
  1. C

    TA-088 v1/v2 vs. TA-088v3?

    Hello, I need a little help with something. Been reading a lot, but not quite finding the answer. So here's the info: I have two PSP 2000 systems. Both currently have 6.20 PRO-B-5 Permanent. I ran PSPident 0.70 on both and here's the basic gist of what I found: White Star Wars PSP 2000...
  2. C

    CFW on TA-088v3?

    Ok first I will say that I am no stranger to PSP modding, I've just been away from the psp scene for 2 and a half years... Now I picked up a PSP Slim on a whim tonight and tomorrow I plan on getting a USB cable for it (so at the moment I can't do anything really) but I have to ask: Can a...
  3. C

    Determine if PSP slim has TA-088v3?

    Hi all, I have psp slim that I hack using the pandora battery. I install the Custom FirmWare : 5.50 GEN-D (Full) ----------------------- Now I want to know if my psp has the TA-088v3 motherboard. Is there a way to know?? thank you for you help
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