101st Airborne

Cheats & Cheat Codes for pc games. This includes games on PC, Linux & Mac.

final kaoss

Staff member
  • Codes
Just type these codes during gameplay:
AirNormandy: soldiers re-jump into normandy.
AngryManDinners: soldiers are given food.
Iknow: displays all germans, equipment bags, and insides of buildings.
TraitorTraitor: current soldier surrenders.
PrisonPod: removes all parachutes.
Weasel: all soldiers on the map are made available.
YouGoSquishNow: all the germans on the map are killed.
Our free community is dedicated to US-based video gamers to provide a platform for exchange and support.
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PSA: we do not support cheating for online/mobile/multiplayer games, which may include trainers,
mod menu's, software to modify apps etc.
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