Apple releases iOS 11.3.1 alongside security updates for macOS 10.13.4

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Enlarge / The 2018 iPad running iOS 11.3. (credit: Samuel Axon)

Today, Apple released small software updates for iPhones, iPads, and Macs: iOS 11.3.1 for the mobile devices, and a security update to the already-released macOS 10.13.4 for Macs.
At just over 49 megabytes, iOS 11.3.1 is a minor update that fixes iPhone 8s for users whose touchscreens were rendered unresponsive by aftermarket replacement displays. iOS 11.3 caused iPhones that had been serviced by outside vendors to have this issue. Users expressed frustration that it seemed Apple was punishing them for not going through the company's own process for repairs.
The patch notes below include a warning from Apple to steer clear of "non-genuine replacement displays." Apple's value proposition has always been around total control of the hardware to ensure a smooth experience. The company used these update notes to stress that yet again, the subtext being that the company can't be expected to support work done by other entities.

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