Castlevania Adventure

Gameboy Pro Action Replay codes, Game Genie codes & Gameshark codes

final kaoss

Staff member
048-5EF-E62 Start with 5 lives
068-5EF-E62 Start with 7 lives
025-5CF-C42 Start with 2 energy bars
045-5CF-C42 Start with 4 energy bars
065-5CF-C42 Start with 6 energy bars
029-B3F-A26 *Start with timer at 2:15
049-B3F-A26 *Start with timer at 4:15
079-B3F-A26 *Start with timer at 7:15
*= 1st stage only

00A-F28-3B7 Infinite energy
004-07F-3B7 Infinite time--switch off at end of stages to go on
006-94F-3B7 Infinite lives
Top2x SpeedGadesGS015F0BC0
Top99,999 CoinsMacroxGS33C0:99
TopAlways Have Metal WhipZapdosGS01021CC5Change 01 to 02 to shoot fireballs when you whip.
TopAlways Have Whip Power-UpsGS01021CC5
TopAlways Have Whip Power-UpsTerrabyteGS1CC5:80
TopBoss Health ModifierGS010?19C6Levels 1,3,4, Etc. (0-F) This code works for Dracula too.
TopBoss Health Modifier AMacroxGS010?19C6This code works for Dracula too. Levels 1,3,4, Etc. (0-F)
TopBoss Health Modifier BMacroxGS010?31C4Level 2 Only.
TopCandles ReappearGS0100??CBCandles reappear after you hit them. ?? = 00 - FF
TopCandles ReappearMacroxGS0100YYCBCandles reappear after you hit them. YY = 00 - FF
TopCrazy Moon JumpTerrabyteGS010110C5
TopCutscene/Screen ModifierGS010?05C0
Konami Screen Code 1 = 0 Code 2 = 0 Title Screen Code 1 = 0 Code 2 = 1 or 2 Push to Start Code 1 = 0 Code 2 = 3 Hi Score Stage level and Restore value(lives left) Code 1 = 2 Code 2 = 4 Normal Code 1 = 0 Code 2 = 5 Death Scene Code 1 = 0 Code 2 = 6 Game Over Code 1 = 3 Code 2 = 6 Continue Code 1 = 4 Code 2 = 6 Unknown Code 1 = 0 Code 2 = 7 Finish Stage Automatically Code 1 = 0 Code 2 = 8 Turn off this code to continue game Castle Destruction/Credits Code 1 = 0 Code 2 = 9
TopCutscene/Screen ModifierMacroxGS010Y05C0
Konami Y = 0 X = 0 Castlevania Adventure Y = 0 X = 1 or 2 Push to Start Y = 0 X = 3 Hi Score Stage level and Restore value(lives left) Y = 2 X = 4 Normal Y = 0 X = 5 Dying Scene Y = 0 X = 6 Game Over Y = 3 X = 6 Continue Y = 4 X = 6 Unknown Y = 0 X = 7 Finish Stage Automatically Y = 0 X = 8 Turn off this code to continue game Castle Destruction/Credits Y = 0 X = 9
TopDie InstantlyMacroxGS010000C4
TopDon't Lose Weapon From Getting HitUgetabGENIE00A-CF8-3B7
TopGlide WalkMacroxGS010016C5
TopHit Anywherenolberto82GENIE002-71D-E62
TopImprove Speed SlightlyUgetabGENIEFF7-3CE-E69This code only affects new games
TopInfinite energyGaloobGENIE00A-F28-3B7
TopInfinite HealthZapdosGS010A19C5
TopInfinite LivesZapdosGS010940C0
TopInfinite livesGaloobGENIE006-94F-3B7
TopInfinite TimeZapdosGS015936C4
TopInfinite time [switch off at end of stages to go on]GaloobGENIE004-07F-3B7Switch this code off at end of stages to go on.
TopJump In Midairnolberto82GENIEE67-E2E-6E6
TopLevel 2 Boss Health ModifierGS010?31C4
TopMax ScoreGS019933C0
TopMusic TempoGS010?0CC100-03 Faster 04 - Normal 05-FF Slower
TopMusic TempoMacroxGS010?0CC100-03 Faster 04 - Normal 05-FF Slower
TopStage SelectUnknownGS01??2BCO01 - Stage 2 02 - Stage 3 03 - Stage 4
TopStart with 2 energy barsGaloobGENIE025-5CF-C42
TopStart with 4 energy barsGaloobGENIE045-5CF-C42
TopStart with 5 livesGaloobGENIE048-5EF-E62
TopStart with 6 energy barsGaloobGENIE065-5CF-C42
TopStart with 7 livesGaloobGENIE068-5EF-E62
TopStart with timer at 2:15 (1st stage only)GaloobGENIE029-B3F-A26
TopStart with timer at 4:15 (1st stage only)GaloobGENIE049-B3F-A26
TopStart with timer at 7:15 (1st stage only)GaloobGENIE079-B3F-A26
TopTetris Mode (0-F)MacroxGS01000?C4
TopTetris Mode [0-F]GS01000?C4
TopTimbre Modifier (00-FF)MacroxGS0DC1:??
TopTimbre Modifier [00-FF]GS01??0DC1
TopVisible/Invisible ModifierGS010?00C50 - Invisible 1 - Visible
TopVisible/Invisible ModifierMacroxGS010?00C50 - Invisible 1 - Visible
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PSA: we do not support cheating for online/mobile/multiplayer games, which may include trainers,
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