Animal Crossing - City Folk (USA) (En,Fr,Es)

Gecko Codes & Pro Action Replay Codes for Wii games.

final kaoss

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TopInventory auto cleardragonboy269
C0000000 0000000B 3F6090E2 637BEB20 3FC0805D 8BDE2477 38600000 606386C0 7FDE19D6 7F7BF214 387B001C 3BC00000 63DEFFF1 A4BB0002 7C05F000 4182001C 7C1B1800 4081FFF0 3B7BFFE2 B7DB0002 7C1B1800 4081FFF8 4E800020 00000000
This code checks every space in your inventory. Once your inventory is full, it'll automatically empty it.
TopMultiple slots text to itemdragonboy269
206E23C0 00004004 C0000000 00000012 3F608062 637B5477 3A200000 39200000 38A00000 8D5B0002 2C0A003A 41800008 394A0009 714A000F 7D4A4830 7CA55214 3929FFFC 2C090000 4080FFDC 3A310001 2C110001 40820010 7CA32B78 3920000C 4BFFFFC0 3F6090E2 637BEB20 3FC0805D 8BDE2477 3A200000 623186C0 7E31F1D6 7F7B8A14 3863FFFF B4BB0002 3863FFFF 2C030000 4080FFF4 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000
Type xyyyy into the chat, submit your message, and press c+down. x is the number of slots you want to store the item in, and yyyy is the item code. For example, to store an apple in 14 slots, type e9000
TopOnline duplication codedragonboy269
206E23C0 00004000 C0000000 00000009 3F6090E3 3FC0805D 8BDE2477 38600000 606986C0 7FDE49D6 7F7BF214 A4BBEB22 B0BB0002 3E20805E A0B1A3C2 B0B1A3C4 7E314A14 38630001 2C030003 4180FFEC 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000
this code should work offline and online with all characters. Tested and works Press C to duplicate the item in slot 1 into slot 2
TopReal Time Acre Modifierdragonboy269
206E23C0 00004008 C0000000 0000000E 3E208062 623B5477 39200004 38A00000 8D5B0002 2C0A003A 41800008 394A0009 714A000F 7D4A4830 7CA55214 3929FFFC 2C090000 4080FFDC 3E31BFCF 2C110000 40810018 2C050030 41810024 7CA32B78 39200008 4BFFFFB8 1F630002 677B90E9 2C05016F 41810008 B0BBEFF4 4E800020 E0000000 80008000
Anyway, you can use this code to modify your acres in real time. Type xxyyy into the chat, submit your message, and press c+up then go in and out of a building. xx is the acre slot number and yyy is the acre value. for acre slots look here: and look here for acre values: Forget the first 0, only use the last 3 digits, like if it says 016F just put 16F, if it says 0055 just put 055. I made it impossible for you to store a value above 16F, or to use an acre slot above 30 however it is still possible to corrupt your save. Be careful.
TopReal-Time Search and Replace (text activated version)dragonboy269
C0000000 00000013 3E208062 623B547B 80BBFFFD 3D20007A 61290072 7C054800 4082007C 3D20004F 6129004B 913BFFFD 38A00000 3920000C 8D5B0002 2C0A003A 41800008 394A0009 714A000F 7D4A4830 7CA55214 3929FFFC 2C090000 4080FFDC 3E31BFCF 2C110000 40810010 3B7B0002 7CA32B78 4BFFFFBC 3DC090E8 61CEF054 3A2E3200 A76E0002 7C1B1800 40820008 B0AE0000 7C0E8800 4180FFEC 4E800020
Type zrxxxx yyyy into the chat and submit your message. xxxx is the item to search for, and yyyy is the item to replace it with.
TopReal-Time World Viewerdragonboy269
206E23C0 00004001 C0000000 00000015 3CA080E6 892538D7 894538DB 3929FFF0 394AFFF0 712E000F 5529E13E 715E000F 554AE13E 55CE083C 57DE2834 5529482C 1D4A0A00 7DCEF214 7DCE4A14 7DCE5214 3D2090E8 6129F055 7E297214 3F6092E3 637BC08F 39C00002 8FD10001 7FC5F378 57DEE13E 70A5000F 2C1E0009 40810008 3BDE0007 3BDE0030 2C050009 40810008 38A50007 38A50030 9FDB0002 9CBB0002 39CEFFFF 2C0E0000 4181FFC0 9DDB0002 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000
Stand on an item (outside only), type 0000 into the chat, and press C+Left The hex code of the item you're standing on will be shown on screen. If you hold down C+left and run around, the value shown on screen will change in real time too.
TopShorter text to itemdragonboy269
286DFC80 9FEF6010 C0000000 0000000B 3F608062 637B5477 38A00000 3920000C 8D5B0002 2C0A003A 41800008 394A0009 714A000F 7D4A4830 7CA55214 3929FFFC 2C090000 4080FFDC 3F6090E3 3FC0805D 8BDE2477 1FDE0002 1FDE4360 7F7BF214 B0BBEB22 4E800020 E0000000 80008000
original by Maniac Type the 4 digit hex code for the item you want into the chat, submit your message and press Plus + Z + C
TopSingle Acre/Full town real-time search and replacedragonboy269
206E23C0 00004001 C0000000 00000015 3F608062 637B5477 3A200000 39200004 38A00000 8D5B0002 2C0A003A 41800008 394A0009 714A000F 7D4A4830 7CA55214 3929FFFC 2C090000 4080FFDC 3920000C 3B7B0002 3A310001 2C110002 41810018 4182000C 7CBE2B78 4BFFFFB8 7CA32B78 4BFFFFB0 3DC090E8 61CEF054 2C1E0018 41810014 1FDE0200 7DCEF214 3A2E01FE 48000008 3A2E31FE A76E0002 7C1B1800 40820008 B0AE0000 7C0E8800 4081FFEC 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000
(Maniac posted/compiled the original) Using this code, you can search and replace 1 acre at a time (you can choose which acre) You're probably thinking "Why would I wanna do that?" Well it can be pretty cool XD I made a town with a pattern of roses that alternates on every acre and it looks awesome. (it worked better for deseeding on AC:WW, but it's still cool on AC:CF) Anyway type xx yyyy zzzz into the chat, submit your message, and press C+left xx is the acre slot (it goes from left to right, then when it reaches the end it goes up one and starts at the left again) it can be anything from 00 to 18 (in hex). If you put something over 18, it'll do the entire town not just one acre. yyyy is the item to search for, and zzzz is the item to replace it with.
TopSpecial text to itemdragonboy269
206E23C0 00004000 C0000000 00000012 3F608062 637B5477 3A200000 39200000 38A00000 8D5B0002 2C0A003A 41800008 394A0009 714A000F 7D4A4830 7CA55214 3929FFFC 2C090000 4080FFDC 3A310001 2C110001 40820010 7CA32B78 3920000C 4BFFFFC0 3F6090E3 3FC0805D 8BDE2477 3A200000 623186C0 7E31F1D6 7F7B8A14 3863FFFF 2C030000 40800008 38630001 1C630002 7F7B1A14 B0BBEB22 4E800020 E0000000 80008000
Type xyyyy into the chat, submit your message and press C. x is the slot number and yyyy is the 4 digit item code.
TopUltimate Weed Pulling codedragonboy269
286DFC80 BFFB4004 C0000000 0000001D 38A00000 3DC090E8 61CEF054 A76E0002 2C1B0057 4180000C 2C1B005A 40810014 38A50001 2C051900 4081FFE4 4E800020 70A900FF 54A5C23E 3BC00005 7FC5F3D6 1DDE0005 7CAE2850 57CE2036 54B12036 7125000F 5529E13E 7E312A14 7DCE4A14 2C110010 40800010 56319818 3E310004 48000028 2C110030 40800014 3A31FFF0 5631901A 3E310082 48000010 3A31FFD0 5631881C 3E310101 2C0E0010 40800010 55CE9818 3DCE0004 48000028 2C0E0030 40800014 39CEFFF0 55CE901A 3DCE0082 48000010 39CEFFD0 55CE881C 3DCE0101 3E314400 3DCE4400 3FC080E6 963E17A8 91DE0008 4E800020 E0000000 80008000
This code searches the map for weeds, and if it finds one, itll instantly teleport your character to directly on top of the weed. press C+Down to teleport to a weed. You can hold these buttons down and just spam the B button to quickly pull weeds in your town (I haven't tested it in other towns but it should work there too)
TopView value at addressdragonboy269
206E23C0 00004004 C0000000 00000014 3F6092E3 637BC091 8A3B0000 2C11007A 4C820020 3A200000 8D5B0002 2C0A0030 41800020 2C0A0040 41800008 394AFFF9 714A000F 56312036 7E315214 4BFFFFDC 3F6092E3 637BC08F 3A31FFFF 39C00004 8FD10001 7FC5F378 57DEE13E 70A5000F 2C1E0009 40810008 3BDE0007 3BDE0030 2C050009 40810008 38A50007 38A50030 9FDB0002 9CBB0002 39CEFFFF 2C0E0000 4181FFC0 9DDB0002 4E800020 00000000 E0000000 80008000
type zXXXXXXXX into the chat, submit your message, and press C+Down, where XXXXXXXX is the address The value stored in the address will be displayed on screen. For example... To see the value in your pockets (if you're player 1) you'd type z90E2EB22, submit your message, and press C+down to see the 32 bit value stored there (it'll show your first 2 items)
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