
  1. C

    PSO Sylverant Dreamcast-Talk, PSO Palace etc.

    Just wanted to publicly say that it is great that the dc pso community is finally together as one. No more drama. If you have yet to play PSO, you should give it a try. Aleron Ives made a ver. 1 PSO autoconnect iso. There are also other methods of connecting: a pso patch disk, a ver. 2...
  2. C

    April 5 PSO for PC PSO.EXE Hex Codes for Connecting to Sylverant

    The map fix hex code is quite alot sry.. I just wanted to post these codes here for any1 who wants to mod their pso.exe to work on sylverant. Yes, you could always simply download the sylverant pre-patched pso.exe's... But, some ppl would rather patch the codes themselves from a clean pso.exe...
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