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    Lakka 2.3 released, features Raspberry Pi 4 support, RetroArch 1.7.8

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    Raspberry Pi admits to faulty USB-C design on the Pi 4

    The Raspberry Pi 4. [credit: Raspberry Pi ] The Raspberry Pi 4 was announced two weeks ago as a major new upgrade to the line of cheap single-board hobbyist computers. The Pi 4 featured a...
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    Raspberry Pi 4 just got released with a better CPU/GPU/RAM

    But is it a good choice for gaming and emulation?
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    The Raspberry Pi 4 brings faster CPU, up to 4GB of RAM

    The Raspberry Pi 4. [credit: Raspberry Pi ] Today, Raspberry Pi is introducing a new version of its popular line of single-board computer. The Raspberry Pi 4 Model B is the fastest Raspberry Pi...
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    Guidemaster: One-upping the NES Classic Edition with the Raspberry Pi 3 and RetroPie

    Andrew Cunningham In November 2016, Nintendo surprised everyone by going back to its roots and releasing the NES Classic. The delightful emulator/nostalgia-fest sparked unanticipated demand, including near-instant supply issues and 200-percent-plus markups in...
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    Potential uses of the raspberry pi on the dreamcast

    Most of us here are aware that the raspberry pi has been used to create the dream pi and make online gaming on the dreamcast easier for the masses within the community so I was wondering could the raspberry pi be used in other ways to expand the dreamcast capabilities. Could the CPU and RAM...
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