11 million heed Call of Duty: World at War

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What might be Activision and Treyarch's last shooter set during World War II mows down another retail milestone.
During its quarterly earnings call last month, Activision Blizzard revealed that Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare--likely the last Call of Duty game developed by Infinity Ward-- had sold 13 million units worldwide. Last week, Janco Partners analyst Mike Hickey predicted that its sequel, Modern Warfare 2 (sans prefix), will sell even faster, moving just over 11 million units in two months.

"In Soviet Union, video game plays you!"

Today, Activision announced another Call of Duty game has sold 11 million units--in seven months. According to the official Call of Duty: World at War Web site, the well-reviewed first-person shooter hit the impressive milestone the week after its second downloadable map pack was released. The first map pack, which has sold over 2 million units, went live on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network in March.

As part of Activision's developer-alternating strategy, Call of Duty: World at War was developed by Santa Monica, California-based Treyarch (Quantum of Solace). With Infinity Ward now focused on Modern Warfare 2 (and its inevitable sequels), Treyarch has apparently taken over the Call of Duty series, which will reportedly leave World War II behind. Unconfirmed leaks have the well-into-development project--code-named "Call of Duty 7"--being set during the Cold War in such conflict zones as Vietnam, Cuba, and post-colonial Africa.

Call of Duty is currently available for the DS, Wii, PlayStation 2, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. For more on the latter three versions of the game, check out the video review below.

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"11 million heed Call of Duty: World at War" was posted by Tor Thorsen on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 17:57:58 -0700

Posted on Mon, 15 Jun 2009 17:57:58 -0700 at http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/callofduty5/news.html?sid=6212036
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