000A Infinite Execution Key
801CAB65 000A Infinite Deck Key
801CAB66 000A Infinite Rose Garden Key
801CAB67 000A Infinite Thorn Key
801CAB68 000A Infinite ClockTower Key C
801CAB69 000A Infinite ClockTower Key D
801CAB6A 000A Infinite Art Tower Key 1
801CAB6B 000A Infinite Art Tower Key 2
801CAB6C 000A Infinite Control Roon Key
801CAB6D 000A Infinite Wall Key
801CAB6E 000A Infinite ClockTower Key E
801CAB6F 000A Infinite ClockTower Key A
801CAB70 000A Infinite ClockTower Key B

D11C87F6 0010 Young Henry Infinite Health
813A5360 2800 With this code, use it in Villa Garden during
Cornell/Young Henry chase scene with Frankenstein with chainsaw.
801CAB1F 00XX Day Modifier For Adult Henry

Replace XX with:

00 7 Days
01 6 Days
02 5 Days
03 4 Days
04 3 Days
05 2 Days
06 1 Day
07 0 Days

D11C87F6 0040 Rapid Fire Gun (Henry-Hold B)
801D3DA3 0006

801CAE27 00XX Weapon Power-Up

Replace XX with:

01 Knife
02 Potion
03 Cross
04 Axe

801CAE0F 00XX Menu Modifier (9)

Replace XX with:

09 Pause
0A Renon's Shop
0F Game Over

811CAB3F 000X Weapon Modifier
Replace X with:
00 None
01 Knife
02 Potion
03 Cross
04 Axe

D01C87F7 0010 Day/Night Mode Push L to make it Night, and R to make it Day.
801CAB21 0006
D01C87F7 0020
801CAB21 0012

8032495F 0002 Hard Mode Selected In A New Game. With this code, you will
not see the hard level status until you save and restart the game file. No
special items are required to access this feature with this code turned on.
801CAE8B 00?? Cut Scene Modifier
801CAE93 0009
With this code, you must use the appropriate level mod before you attempt
to run these cut scenes. Not doing so will ruin the cut scene as the
graphics will be glitched.

Replace XX with:

03 Castle Drawbridge Lowers
04 Character Enters Castle
06 Vampire In Main Entrance Hall Of Villa
07 One Of The Working Gears Cut Scenes
08 "I Smell Poison" From Underground Waterway
09 Castle Gate Closes In Villa Upon Entering Villa
0B Renon Appears For First Time
0D Village Vampire In Upstairs Villa
0E Malus Appears For The First Time
0F Malus Leaves Garden
10 Character In Boat On Foggy Lake
11 Seal Removed From Wall In Arena
12 Bleeding Statue
13 Cosmic Lights
14 Explosion At Wall In Arena
15 Explosion At Wall In Castle That Leads To Hidden Room
16 Malus Appears Again In Upstairs Room Of Castle
17 Bull Awakens
18 Vincent The Vampire
19 One Of The Working Gears Cut Scenes
1A Gate Opens In Forest Of Silence
1B Meet Renon For The Last Time In Castle Keep.
1C This Cut Scene Runs Cut Scene 27 And 2E
1E Castle Keep Destructs
1F Malus On Flying Horse Outside Castle Keep
24 Spider People In Tunnel
25 Rosa In Garden
27 Castle Destruction, Run Through Cut Scene 29
28 Space Warp
2B Malus And Reinhardt On Horse
2E Rosa Returns
30 Ada, Henry And Cornell At Game End
31 Scrolling Text About Castle And Henry
33 Vampire In Basement
34 Vampire In Villa Basement Destroyed, Woman Vampire Rises
35 Finds Hidden Path In Villa Basement
37 Lever & Gear In Castle
38 Harpie
39 Harpie Destroyed
44 Death (Grim Reaper)
45 Death Is Destroyed
46 Castle Drawbridge Closes And Ortega Appears
47 Thirsty Man
48 Cornell Meets Henry In Garden
49 Cornell And Henry Part In Garden
51 Monster Dracula Appears
52 Actrise Appears In Castle Center
54 Actrise Appears Again With Cousin Fernandes Before Fight With Carrie
55 Cousin Fernandes Is Destroyed
56 Actrise Appears Again Before Fight With Carrie
57 Actrise Defeated By Carrie

8031B243 00XX Enable Characters
Replace XX with:
05 Henry
06 Reinhardt
07 Carrie

8031B22B 00XX Character Modifier
Replace XX with:
0 Cornell
1 Reinhardt
2 Carrie
3 Henry

801CAB84 00XX Status Modifier
Replace XX with:
00 Never Get Poisoned or Vamped
01 Normal
04 Vamp
08 Poison
0C Vamped & Poisoned
FF Instant Death

801CAE79 00XX Level Modifier
801CAE7B 00XX Inter-Level Modifier

Replace XX with:

00 Forest Of Silence
01 Left Tower
02 Castle Wall
07 Tunnel
08 Underground Waterway
13 Cave Of Spiderwomen
16 Falls Into Space(?)
17 Clock Tower
18 Final Battle Site
19 Castle Center
1B Room Of Clocks
1D Tower Of Sorcery
27 Dual Tower
2A Outer Wall
2C Fall From Sky Outside Of Castlevania Opening
2D Another Free Fall. Forest Where Girl Runs In Opening
09-0F Castle Center
10-12 Foggy Lake
1E-20 Tower Of Execution
14, 15 Castle Keep
1C, 2B Countryside Where Carrie's Mom Is Buried. (Fall Through Ground)
21, 22 Tower Of Science
23, 24 Tower Of Ruins
25, 26 Art Tower
28, 29 Clock Tower
03-06, 1A Villa
Dual Transformer and Moon Jump Codes

With Dual Transformer codes, Press R to change from Human to
Wolf. Press it again to change back to Human. This works
for Cornell only.

With Moon Jump codes, Press A to gradually rise. This works for
Cornell only.
Foggy Lake-Upper Deck Of Ship Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
8134C648 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
8134C678 3FCB

Foggy Lake-Hull Section Of Ship Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
81347708 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
81347738 3FCB

Foggy Lake-After Ship Wreck Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
81347378 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
813473A8 3FCB

Forest Of Silence Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
81346D60 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
81346D90 3FCB

Castle Wall-Main Entrance Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
81348268 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
81348298 3FCB

Castle Wall-Tower Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
81348018 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
81348048 3FCB

Underground Waterway Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Tranformer
813466A8 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
813466D8 3FCB

Villa-Main Villa Entrance Up To House Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
81346218 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
81346248 3FCB

Villa House-Up To And Including Rose Garden Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
81347318 3F00

D11C87F6 0020 Moon Jump
81347348 3FCB

Upstairs Villa-Beyond Rose Garden Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
813511F8 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
81351228 3FCB

Villa Maze Garden Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
8134B168 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
8134B198 3FCB

Tunnel Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
8134AF88 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
8134AFB8 3FCB

Castle Center-First Floor Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
813482C8 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
813482F8 3FCB

Castle Center-Second Floor Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
813466C8 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
813466F8 3FCB

Castle Center-Third Floor Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
81346E58 3F00C

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
81346E88 3FCB

Castle Center-Fourth Floor A Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
81345BA8 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
81345BD8 3FCB

Castle Center-Fourth Floor B (Broken Stair Side) Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
81345FF8 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
81346028 3FCB

Tower Of Sorcery Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
8134A3E8 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
8134A418 3FCB

Room Of Clocks Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
81344398 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
813443C8 3FCB

Clock Tower-Part 1 Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
813461C8 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
813461F8 3FCB

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
81344798 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
813447C8 3FCB

Clock Tower-Part 3 Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
81346FC8 3FCB

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
81346FF8 3FCB

Tower Of Execution-Part 1 Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
81346368 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
81346398 3FCB

Tower Of Execution-Part 2 Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
813450E8 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
81345118 3FCB

Tower Of Execution-Part 3 Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
81345668 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
81345698 3FCB

Tower Of Science-Part 1 Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
8134AF78 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
8134AFA8 3FCB

Tower Of Science-Part 2 Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
813599B8 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
813599E8 3FCB

Dual Towers Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
8134E508 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
8134E538 3FCB

Art Tower-Part 1 Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
81349548 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
81349578 3FCB

Art Tower-Part 2 Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
81346358 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
81346388 3FCB

Tower Of Ruins-Part 1 Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
81347BA8 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
81347BD8 3FCB

Tower Of Ruins-Part 2 Codes

D11C87F6 0020 Dual Transformer
8134DC28 3F00

D11C87F6 8000 Moon Jump
8134DC58 3FCB
Castlevania - Legacy of Darkness (Europe) (En,Fr,De)

TopInfinite Archives KeyViper187801CC02E 000A
TopInfinite Art Tower Key 1Viper187801CC03A 000A
TopInfinite Art Tower Key 2Viper187801CC03B 000A
TopInfinite Chamber KeyViper187801CC033 000A
TopInfinite ClockTower Key AViper187801CC03F 000A
TopInfinite ClockTower Key BViper187801CC040 000A
TopInfinite ClockTower Key CViper187801CC038 000A
TopInfinite ClockTower Key DViper187801CC039 000A
TopInfinite ClockTower Key EViper187801CC03E 000A
TopInfinite Control Roon KeyViper187801CC03C 000A
TopInfinite Copper KeyViper187801CC032 000A
TopInfinite Crest Half AViper187801CC02B 000A
TopInfinite Crest Half BViper187801CC02C 000A
TopInfinite Cure AmpouleViper187801CC01E 000A
TopInfinite Deck KeyViper187801CC035 000A
TopInfinite Execution KeyViper187801CC034 000A
TopInfinite Garden KeyViper187801CC031 000A
TopInfinite Healing KitViper187801CC01C 000A
TopInfinite Left Tower KeyViper187801CC02F 000A
TopInfinite Magical NitroViper187801CC025 000A
TopInfinite MandragoraViper187801CC026 000A
TopInfinite Moon CardViper187801CC028 000A
TopInfinite Oldrey's DiaryViper187801CC02A 000A
TopInfinite Power upViper187801CC01F 000A
TopInfinite PurifyingViper187801CC01D 000A
TopInfinite Roast BeefViper187801CC01B 000A
TopInfinite Roast ChickenViper187801CC01A 000A
TopInfinite Rose BroochViper187801CC02D 000A
TopInfinite Rose Garden KeyViper187801CC036 000A
TopInfinite Special 1Viper187801CC017 000A
TopInfinite Special 2Viper187801CC018 000A
TopInfinite Special 3Viper187801CC019 000A
TopInfinite Store Room KeyViper187801CC030 000A
TopInfinite Sun CardViper187801CC027 000A
TopInfinite The ContractViper187801CC024 000A
TopInfinite Thorn KeyViper187801CC037 000A
TopInfinite Wall KeyViper187801CC03D 000A
TopInfinite Winch LeverViper187801CC029 000A
TopAccess All ItemsKia66650002A01 0000
801CC017 000A
TopAll Items Are InfiniteViper187810901C0 2400
TopAlternate Costume ModifierViper187801CC009 0001
TopDay Modifier For Adult HenryViper187801CBFEF 00??00 - 7 days 01 - 6 days 02 - 5 days 03 - 4 days 04 - 3 days 05 - 2 days 06 - 1 day 07 - 0 days
TopDay/Night ModeMacroxD0140055 0010
801CBFF1 0006
D0140055 0020
801CBFF1 0012
Push L to make it Night, and R to make it Day.
TopDon't Take Any DamageViper1878108BD0C 2400
TopInfinite GoldDatel811CC012 2710
TopInfinite HealthDatel811CC00A 2710
TopInfinite MoneyViper187811CC012 FFFF
TopInfinite Red JewelsViper187801CC015 0064
TopLevel ModifierViper187801CC349 00??00 - Forest of Silence 01 - Left Tower 02 - Castle Wall 03-06,1A - Villa 07 - Tunnel 08 - Underground Waterway 09-0F - Castle Center 10-12 - Foggy lake 13 - Cave of Queen Algenie 14,15 Castle Keep 16 - Falls into Space(?) 17 - Clock Tower 18 - Final Battle Site 19 - Castle Center 1B - Room of Clocks 1C,2B - Countryside where Carrie's Mom is buried.(Fall through ground) 1D - Tower of Sorcery 1E-20 - Tower of Execution 21,22 - Tower of Science 23,24 - Tower of Ruins 25,26 - Art Tower 27 - Dual Tower 28,29 - Clock Tower 2A - Outer Wall 2C - Fall from sky ouside of CastleVania opening. 2D - Another Free fall. Forest where girl runs in opening. 2E - Final battle site with Monster Dracula
TopMax Power-UpsViper187801CC2F3 0002
TopMenu ModifierViper187801CC2DF 000?9 - Pause A - Renon's Shop E - Game Over
TopRainViper187801CC2C7 00??Can only be used outdoors 00 = no rain 02 = rain
TopStatus ModifierViper187801CC054 00??00 - Never get poisoned or vamped 01 - Normal 04 - Vamp 08 - Poison 0C - Vamped and Poisoned FF - Instant Death
TopStop Timer InputViper187811CBFF2 0001
TopWeapon ModifierViper187801CC00F 000?00 - Nothing 01 - Knife 02 - Potion 03 - Cross 04 - Axe
TopWeapon Power-UpViper187801CC2F7 000?Must use with weapon modifier code.
The quantity digits range from 0 - 3.
TopWolfman CodeKia666D1140054 0004
811CC014 0064
Press C-Down + 'L' To Be Wolfman
TopActivator 1 P1Viper187D00F0E80 00??
TopActivator 1 P1 #2Viper187D0140054 00??
TopActivator 1 P2Viper187D00F0E86 00??
TopActivator 1 P2 #2Viper187D014005C 00??
TopActivator 1 P3Viper187D00F0E8C 00??
TopActivator 1 P3 #2Viper187D0140064 00??
TopActivator 1 P4Viper187D00F0E92 00??
TopActivator 1 P4 #2Viper187D014006C 00??
TopActivator 2 P1Viper187D00F0E81 00??
TopActivator 2 P1 #2Viper187D0140055 00??
TopActivator 2 P2Viper187D00F0E87 00??
TopActivator 2 P2 #2Viper187D014005D 00??
TopActivator 2 P3Viper187D00F0E8D 00??
TopActivator 2 P3 #2Viper187D0140065 00??
TopActivator 2 P4Viper187D00F0E93 00??
TopActivator 2 P4 #2Viper187D014006D 00??
TopDual Activator P1Viper187D00F0E80 ????
TopDual Activator P1 #2Viper187D0140054 ????
TopDual Activator P1 #3Viper187D10F48D6 ????
TopDual Activator P1 #4Viper187D10F48E4 ????
TopDual Activator P1 #5Viper187D11C9CC6 ????
TopDual Activator P2Viper187D00F0E86 ????
TopDual Activator P2 #2Viper187D014005C ????
TopDual Activator P3Viper187D00F0E8C ????
TopDual Activator P3 #2Viper187D0140064 ????
TopDual Activator P4Viper187D00F0E92 ????
TopDual Activator P4 #2Viper187D014006C ????

Castlevania - Legacy of Darkness (USA)

TopFake Infinite HealthMacrox812F2530 3F80
812F2540 3F80
Top16-bit ActivatorMacroxD11C87F6 ????
Top8-bit ActivatorMacroxD01C87F6 00??
Top8-bit ActivatorMacroxD01C87F7 00??
TopActivator 1 P1Viper187D013ED74 00??
TopActivator 1 P1 #2Viper187D00EFBA0 00??
TopActivator 1 P2Viper187D013ED7C 00??
TopActivator 1 P2 #2Viper187D00EFBA6 00??
TopActivator 1 P3Viper187D013ED84 00??
TopActivator 1 P3 #2Viper187D00EFBAC 00??
TopActivator 1 P4Viper187D013ED8C 00??
TopActivator 1 P4 #2Viper187D00EFBB2 00??
TopActivator 2 P1Viper187D013ED75 00??
TopActivator 2 P1 #2Viper187D00EFBA1 00??
TopActivator 2 P2Viper187D013ED7D 00??
TopActivator 2 P2 #2Viper187D00EFBA7 00??
TopActivator 2 P3Viper187D013ED85 00??
TopActivator 2 P3 #2Viper187D00EFBAD 00??
TopActivator 2 P4Viper187D013ED8D 00??
TopActivator 2 P4 #2Viper187D00EFBB3 00??
TopDual Activator 1 P1Viper187D113ED74 ????
TopDual Activator 1 P2Viper187D113ED7C ????
TopDual Activator 1 P3Viper187D113ED84 ????
TopDual Activator 1 P4Viper187D113ED8C ????
TopDual Activator P1 #2Viper187D00EFBA0 ????
TopDual Activator P1 #3Viper187D00F35F6 ????
TopDual Activator P1 #4Viper187D00F3604 ????
TopDual Activator P2 #2Viper187D00EFBA6 ????
TopDual Activator P3 #2Viper187D00EFBAC ????
TopDual Activator P4 #2Viper187D00EFBB2 ????
TopFake Infinite HealthMacrox812F2A30 3F80
812F2A40 3F80
TopReal Infinite HealthMacrox812F2A30 3F80
812F2A40 3F80
810F4A40 3F80
8132E93E 3F80
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
81347378 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
813473A8 3FCB
TopPart 1Macrox812F3DD0 ????
812F3DD4 ????
812F3DD8 ????
TopPart 2Macrox812F0BE0 ????
812F0BE4 ????
812F0BE8 ????
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
81349548 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
81349578 3FCB
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
81346358 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
81346388 3FCB
TopFake Infinite HealthMacrox812F9E00 3F80
812F9E10 3F80
TopFake Infinite HealthMacrox812F2590 3F80
812F25A0 3F80
TopReal Infinite HealthMacrox812F2590 3F80
812F25A0 3F80
810F9758 3F80
813376A6 3F80
TopFirst FloorMacrox812F2B50 ????
812F2B54 ????
812F2B58 ????
TopFourth Floor AMacrox812EF9A0 ????
812EF9A4 ????
812EF9A8 ????
TopFourth Floor B (Broken Stair Side)Macrox812F0880 ????
812F0884 ????
812F0888 ????
TopInvention Room LevelMacrox812F0430 ????
812F0434 ????
812F0438 ????
TopSecond FloorMacrox812F0F50 ????
812F0F54 ????
812F0F58 ????
TopThird FloorMacrox812F16E0 ????
812F16E4 ????
812F16E8 ????
TopTop of Castle Center (Crossover To Towers of Sorcery And Science)Macrox812EEAE0 ????
812EEAE4 ????
812EEAE8 ????
TopPart 1Macrox812F2FF0 ????
812F2FF4 ????
812F2FF8 ????
TopPart 2Macrox812EF660 ????
812EF664 ????
812EF668 ????
TopMain EntranceMacrox812F2AF0 ????
812F2AF4 ????
812F2AF8 ????
TopTowersMacrox812F28A0 ????
812F28A4 ????
812F28A8 ????
TopPart 1Macrox812F0A50 ????
812F0A54 ????
812F0A58 ????
TopPart 2Macrox812EF020 ????
812EF024 ????
812EF028 ????
TopPart 3Macrox812F1850 ????
812F1854 ????
812F1858 ????
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
813461C8 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
813461F8 3FCB
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
81344798 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
813447C8 3FCB
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
81346FC8 3FCB
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
81346FF8 3FCB
TopWolfman Can Use WeaponsMacrox, Stinky613801CAB37 0002
TopWolfman Can't Use WeaponsMacrox, Stinky613801CAB37 0004
TopFake Infinite HealthMacrox812F2590 3F80
812F25A0 3F80
TopReal Infinite HealthMacrox812F2590 3F80
812F25A0 3F80
810F47D0 3F80
8132E49E 3F80
TopFake Infinite HealthMacrox812EF0A0 3F80
812EF0B0 3F80
TopReal Infinite HealthMacrox812EF0A0 3F80
812EF0B0 3F80
810F49A4 3F80
8132AFAE 3F80
TopFake Infinite HealthMacrox812F2A30 3F80
812F2A40 3F80
TopReal Infinite HealthMacrox812F2A30 3F80
812F2A40 3F80
810F4698 3F80
81337B46 3F80
TopDual TowersMacrox812F8D90 ????
812F8D94 ????
812F8D98 ????
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
8134E508 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
8134E538 3FCB
TopFinal Battle Site Monster DraculaMacrox812EC2F0 ????
812EC2F4 ????
812EC2F8 ????
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
813482C8 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
813482F8 3FCB
TopReal Infinite HealthMacrox810F49A4 3F80
8132A56E 3F80
812EE669 3F80
812EE670 3F80
The elusive Demon Renon who you get to fight if you buy too much from him can be found by first turning on the have all items and infinite gold codes and the setting the location modifier like this: 801CAE79 001B, 801CAE7B 0003
TopAfter Ship WreckMacrox812F1C00 ????
812F1C04 ????
812F1C08 ????
TopHull Section of ShipMacrox812F1F90 ????
812F1F94 ????
812F1F98 ????
TopUpper Deck of ShipMacrox812F48C0 ????
812F48C4 ????
812F48C8 ????
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
81346D60 3F00
TopForest of SilenceMacrox812FA3C0 ????
812FA3C4 ????
812FA3C8 ????
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
81346D90 3FCB
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
81345BA8 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
81345BD8 3FCB
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
81345FF8 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
81346028 3FCB
TopFake Infinite HealthMacrox812EFCF0 3F80
812EFD00 3F80
TopReal Infinite HealthMacrox812EFCF0 3F80
812EFD00 3F80
810F4ADC 3F80
8132BBFE 3F80
TopFake Infinite HealthMacrox812F2A30 3F80
812F2A40 3F80
TopReal Infinite HealthMacrox812F2A30 3F80
812F2A40 3F80
810F49A4 3F80
81337B46 3F80
TopFake Infinite HealthMacrox812F4FD0 3F80
812F4FE0 3F80
TopReal Infinite HealthMacrox812F4FD0 3F80
812F4FE0 3F80
810F47D0 3F80
81330EDE 3F80
TopInfinite BulletsMacrox, Stinky613801D3DA3 0006
TopRapid FireMacrox, Stinky613811C87F6 0040
801D3DA3 0006
Hold B for Rapid Fire. This code works best when used in conjunction with the Inf Bullets code.
TopYoung Henry Infinite HealthMacroxD11C87F6 0010
813A5360 2800
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
81347708 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
81347738 3FCB
TopImage Modifiers NoteNAN/AThe codes should be manipulated via the mem editor. Adjacent codes alter coordinates of gates and seal.
TopThe Left Gate (Sometimes Seal On Gate)Macrox812FC6EF ????0000 = open C000 = closed or Seal parallel to gate
TopThe Right Gate (Sometimes The Seal)Macrox812FC637 ????0000 = Gate is open or Seal perpendicular to Gate C000 = Gate is closed or Seal parallel to gate
TopThe Seal (Sometimes The Right Gate)Macrox812FC7A6 ????8000 = Seal perpedicular to gate or gate open C000 = Seal parallel to door or gate closed
TopInfinite Archives KeyCode Master801CAB5E 000A
TopInfinite Art Tower Key 1Code Master801CAB6A 000A
TopInfinite Art Tower Key 2Code Master801CAB6B 000A
TopInfinite Chamber KeyCode Master801CAB63 000A
TopInfinite ClockTower Key ACode Master801CAB6F 000A
TopInfinite ClockTower Key BCode Master801CAB70 000A
TopInfinite ClockTower Key CCode Master801CAB68 000A
TopInfinite ClockTower Key DCode Master801CAB69 000A
TopInfinite ClockTower Key ECode Master801CAB6E 000A
TopInfinite Control Roon KeyCode Master801CAB6C 000A
TopInfinite Copper KeyCode Master801CAB62 000A
TopInfinite Crest Half ACode Master801CAB5B 000A
TopInfinite Crest Half BCode Master801CAB5C 000A
TopInfinite Cure AmpouleCode Master801CAB4E 000A
TopInfinite Deck KeyCode Master801CAB65 000A
TopInfinite Execution KeyCode Master801CAB64 000A
TopInfinite Garden KeyCode Master801CAB61 000A
TopInfinite Healing KitCode Master801CAB4C 000A
TopInfinite Left Tower KeyCode Master801CAB5F 000A
TopInfinite Magical NitroCode Master801CAB55 000A
TopInfinite MandragoraCode Master801CAB56 000A
TopInfinite Moon CardCode Master801CAB58 000A
TopInfinite Oldrey's DiaryCode Master801CAB5A 000A
TopInfinite Power upCode Master801CAB4F 000A
TopInfinite PurifyingCode Master801CAB4D 000A
TopInfinite Roast BeefCode Master801CAB4B 000A
TopInfinite Roast ChickenCode Master801CAB4A 000A
TopInfinite Rose BroochCode Master801CAB5D 000A
TopInfinite Rose Garden KeyCode Master801CAB66 000A
TopInfinite Special 1Code Master801CAB47 000A
TopInfinite Special 2Code Master801CAB48 000A
TopInfinite Special 3Code Master801CAB49 000A
TopInfinite Store Room KeyCode Master801CAB60 000A
TopInfinite Sun CardCode Master801CAB57 000A
TopInfinite The ContractCode Master801CAB54 000A
TopInfinite Thorn KeyCode Master801CAB67 000A
TopInfinite Wall KeyCode Master801CAB6D 000A
TopInfinite Winch LeverCode Master801CAB59 000A
TopAll Items Are Infinite (Once You Have Them)Viper1878108FCD0 2400
TopAlternate Costume ModifierMacrox801CAB39 0001
TopCan't Use Weapons Nor JumpMacrox801C87F5 0000
TopCharacter Modifier CodeMacrox8031B22B 000?Use with Activator or mem editor 0 - Cornell 1 - Reinhardt 2 - Carrie 3 - Henry
TopCutscene ModifierMacrox801CAE8B 00??
801CAE93 0009
You must use the appropiate level mod before you attempt to run these cut-scenes. Not doing so will ruin the cut-scene as the graphics will be glitched. 01 - Girl Running In Forest At Game Open. Use With 801CAE79 002D, 801CAE7B 0000, 801CAE8B 0001 & 801CEE93 0001
02 - Opening Menu Start Screen/Options. Use With 801CAE79 002C, 801CAE8B 0002, 801CAE8F 0002 & 801CAE93 0011
03 - Castle Drawbridge Lowers
04 - Character Enters Castle
06 - Vampire In Main Entrance Hall Of Villa
07 - One Of The Working Gears Cut Scenes
08 - "I Smell Poison" From Underground Waterway
09 - Castle Gate Closes In Villa Upon Entering Villa,E81=E83=16,E8B=E8F=09,E93=09
0B - Renon Appears For First Time
0C - Vincent in Villa,use with E81=0C,E83=0C,E93=09 0D - Village Vampire In Upstairs Villa
0E - Malus Appears For The First Time
0F - Malus Leaves Garden
10 - Character In Boat On Foggy Lake
11 - Seal Removed From Wall In Arena use with E81=01,E83=45,E8B=E8F=11,E93=09
12 - Bleeding Statue in Castle Center
13 - Cosmic Lights in Astronomy Room in Castle Center
14 - Explosion At Wall In Arena 15 - Explosion At Wall In Castle That Leads To Hidden Room
16 - Malus Appears Again In Upstairs Room Of Castle
17 - Bull Awakens
18 - Vincent The Vampire
19 - One Of The Working Gears Cut Scenes 20 - Ship Sinks at Foggy Lake
21 - Malus on Flying Horse before Fight at Castle Keep second time
1A - Gate Opens In Forest Of Silence
1B - Meet Renon For The Last Time In Castle Keep.
1C - This Cut Scene Runs Cut Scene 27 And 2E
1E - Castle Keep Destructs
1F - Malus On Flying Horse Outside Castle Keep first time
23 - Monster Dracula Appears at location 18
24 - Spider People In Tunnel
25 - Rosa In Garden in Villa
26 - Monster Dracula goes to Hell at location 18 27 - Castel Destruction, Run Through Cut Scene 29
28 - Space Warp
29 - Castel Destruction
2A - Malus Is Saved By Reinhardt
2B - Malus And Reinhardt On Horse
2C = Peasant with wagon and Carrie, use with loc=1C/03,E81=01,E83=1E,E8B=E8F=2C,E93=09 2D - Malus and Carrie on wagon 2E - Rosa Returns
2F - Text about Malus' Birth,loc15,E81=01,E83=0F,E93=09 30 - Ada, Henry And Cornell At Game End,loc=2D,E81=01,E83=1E,E93=09
31 - Scrolling Text About Castle And Henry
32- Sea Monster attacks ship at Foggy Lake 33 - Vampire In Basement
34 - Vampire In Villa Basement Destroyed, Woman Vampire Rises 35 - Finds Hidden Path In Villa Basement
36 - Operate gate lever in right tower of castle (Hydra Site) 37 - Lever & Gear In left tower of castle
38 - Harpie at Outer Wall,loc=2A+0B,E81 and E83=0C,E93=09
39 - Harpie Destroyed
3A - Block on ship comes out 3B - Henry's Objectives 3C - Ultimate Dracula Destroyed,loc2E,E81 and E83=01,E93=09 3D - Rosa attempts suicide in Castle Center 3E - Rosa challenges Reinhardt in Castle Center 3F - Rosa taken by Death in Castle Center 44 - Death(Grim Reaper) atop Clock Tower
45 - Death Is Destroyed atop Clock Tower 46 - Castle Drawbridge Closes And Ortega Appears
47 - Thirsty Man
48 - Cornell Meets Henry In Garden
49 - Cornell And Henry Part In Garden
50 - Ada in Crystal,Dracula,Cornell at Castle Keep,use E81 and E83=16,E93=09 51 - Ultimate Dracula Appears
52 - Actrise Appears In Castle Center
54 - Actrise Appears Again With Cousin Fernandes Before Fight With Carrie
55 - Cousin Fernandes Is Destroyed
56 - Actrise Appears Again Before Fight With Carrie
57 - Actrise Defeated By Carrie 58 - Gate in Forest of Silence opens 59 - Another gate in FOS opens 60 - Burning Village 61 - Opening narration 62 - Scrolling text about Children and Henry 4A - Gille de Rais in Villa Basement,Cornell and Actrise 4B - Ortega and Werewolf at Dual Towers 4C - Ortega Transforms 4D - Ortega Dies atop Castle Tower 4E - Ada, Cornell and Death 5A - Promo Movie and Game start movie, use level mod 801CAE79 002B, 801CAE7B 0001, 801CAE81 0001, 801CAE83 000F,801CAE8F 0060, 801CAE93 0019 5B - Producer of Castlevania Screen 5C - Castle Center (Hall of Knights) 5D - Castle Center (Hall of Fire Breathing Stone Faces) and Director 5E - Gille De Rais walks up steps to Castle Keep (use with loc modifier 801CAE79 0014, 801CAE7B 0001 and 801CAE81 0001, 801CAE83 000F, 801CAE8B 005E, 801CAE8F 005E, 801CAE93 0019) 5F - Satanic Ritual to raise Dracula in Castle Keep (use with loc modifier 801CAE79 0015, 801CAE7B 0001 and 801CAE81 0001, 801CAE83 000F, 801CAE8B 005F, 801CAE8F 005F, 801CAE93 0019)
TopDay Modifier For Adult HenryMacrox801CAB1F 00??00 - 7 days 01 - 6 days 02 - 5 days 03 - 4 days 04 - 3 days 05 - 2 days 06 - 1 day 07 - 0 days
TopDay/Night ModeMacroxD01C87F7 0010
801CAB21 0006
D01C87F7 0020
801CAB21 0012
Push L to make it Night, and R to make it Day.
TopDon't Take Any DamageViper1878108B81C 2400
TopEnable CharactersMacrox8031B243 000?Use with Activator or mem editor 5 - Henry 6 - Reinhardt 7 - Carrie
TopHard Mode Selected In A New GameMacrox8032495F 0002You will not see the hard level status until you save and restart the game file. No special items are required to access this feature with this code turned on.
TopHear Sounds With No Frame RefreshMacrox801C834D 0000
TopInfinite EnergyMacrox811CAB3A 2AF8
TopInfinite MoneyMacrox811CAB42 FFFF
TopInfinite Red JewelsMacrox801CAB45 0064
TopInter-Level ModifierMacrox801CAE7B 00??
TopItem ModifierMacrox801CAB?? 00XXXX can be 00-0A ?? = 47 - Special 1 48 - Special 2 49 - Special 3 4A - Roast Chicken 4B - Roast Beef 4C - Healing Kit 4D - Purifying 4E - Cure Ampoule 4F - Power up 54 - The Contract 55 - Magical Nitro 56 - Mandragora 57 - Sun Card 58 - Moon Card 59 - Winch Lever 5A - Oldrey's Diary 5B - Crest Half A 5C - Crest Half B 5D - Rose Brooch 5E - Archives Key 5F - Left Tower Key 60 - Store Room Key 61 - Garden Key 62 - Copper Key 63 - Chamber Key 64 - Execution Key 65 - Deck Key 66 - Rose Garden Key 67 - Thorn Key 68 - ClockTower Key C 69 - ClockTower Key D 6A - Art Tower Key 1 6B - Art Tower Key 2 6C - Control Roon Key 6D - Wall Key 6E - ClockTower Key E 6F - ClockTower Key A 70 - ClockTower Key B
TopLevel ModifierMacrox801CAE79 00??00 - Forest of Silence 01 - Left Tower 02 - Castle Wall 03-06,1A - Villa 07 - Tunnel 08 - Underground Waterway 09-0F - Castle Center 10-12 - Foggy lake 13 - Cave of Queen Algenie 14,15 Castle Keep 16 - Falls into Space(?) 17 - Clock Tower 18 - Final Battle Site 19 - Castle Center 1B - Room of Clocks 1C,2B - Countryside where Carrie's Mom is buried.(Fall through ground) 1D - Tower of Sorcery 1E-20 - Tower of Execution 21,22 - Tower of Science 23,24 - Tower of Ruins 25,26 - Art Tower 27 - Dual Tower 28,29 - Clock Tower 2A - Outer Wall 2C - Fall from sky ouside of CastleVania opening. 2D - Another Free fall. Forest where girl runs in opening. 2E - Final battle site with Monster Dracula
TopMax Power-UpsMacrox801CAE23 0002
TopMenu ModifierMacrox801CAE0F 000?9 - Pause A - Renon's Shop E - Game Over
TopRainMacrox801CADF7 00??Can only be used outdoors. 00 - No Rain 02 - Rain
TopRestart Current LevelMacroxD01C87F7 00XX
801CAB93 0001
TopStatus ModifierMacrox801CAB84 00??00 - Never get poisoned or vamped 01 - Normal 04 - Vamp 08 - Poison 0C - Vamped and Poisoned FF - Instant Death
TopStop Timer InputMacrox811CAB22 0001
TopStop/Start Character ActionMacroxD01C87F7 0010
801CAE8B 0064
D01C87F7 0020
801CAE8B 0000
To stop the character action, use R button. To resume the character action using the L button.
TopStop/Start Character And Enemy ActionMacroxD01C87F7 0010
801CAE93 0001
D01C87F7 0010
801CAE8B 0064
D01C87F7 0020
801CAE93 0000
D01C87F7 0020
801CAE8B 0000
To stop the action, use R button. To resume the action use the L button.
TopStop/Start Enemy Action/Freeze CameraMacroxD01C87F7 0010
801CAE93 0001
D01C87F7 0020
801CAE93 0000
To stop the sub Boss action, use R button. To resume the sub Boss enemy action using the L button. This code allows you to stop the sub Boss enemy from moving while you remain able to move.You will not be able to touch sub Boss during freeze but can move through Boss. During Boss Fight move close to Boss, then use C up to zoom in on the Boss. Then use the activator below to freeze the camera angle on Boss, but do it quickly to prevent the camera from pulling back. You will still be able to move and so will the boss. All weapons are functional but you are very close to Boss.
TopWeapon ModifierMacrox801CAB3F 000?00 - Nothing 01 - Knife 02 - Potion 03 - Cross 04 - Axe
TopWeapon Power-UpMacrox801CAE27 000?Must use with weapon modifier code.
The quantity digits range from 0 - 3.
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
81348268 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
81348298 3FCB
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
81346218 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
81346248 3FCB
TopFake Infinite HealthMacrox812EBD30 3F80
812EBD40 3F80
TopReal Infinite HealthMacrox812EBD30 3F80
812EBD40 3F80
810FF698 3F80
8132531E 3F80
TopForest of Silence (Beginning)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
81346B80 3FCB
Moon Jumps for other characters can be obtained as follows, Carrie: subtract in hex 12E0 from Cornell Moon jump codes address not quantifier,for each level. Henry: subtract in hex either 3A0, 398 or 390 in that order from Cornell Moon Jumps for each level. There are slight pertubations in the coding of the game that require different values. Reinhardt: subtract in hex either 1A58 or EA58 in that order from Cornell Moon Jump codes for each level.
TopFake Infinite HealthMacrox812F2A30 3F80
812F2A40 3F80
TopReal Infinite HealthMacrox812F2A30 3F80
812F2A40 3F80
810F4ADC 3F80
8132E93E 3F80
TopOuter WallMacrox812F5590 ????
812F5594 ????
812F5598 ????
TopTombstones In Villa ModifierMacrox8032DE2A ????0000 = button on tombstone pressed 0001 = button on tombstone not pressed Pressing buttons on certain tombstones in a certain order (Master, Wife, Son, Unknown) activate the platform in the fountain to rise.
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
81344398 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
813443C8 3FCB
TopRoom of ClocksMacrox812EEC20 ????
812EEC24 ????
812EEC28 ????
TopFake Infinite HealthMacrox812F2590 3F80
812F25A0 3F80
TopReal Infinite HealthMacrox812F2590 3F80
812F25A0 3F80
810F4698 3F80
813376A6 3F80
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
813466C8 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
813466F8 3FCB
TopFake Inf.HealthMacrox812F1640 3F80
812F1650 3F80
TopReal Infinite HealthMacrox812F1640 3F80
812F1650 3F80
8032D54E 3F80
8037E3C2 3F80
8037E3C8 3F80
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
81346E58 3F00C
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
81346E88 3FCB
TopFake Infinite HealthMacrox812F8EB0 3F80
812F8EC0 3F80
TopReal Infinite HealthMacrox812F8EB0 3F80
812F8EC0 3F80
810F4F20 3F80
813373CE 3F80
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
81348018 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
81348048 3FCB
TopFirst PartMacrox812EF970 ????
812EF974 ????
812EF978 ????
TopSecond PartMacrox812F0B0 ????
812F0B4 ????
812F0B8 ????
TopThird PartMacrox812EFEF0 ????
812EFEF4 ????
812EFEF8 ????
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
81346368 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
81346398 3FCB
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
813450E8 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
81345118 3FCB
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
81345668 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
81345698 3FCB
TopPart 1Macrox812F2430 ????
812F2434 ????
812F2438 ????
TopPart 2Macrox812F84B0 ????
812F84B4 ????
812F84B8 ????
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
81347BA8 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
81347BD8 3FCB
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
8134DC28 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
8134DC58 3FCB
TopPart 1Macrox812F5800 ????
812F5804 ????
812F5808 ????
TopPart 2Macrox81304240 ????
81304244 ????
81304248 ????
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
8134AF78 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
8134AFA8 3FCB
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
813599B8 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
813599E8 3FCB
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
8134A3E8 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
8134A418 3FCB
TopTower of SorceryMacrox812F4C70 ????
812F4C74 ????
812F4C78 ????
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
8134AF88 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky6138134AFB8 3FCB
TopTunnelMacrox812F5810 ????
812F5814 ????
812F5818 ????
TopFake Infinite HealthMacrox812F05C0 3F80
812F05D0 3F80
TopReal Infinite HealthMacrox812F05C0 3F80
812F05D0 3F80
810F4698 3F80
81390FB0 3F80
TopDual Tranformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
813466A8 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
813466D8 3FCB
TopUnderground WaterwayMacrox812F0F30 ????
812F0F34 ????
812F0F38 ????
TopDual TransformerMacrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
8134C648 3F00
With this code press R to change from Human to Wolf. Press it again to change back to human. This works for Cornell only.
TopMoon JumpStinky613D11C87F6 8000
8134C678 3FCB
Hold A and you will gradually rise.
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
813511F8 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
61351228 3FCB
TopFake Infinite HealthMacrox812F15E0 3F80
812F15F0 3F80
TopReal Infinite HealthMacrox812F15E0 3F80
812F15F0 3F80
810F49A4 3F80
8132D4EE 3F80
TopFake Infinite HealthMacrox812F2A30 3F80
812F2A40 3F80
TopReal Infinite HealthMacrox812F2A30 3F80
812F2A40 3F80
810F49A4 3F80
8132E93E 3F80
TopMain villa Entrance Up To HouseMacrox812F0AA0 ????
812F0AA4 ????
812F0AA8 ????
TopUpstairs Villa (Beyond Rose Garden)Macrox812F9470 ????
812F9474 ????
812F9478 ????
TopVilla House (Up To And Including Rose Garden)Macrox812F1BA0 ????
812F1BA4 ????
812F1BA8 ????
TopVilla Maze GardenMacrox812F59F0 ????
812F59F4 ????
812F59F8 ????
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
81347318 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
81347348 3FCB
TopDual Transformer (See Note 16)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 0020
8134B168 3F00
TopMoon Jump (See Note 17)Macrox, Stinky613D11C87F6 8000
8134B198 3FCB
TopFake Infinite HealthMacrox812F87D0 3F80
812F87E0 3F80
TopReal Infinite HealthMacrox812F87D0 3F80
812F87E0 3F80
812F49A4 3F80
813346DE 3F80
TopActivator 1 P1MacroxD01C87F6 00??
TopActivator 2 P1MacroxD01C87F7 00??
TopDual Activator P1MacroxD11C87F6 ????

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