
  1. C

    Tested RemoteJoyLite for PSPgo, anyone?

    i have windows xp sp3 and 6.35proB cfw. i followed all tutorials correctly, installed drivers and all the files are same version.. it seems the newest version of remotejoylite still cant show ingame visuals for PSPgo. only XMB. am i right?
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    RemoteJoyLite 0.19 Prob. [6.35 PRO-B3]

    Good Morning/Afternoon PSPers, I Have A Problem With My RemoteJoyLite 0.19 :(...The Graphics SUCKS Really Bad (I Don't Know If This Is Normal Or Not?)!!! Is There A Way To Make The Graphics Better (I Don't Worry About File Size BTW.) :cool: 101Kido :cool:
  3. C


    Could be a noob question lol but How do i record the PSP's XMB using this plugin?
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    RemoteJoyLite Running Games

    GEN-D3 with Prometheus-4. I've got RemoteJoyLite working so that the PSP screen shows up on the computer screen, but only on the Home screen (forgot what it's called). As soon as I try to enter a game (Patapon 3 in this case), the game gets an error - which happens when the plugin is activated...
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    remotejoylite - crappy sound capture

    i tried capturing sound earlier and wanted to shit myself after I plugged my PSP into my Line In and turned on "Enable WAV capture" is there any way to fix this, or are there any better alternatives out there for capturing sound?
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    RemoteJoyLite Crash Support

    PSP 3000 6.39PRO-B8 all plugins disabled EXCEPT remotejoylite.prx (latest version). plugins works perfectly in VSH but in game there are crashes. the program on windows freezes and crashes (even if its ran under administrator). game side its fine. im running windows 7 x32 with 2GB RAM...
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    RemoteJoyLite 0.19 and PSP2i.

    So, I'm trying to do a video with Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity, and I use CFW 6.39, along with RJL 0.19. The game boots up fine, but when I load the actually playable portion of it, I get this, along with no music: Those doors should be closed. The thing I'm standing on should have the...
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    PSP issues abound: Patapon 3 won't load and Remotejoylite crashes most games.

    I am running 6.20tn-d on a PSP go. Patapon 3 was running great on 6.35pro-b5, but now it freezes upon loading. It is a psn download. The only one that won't work. I think my version.txt is set to 6.39 because I can access psn but spoof version is turned off. Also Remotejoylite 0.19 crashes...
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    remotejoylite v.19 input problems

    Im trying to use a pc controller for the remotejoy input, but everything is all screwy. I know that it detects my controller cause the analog axis moves. Has anyone else had this problem and if so, what did you do to fix it(if it was fixed)? I have tried remotejoylite v. 0.19 and v0.20a...
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    RemoteJoyLite Linux

    im pretty sure the actual EXE would work under wine but the problem lies with USB PSP Driver B. how would i get that on lets say Ubuntu? does it even work with linux at all?
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