Apple releases macOS 10.14.6 Supplemental Update to fix sleeping Macs

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Enlarge / The 2018 MacBook Pro.

It was just over a week ago that Apple released macOS 10.14.6, but the company has already pushed out a Supplemental Update. Released today, the update fixes a heretofore not-widely-known issue involving sleep mode on Macs.
It seems at least some Macs have failed to wake up after going into sleep mode. The update doesn't seem to change much else. Apple's complete notes are as follows:
The macOS Mojave 10.14.6 Supplemental Update fixes an issue that may prevent certain Macs from waking from sleep properly.
While this bug did not attract widespread press or community attention, forums like MacRumors have seen some posts from users claiming they've had this issue and are hopeful this update will fix it.

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