I'm not that knowledgeable in the fields of hacking, but I would like to work together with someone regarding this particular code. As a side-note, it seems that every single character in Wrath of Heaven has built-in player commands, as if they were intended to be used by the player...
#tenchou dark secret[eur] 'ntr-acup'
@infinite item slot 2
02218A74 00000017
@infinite item slot 3
02218A77 00000017
@huge amount of money
0212DB24 2E5BF271
@always play as
0221398C 0000000x
noteut tut [x] with coesponded value like this
@infinite health point...
_S ULUS-10419
_G Tenchu: Shodow Assassins
_C0 Max Shurikans
_L 0x00AD2694 0x0000000A
_C0 Max Bamboo Water
_L 0x00AD26C4 0x0000000A
_C0 Max Ninjato (Sword)
_L 0x00AD26A0 0x0000000A
_C0 Infinite Escapes(Rikimaru) No Glitch-(Enable in Game and Disable in Menu)
_L 0x008A2DD0 0x00000001
_C0 Max...