
  1. F

    AMF Bowling Pinbusters!

    Game ID: YAFE-9106617D ----- Source: Codejunkies Player 1: Max Psyche Power 021e0dd0 00000064 CPU: No Psyche Power 021e0f04 00000000 Always Bowl a Perfect Game 021e0a0c 0000001e 021e0a10 0000003c 021e0a14 0000005a 021e0a18 00000078 021e0a1c 00000096 021e0a20 000000b4 021e0a24 000000d2...
  2. F

    AMF Bowling Pinbusters!

    Better throws When you are bowling, go far to one of the sides. If you do not, you will have a big curve that you cannot control.
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