
  1. F

    Dissidia 012: Duodecim FF [ULES-01505] and [ULUS-10566]

    These are for the EUR version. Below the dash lines are the USA version codes. More to come. Caution: Just in case something happen it's better backup your savedata. Anything can happen. So be aware. Thankx to Baldassano and Platinum_X for these codes. Also thanks alvaritolalala for his sets...
  2. F

    Dissida 012 Duodecim [EU] [ULES-01505]

    _S ULES-01505 _G DDFF EU _C0 by La Mer _C0 Have All Equipments x99 _L 0x803BE41A 0x02A50004 _L 0x00000063 0x00000000 _C0 Have All Accessories x99 _L 0x803BEEC6 0x024D0004 _L 0x00000063 0x00000000
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