Apple revealed the iPhone XS at a similar event on September 12, 2018. (credit: Valentina Palladino)
Apple released the seventh beta of iOS 13 today, and that release contained image files that seem to indicate that Apple will hold its next big iPhone unveiling event on September 10, 2019.
Enlarge (credit: Microsoft)
Windows 10's S Mode, the locked-down mode that permits only applications from the Microsoft Store, started out as a separate edition of Windows 10 that was locked down as soon as it was installed and had a one-time irreversible upgrade to unrestricted Windows 10...
While Amazon's Alexa successfully infiltrated homes via Echo devices over the past few years, the company reportedly continues to look for new ways that it can make homes smarter. According to a Bloomberg report, Amazon is secretly developing a "domestic robot" that may be a portable home for...
Is Nintendo struggling with HD data streaming?.
New evidence has indicated that the Wii U tablet controller may be struggling to live up to its original billing as a fully wireless peripheral.
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