Airport City

final kaoss

Staff member

Daily Reward​

Don't forget to check back for a daily reward.


Invest in some Power Plants to generate more electricity because the bigger your town/airport gets the more electricity you will need.


Although it costs try to expand your land whenever possible so you can build a bigger town/airport to generate more cash. The more runways you have, the more planes will be able to take off and land at any given time but keep in mind though that each plane needs it's own hangar and that costs.

Pilot Requests​

Although it will cost you fuel you can gain Gold coins and valuable Experience Points by allowing planes to land at your airport when you receive requests to land from pilots.

Rotate Runways​

To rotate the runways go to the bottom of the screen where the icons are located (shop, plane, box, treasure, people, arrow and gift) and tap the arrow icon, then just click on the orange and green arrows.
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