
  1. C

    Upgrading from 6.39 PRO-B8 to 6.60 PRO-B9

    First of all, is it worth doing? I'm ideally looking to keep up with the latest custom firmware updates and hopefully still be able to use my PSP with my PS3 Secondly, if it is worth doing how would one go about doing it? Is it just a simple case of copying the "Pro Update" and "Fast Recovery"...
  2. C

    NES Emulator on 6.39 PRO-B8 not working

    I'm running 6.39 PRO B-8 and I have tried almost every NES and SNES emulator and none seem to work. The NES one keeps shwoing "Corrupted Data" in the menu and the SNES Emulator crashes on exit. Please Help!!!
  3. C

    6.39 Pro-B8 downgrade to 5.00m33?

    Is this possible im sort of new to hacking and i have seen most of the good themes are for 5.00m33 and i dont know if its possible to install on my 6.39 Pro i have a PSP 3000 (Gran turismo edition if that helps) and i really want the Large Original III theme.
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    Prince of Persia Revelation on Go 6.20 PRO-B8

    Hi, I copied pop revelation eur version in my psp go with 6.20 PRO-B8, and it freezes at the menu and switches off the console. I once tried the same game on a psp 3004 with 5.03 gen-d, but it switched of the console even sooner. Is there anyway to make this game run ? Is there some fix or...
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    ISO question about 6.20 Pro-b8

    So I just got a big enough memory stick to hold PSP ISOs but when I throw the ISO into the game folder (I've thrown it in there with and without being in a folder) it just comes up as corrupted. Am I missing something about PSP ISOs?
  6. C

    What are the benefits of 6.20 PRO-B8?

    Hey I have a PSP 3000 and I downloaded and installed (have) 6.20 PRO-B8. Is this Custom Firmware? and I know it can play isos and I have 2 game isos on my psp :D but what else can I do? The thing is I only have barely have any mbs on my psp after I downloaded the 2 isos. :(. So again the...
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    IdolMaster SP on 6.20 pro-b8

    Is it possible to get IdolMaster SP to run on a PSP 3000 running 6.20 pro-b8? The first time I tried it just gave me an error and said it couldn't run it. Then I installed the patch that I linked below. When I tried running it again on my PSP it just came up as a corrupted file. Thank god it was...
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    Games that run on PSP 3004 Version CF 6.39 Pro-B8

    Hi Members:D I just updated my PSP to Version CF 6.39 Pro-B8 :)......Now i want to know that it can run ISO of games like Metal gear solid-Peace walker that's of size around 1.5 Gb Approx. Help me with it members. I am always Thank full for ur keen suggestion
  9. C

    Problem with 6.39 PRO-B8 CFW

    Alright, so I downloaded and tried out the 6.39 PRO-B8 CFW, downloaded a few .ISOs and a few .CSOs, installed the thing on my PSP model 2001, and everything ran perfectly. I played for about an hour, then exited the game, and turned the PSP off. When I came back, I tried to play again, and got...
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    Need help with PRO-B8

    I recently installed the CFW on my PSP, but allot of plugins wont show in the Plugin list. Like CXMB and much more. Also whenever i try to use cheats on GTA CW or Gran Turismo the game just crashes and the PSP restarts. Is there something i should be looking for? Am i using the wrong...
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